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Kuni, Rambo, Why do we post at the GF?


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Deus volt(or dieu le veult, which is historicaly more correct, since this happened in France)was what the people shouted when Pope Urbanus the somaniest called forth the first real crusade.

it means : it's god's will!

This will to convert the minds of the CM-players to the only true faith: SC(2) reminds me of the Catholic propaganda during the crusades.

I would also like to remind you followers of the good faith tongue.gif that the crusaders were slaughtered by the arabs. ;)

Let's face it: there are a lot more CM-players(i'm talking about the people who play the game Combat Misson, not the person)then SC-players.We'll just have to learn to live with it.

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Originally posted by Roosevelt45(the 2nd):

Deus volt(or dieu le veult, which is historicaly more correct, since this happened in France)was what the people shouted when Pope Urbanus the somaniest called forth the first real crusade.

it means : it's god's will!

This will to convert the minds of the CM-players to the only true faith: SC(2) reminds me of the Catholic propaganda during the crusades.

I would also like to remind you followers of the good faith tongue.gif that the crusaders were slaughtered by the arabs. ;)

Let's face it: there are a lot more CM-players(i'm talking about the people who play the game Combat Misson, not the person)then SC-players.We'll just have to learn to live with it.

You are a pussy. The real crusaders were outnumbered but still went to liberate the holy land. Now you say -"hey guys you know what. Combat mission is an awesome game so lets leave it be. Let those trolls have the place for themselves"

You gotta be some typical pacifist liberal who could'nt give a damn about suffering or equality. What if US and UK during world war 2 would have said -"-hey guys you know what. German occupation of Belgium is an awesome thing so lets leave it be. Let those SS murderers have the place for themselves"

That arguement sucks. As proud members of this board I'd say it's time we join arms with kwazydog and Moon and blow that hellhouse out. You see moderators are like the United nations, good in theory but without power in reality. Realise what would happen if sc 2 would be a smash-hit and those CM players start comin over here. Dorosh, Seanachai, Fairbaird and the rest barbecueing your little pink roosevelt-wheenie over open fire. You like that defaitist, sure you aint french? Son of a punk!!!

To the rest of you;


Quit beeing a pussy. You got talent but starts crying when they pick on you. Be a man and grab your balls. Stop beeing a woz, lets stand up for each other.

Kurt 88

Stop going on vacation and start to take responsibility for the sc-players. Remember the logo?

John J Rambo

Can't you combine the gospel-preaching with some old fashion smack. Everytime you visit the GF you quote the bible instead of talkin smack.

Tim the Enchanter

You are brave, beware of troll-labeling though.

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I don't care what anybody plays.

What I do care about is people forming into their own society and banding together to impose their will over others. And that's what they've been doing. I'm not alone in saying this, the problem is most of the others have stopped posting there because it's too aggravating.

There were too many times when I'd write a post and have three characters immediately jump in and tell me to go back to my own site with Gaylord. Personally I think they should be banned. Zero tolerance, no witch hunts and no harrassing of other members.

Not long ago I liked those people but they've changed, now they're attempting to become a law unto themselves. A few days ago I was told, by another member, what I could post and where I could post it. I like the guy and respect him, but told him where he put his demands.

That's what I'm talking about, not whether anyone plays CM or SC or pickupsticks, that's all irrelevant.

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Kaptain Kuni

You're kind of tough on Roosevelt, I think.

As for me, I deserve what you said. I am a woosie. I tood your advice and grabbed my gonads and now I'm sitting here weeping because it hurts. Pathetic, I know. You're right. And because you're right I'm crying even harder, it hurts Kuni, it really does! :eek: ;)

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Kuniworth, you fascist bastard, I'm seriously considering downloading the demo of CM :mad: .

your comparation with the invasion of the Low Countries does not make any sense at all, and for your information, the crusaders got their asses kicked, and were thrown out of the holy land before they had a chance of doing any converting at all.

you also made another idiot remark about the French,who are the only ones who have any right of complaining about the state this forum is in.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

JJ, I agree with all of your arguments but maybe you should take a look at Kuniworth before you talk about tolerance on BF.

