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Kuni, Rambo, Why do we post at the GF?


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You'd probably enjoy it, the original was around 1961 and the remake was mid-ninties. The science fiction novel was called The Midwich Cuckoos (offhand I don't recall the author) and is probable difficult to find at this point.

Lord of the Flies is a lot of things to a lot of different people. At The Writing Club I started a thread on characters we hate the most and for me it was, and is, Piggy! He's worse than evil, he's depressingly annoying. The only good thing Roger did in that novel was in dropping a rock on Piggy's head! :D

I love Golding's novel and think both movies, especially the original, are good in different ways. The b/w British version is almost as good as reading the book. Yes, I can see where Group Mind would be strong in that story, perhaps the salient point of the plot.

Schindler's List is also a good example except, of course, many millions of Germans also did things along those lines regarding the nazis. It's hard to act when your own children have been brainwashed and are eager to achieve recognition by reporting their parents for listening to British radio broadcasts. One can only imagine all the innocent parents falsely turned in by their own children who sought further approval and recognition in the eyes of the party and their Hitler Youth leaders.

Another fictional example of Group Mind would be George Orwell's 1984. In that example the whole thing is taken to an extreme where indifidual thought has been all but eradicated through group conditioning.

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What can I say John.

Accept for a brief moment in time, during the summer, when I finally got tired of the crap being directed towards Les the Sarge, I have always been me consistently.

I bear YOU know ill will John, but if a friend screws me over in one thread, they don't become a friend later in another.

If that person speak ill of me on one forum, I don't assume them to be a better person on another.

So considering all you have said about the Peng group, and all that I know that some of them have done and said, that you can actually sit there and insist on calling them friends, regardless, makes me wonder, how is it you measure a friendship in the first place?

I have seen what you have said of people at one location, only to not uphold that view at another.

I don't know what you wish to call that sort of behaviour, but consistent it isn't John.

Kuni is the only person to ever get "banned" from my forum.

His an idiot, and he can't seem to avoid being one. I asked him to refrain from a behaviour at my site, he refused flat out refused.

Thus I banned him.

Yes I talk about other forums on other forums.

it might annoy some, but like I don't really care.

People can just accept the responsibility of what they say regardless of where they say it, and they can just live with their publicly uttered remarks.

I was fabbergasted when you actually posted that if I didn't delete your account from my forum, you would actually get Invision to do it by force.

That was quite the statement John. And for those interested, it's still there too.

I am sorry for forcing you to accept that some people occasionally expect a person to mean what they say when they say it. But there it is.

I think you are seeing why Dorosh calls me dangerous though.

I am

A. not really liimited by only having Battlefront to hang out at.


B. not afraid to tell ANYONE what I think.

What is unfortunate, is a lot of what you claim of Mountain Man (yes I am not afraid to say his name), remains unknowable to me and unprovable due to the constant creation deletion process that has dogged your forums as well as CTs.

Mountain Man is grumpy, that much I know. But I have no evidence have not seen anything to which would deserve your response.

I do though, have a copy of the entirely vicious post you posted to him.

Yes I have a copy of that post John.

I have not shown it to Mountain Man, and I am not planning on showing it to him.

I am just glad he never saw it.

You can't claim the high ground John when I possess proof you are no better than those you complain of.

I DO possess proof of the actions of your enigmatic Peng friends/not friends though.

I DO know the full measure of certain persons (whom hide behind multiple IDs but hide who they really are about as well as I do on forums where I don't go by Les.

How you can call them friend is a mystery to me, but not important.

After the way you forcibly removed yourself from my forum, I am unable to determine how you decide what a fiend is John.

I posted quite a lot of very long very heartfelt posts on your forums. You certainly know how I think. But those forums are also deleted. So a lot of good the effort was.

In the end John, I am YOUR history. How you deal with it is up to you.

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This thread is getting better and better!

Maybe I should go search for that logo again afterall!

Wrong, newbie arsholer!!! I mean what I write, but I just don't think it's a matter of life and death.
Aaah, how I miss Comrade Trapp!

A R S H O L E R, now here's a word to ponder upon. :eek:

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Wrong, newbie arsholer!!! I mean what I write, but I just don't think it's a matter of life and death. Sometimes Im exaggerating(as with you) to prove a point.

Comprende Don Quixote?

I've been here for over a year, almost a year and a half.

I don't know how much time you have to spent at a forum to get rid of the 'newbie' status but I know I'm not willing to give that amount of time to being insulted by you.

And where the hell did Don Quichote come from?? :confused:

So you meant it when you called me an arsholer and a pussy?That's nice to know.

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Puppy love smile.gif

Roosevelt, just play along, he's harmless,really, just a bit retarded.

JJ and me once discovered a lot about Kuni when we were working for SCTV.Among other things we talked to his grandmother, man, the things we heard there were not pretty.

Too bad CT's Forum is gone where we stored all the intell on Kuni and his masturbation sekt.

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Yes, and yes. The stakes can get pretty high sometimes, even to the point of the risk of death. I mean, can any of us here imagine what it would be like living in Nazi Germany and having serious internal questions about whether you agree with Hitler and his policies? Who among us would speak up, when to speak up would mean certain death?

To bring this back somewhere near the topic of this thread, who here simply stands for themselves, without the need to find approval or validation from (nor denegrate) other members of this or any other forum?

That, my friend, is what I believe to be the doorway to greatness.

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You're embarrassing yourself.

Screwed you? You've already forgotten your little adventure with Rex at House of Games where you kicked me in the nuts when I made you coadmin.

Believe I'm a hypocrite or whatever stupidity you're peddaling but, Please, for your own sake, shut up already!

Enough of your defamation of character, take your dirty laundry somewhere else and stop saying people are idiots, there may be more than a few who feel that way about you by now!

One more word about me and I'll e-mail Battlefront with a formal complaint about you. Is that plain enough? You're ridiculous!

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Originally posted by it's Les:

I am just no friend to stupidity is all.

And some days I would like to lock the lot of you up with Mad Cow's Steakhouse and show you whiners what smack looks like.

You have obviously gone bananas.

Les, you are an old time veteran here so let me tell you the truth. For like the last year and a half you have been grumpy and complaining about almost everything. Why is that?

I, the fascist bastard you banned from your site needs rolemodels. You are a legend, me and Rambo & Kurt can learn so much about you like how to write illogical 2 pages long postings and retire 4 times in row complaining about the hostile environment over here. Instead you chose well...to be grumpy...and be more grumpy...and well yes whine about howw grumpy everyone else are. Now you attack Jersey and says he got himself to blame for beeing grumpy and then you throw a cat fight about who was grumpy the longest and played wargames in a grumpy mode back in the 50's. That is so pathetic, it's like Shaq O'Neill playin the paralympics wheel-chair basketball tourney.

Anyway, you attack people like some kind of Jason Vorhees from frday the 13th movies urging for this to be a slaughterhouse of insults while we try to not camp at Crystal lake in the first place. You see what I'm getting at? Then you try to literally dress up Jersey to be Mrs Vorhees and say that she I mean he is responsible for her sons actions but Jersey prtobably has not even seen all movies of that series!!! You see what I'm getting at??

Look the thing here is to stick together. If you not like us - tough. We like SC, we like Hubert hell we even like Huberts mother probably. And people who like each other stands up for each other. You can't play a NBA game without a good guard...same thing applies here.

Now. We all've seen the horrible unjust religious hedon attacks on the sacred brother Rambo. And we all seen how they treat belgians around here. So we need to work together...to quote the Lord of the rings movies; "form ranks maggots" and maybe more fitting "unite or you will fall".

Les I will explain; Les Dorosh aint but sometimes acts like Sauron. This makes kwazydog Saruman. They are looking to control the middle earth(that would be the general forum) but they need the smack to do it. One smack to rule them all. One smack to find them and in the darkness bind them! But unfortunately for them we the brave hobbitts got the smack hidden in Rambo baggins. Now, we can't let them have our good ole' smack can we? Problem is we can't use smack on them like in the movies because the smack belongs to Seanachai, Dorosh etc so if we use it they can see where we are and what we are doing.

So like the fellowship we must reach mount doom and throw the smack into the fire destroying it for all time. To do that we must stick up for each other, unite and bring forth peace, love and understanding instead to change the attitude in the GF.

Question now is; do you want to be Gollum the treachous or Faramir the loyal brother?

it's up to you.

[ October 09, 2004, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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That thread was a gem, I wish Comrade would have given some advanced warning that he intended to delete the place so we could have copied some of the threads there to other places.

Big Dog

True, what a nightmare. There's that scene in 1984 where the bit party supporter is turned in by his son and babbles about what a fine kid he is -- sure, a real prize! :D

America worries me at times when it starts the Politically Correct nonsense. What the hell is that about, it sounds like a Stalinist term.

When I left the Air Force I was invited to join The American Legion and didn't when I saw they had things like Americanism officers. That sort of term still makes me shudder, it invokes memories of the Black List and Red Scare and the Senator McCarthy paranoid hysteria of the 1950s.

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Question now is; do you want to be Boromir the treachous or Faramir the loyal brother?

Actually, as I remember it, Boromir dies a heroic death defending Frodo while Faramir lives and marries Eowyn becoming the prince of a land I can't remember the name of.And don't forget that Faramir was the actual betrayer by not reporting the ring to his father. :D
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Originally posted by Roosevelt45(the 2nd):

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Wrong, newbie arsholer!!! I mean what I write, but I just don't think it's a matter of life and death. Sometimes Im exaggerating(as with you) to prove a point.

Comprende Don Quixote?

I've been here for over a year, almost a year and a half.

I don't know how much time you have to spent at a forum to get rid of the 'newbie' status but I know I'm not willing to give that amount of time to being insulted by you.

And where the hell did Don Quichote come from?? :confused:

So you meant it when you called me an arsholer and a pussy?That's nice to know. </font>

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Les I will explain; Les Dorosh aint but sometimes acts like Sauron. This makes kwazydog Saruman. They are looking to control the middle earth(that would be the general forum) but they need the smack to do it. One smack to rule them all. One smack to find them and in the darkness bind them! But unfortunately for them we the brave hobbitts got the smack hidden in Rambo baggins. Now, we can't let them have our good ole' smack can we? Problem is we can't use smack on them like in the movies because the smack belongs to Seanachai, Dorosh etc so if we use it they can see where we are and what we are doing.

So like the fellowship we must reach mount doom and throw the smack into the fire destroying it for all time. To do that we must stick up for each other, unite and bring forth peace, love and understanding instead to change the attitude in the GF.

Question now is; do you want to be Boromir the treachous or Faramir the loyal brother?

it's up to you.

This is pure genius!! :D:D

Keep it coming lads, I'll go get the others and some beer!

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Originally posted by kurt88:

Roosevelt, just play along, he's harmless,really, just a bit retarded.


You flip flop more than John Kerry. For Kuni, against Kuni. Kuni is deranged, Kuni is a genious. Kuni masturbates, Kuni does'nt masturbate etc. Kuni this Kuni that.

Now to relate this to sc...

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Les --- Do you behave the same way in real life? Everytime something goes bad, you quit? I'll give you a hint, the reason you're always complaining, probably has something to do with a thing called, a job. Remember, your foul (fowl) mouth & personal attacks against a Made-Man (Sir Jersey) are out of line.

Do you even play wargames?

I suggest you take your lame personality over to the GF, go complain about how bad you have it in life & it's somebody else fault. Go complain about the government & the little old ladies in church, it seems to be your speciality.

Les, let me give you a few more pointers. Clean yourself up. Get a shave & haircut, buy some new clothes. Go get a job, then take your first paycheck & visit the local steakhouse.

Dwelling in the SC-Forum is for SC-Players & real men.

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For those that don't know, I was once upon a time Butch, yes I was Butch.

I told John I had no intention of being a mod if I had to be a mod as well as be me simultaneously.

After two very unfortunate stints of being a mod, both cases proving I sucked at being a mod, I decided the only way I would be a mod was as someone else.

Now in the fullness of time, John "gave" me House of Games. Yes you heard me, he "gave" me the forum.

Now if I was indeed the nasty backstabber, naturally I would have just arbitrarily deleted the forum eh.

But John axed my interest in his forums by threatening me with Invision.

At that point, I really did npot think I could logically see myself participating on his forums.

Remember, if I am not liked, I am not liked eh. No magical effect transpires just because I am on a new forum.

So I said my good byes to ALL of John's creations.

Including House of Games which was MY forum John, you did give it to me after all.

So I posted a sign saying forum for sale.

It was the limit of my interest in it at that time.

John spun it into a nasty back stabbing, when really, all I did was post the forum was in need of management, because Butch was moving on.

John, none of your forums have ever belonged to any other than the person(s) that created them.

All the warm fuzzies won't alter that.

Even when you appear to sincerely give them away.

John I am NOT embarassing myself.

Everyone already knows it's Les is Les, the same Les everyone has already known for several years.

I am not sure though, that your name is doing any better.

Please email BF if you are unable to handle how I am willing to talk about all the things you have assumed were safely deleted.

I have not defamed your character, merely held a strong light up to it.

Being banned here won't kill me.

I am fortunate to not be dependent on just one forum.

I don't have any specific beef with any specific member here any more than they have a beef with me.

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As an appointed admin you couldn't delete House of Games, that was never your option, only mine. And of course it was never your site to put up for sale either. But never fear, both Butch and Les were expunged from the place. And rejoice, your stupidity pretty much ruined it so you succeeded. Kind of reminds me of what a spiteful child would have done, so be proud of yourself, you've got all the qualities of a resentful twelve year old.

As to your vafious pontifications, it isn't that I can't handle your slanderous bull****, it's only that you've turned into a gossiping fool. Stop bandying my name about.

If you want to do this at your own forum, with your buddy who glories in having been kicked out of so many other places, that's your business.

You aren't the bringer of truth, only a back stabbing gossip and I'm forced to treat you like one even though it's against my inclinations.

Brother Rambo,

Thanks for your support. I don't understand his problem, I only wish he'd either take it someplace else or shut the hell up. I swear he's beginning to remind me of Hedda Hopper or one of those other old time gossip columnists!

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Originally posted by it's Les:

Kuni is the only person to ever get "banned" from my forum.

His an idiot, and he can't seem to avoid being one.

Thanks Les. I was never banned you just terminated my membership in case of something happening.

Oh and thx for for referring to me and Jersey as idiots. Is that better or worse than beeing a silly twit?

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by it's Les:

Kuni is the only person to ever get "banned" from my forum.

His an idiot, and he can't seem to avoid being one.

Thanks Les. I was never banned you just terminated my membership in case of something happening.

Oh and thx for for referring to me and Jersey as idiots. Is that better or worse than beeing a silly twit? </font>

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Hmm if I was Moon would I even care about this thread....possibly not.

Then, who on this thread is actually being slanderous technically?

Well I think that much is obvious.

Will I report the comments directed at me?

Nah, there would have to be a point.

But you guys just go on being as you wish.

At the very least, you are likely doing more damage to yourselves than I could myself.

Generally speaking, people can read, and they will likely draw whatever conclusions they wish.

Will it hurt the game? probably not.

Will it hurt your reputations? Well that depends on whether the damage matters.

John you gave me House of Games, you were quite explicit.

Now if you wish to after the fact say you did not, then I feel no regret saying you sir are a liar.

Having been found guilty of dishonesty, I have to let you know, all you have said has to be held suspect.

Kuni you WERE banned, I should know, I am the one that banned you.

You can deny that if you wish, but it really doesn't matter to me.

Gee can you feel the love?

For any reading this unfortunate spectacle, remember, SC is indeed a good game, and you don't necessarily require any of us here to enjoy it.

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E-mailed to Battlefront at 7:15 pm EST today.


I'm sorry to say I have to write to express a formal complaint about Les, or Just Les, formerly Les the Sarge, formerly Les the Sarge 9-1, formerly Les the Sarge 9-1b.

His continuous defaming posts at SC regarding things aren't even relevant to Battlefront have moved to the point of being beyond tolerance. I don't believe you want your website filled with spillover antagonisms from elsewhere, or any antagonisms at all, for that matter.

I've advised Les publicly that I would be sending you a formal complaint if he didn't stop, that three or four of his posts back, and he's continued posting his defaming remarks.

I am not blameless [yes, I realize that's a shock! smile.gif ] I started a thread that I hoped would make the current mudslinging at the GF seem humorous. Some of us read it that way but Les, unfortunately, has his own preset agenda and applied it to the thread.

If I saw any other way to handle this I would. Unfortunately I don't. I have myself made several hostile remarks to Les, who I don't see as an enemy, but I feel they have mainly been along the lines of self-defense. I bitterly resent his implications that I'm a liar and a hypocrite and other things and see no reason why either myself or anyone else should have to put up with them. Nor do I see a need for him to post such garbage on your website.

For my part I offer my apologies, in any case, it wasn't me who brought the spillover or name calling and slanders into that thing.


John, screen name JerseyJohn

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Will SC2 have bi-weekly turns and regional weather conditions?....I really was not in favor of the winter turn which affected non winter areas like North Africa...what's funny is that in this SC2 forum, my post in this thread could be considered trolling.....go figure!

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@Les --- Dude, what is wrong with you? Out of all the people to go after, you choose Sir Jersey? Don't you understand he is a Made-Man? Only another Made-Man can go after a Made-Man! You're not in that caliber!

Les, I've had a few bumps in the road with Sir Jersey..."The German Worshiper Conspiracy" & "The Anti-Christ lives statement". But remember this, once some harsh statements are said, there are ways to resolve emotional situations. Admitting when you're wrong, doesn't show weakness, it's shows strength. Right is might, the Truth can run around naked, Lies gotta be covered up.

I suggest you decide on a name, get a clue, & resolve this manner with Sir Jersey.

Everybody's All-American,


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