I am sooooooooo ****ing pissed. My opinion on this entire debate(because that what this has turned into) has just drasticaly changed, Kuniworth,I think you're acting like an incredible hypocrit.

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I think Kuniworth meant it all tongue in cheek.

This whole thread, from my point of view, was intended in that vein, I don't really see us as waging a war against the CM crowd and I doubt anyone else does, including Kuniworth.

If I were Belgian I'd also take umbrage to those remarks, but, as I said, I'm sure he didn't mean them the way they came out.

Must I really take a close look at Kuniworth's statements? Am I being punished or something? :D

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That's the spirit!

Stregnth Through Nonsense! It sounds nobler in Latin, I hope someone will do the translation.

So here we are off to the Crusades! ;)

My favorite is when the church, in deperation, encouraged those misguided children to launch one. They proceeded to Marsielles and Nice where a pair of kindly fleet owners named Will of Iron and William the Pig provided free passage. No charge, next stop Tunis and Algiers and the Moorish slave markets! :eek: :D


Naturally the alltime best Crusade was the Fourth, where Venetian and Genoesse merchants also gave the crusaders free passage, this time they were asked to perform one liile favor, sack and pillage (Christian!) Constantinople on their way to Jerusalem. Naturally, by the time they were finished they were too depleted to go on to the Holy Land and the big winners were the Moslems, who, with the Byzantine's mortally stricken by their fellow christians, were able to conquer most of Asia Minor almost immediately. :rolleyes::D


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I know our country is not looked upon as significant by most of the posters here on this forum, nor at GF.

All kinds of lunatics roam this place and they all think their word is the word of god.

Luckily most of them reside at GF and not here, although there are exceptions.


JJ is not the one to convince here. If there is anybody here who is ready to discuss any topic in a reasonable manner and listen/reply to people with respect, he's the man.

And even Kuni has shown courage at the battlefield.We have to admit he's crazy and deranged, afterall he is from Sweden, but he never has evil intentions and is only out there to stimulate and challenge our own non-Swedish brain in a way we never experienced before.

These guys are my friends here and I hope they will become yours aswell.

I hope you'al be getting along now children! tongue.gif

Laat je niet door Kuni jennen, hij is echt ok hoor.Je moet gewoon een tijdje aan hem wennen, zijn wegen zijn, wel ondoorgrondelijk.

Lees maar eens en bekijk zijn website, de man is echt ongelooflijk! :D

Going back on holidays, playing golf,reading up on the Holy Word and drinking brew!

kurt88,softie from Belgium <<<<<<<<<<<<<< OUT!!!

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Originally posted by Roosevelt45(the 2nd):

Kuniworth, you fascist bastard, I'm seriously considering downloading the demo of CM :mad:


You're crackin me up. Come on Roosie, chill out. This is a forum not the real life, we post here to entertain. Who the hell got time to be pissed about stuff around here. Get a gip, loosen up and have fun. I never take anything said around here seriously, and I really mean it. I AM NEVER UPSET because of what is said here. I rather find it amusing most of the time.

You got potential Roosie, welcome!

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"Kuniworth, you fascist bastard... "

I didn't notice that, guess I automatically saw commie instead of fascist! :D

True, nobody should take these remarks to heart. Which is the problem with the people we were discussing in here, they take it all seriously and form closed societies based on it.

Sick stuff, really.

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

... they take it all seriously and form closed societies based on it.

The term for that is "Group Mind." An amusing 'game' is to watch for who's forming a group mind with whom, and noting the dynamics of it. It happens everywhere all the time to everybody, give or take. Many people base their entire self worth on their status with their various peers they've formed group minds with.
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I've never heard that term before but I like it a lot.

I was over there before reading something and pretty much agreeing with the person posting his opinion of the general forum and then he went off on a rant about how great the CM crowd is and how dumpy the SC crowd is and I thought, The guy's an idiot after all.

He was promptly reinforced by another CM player saying exactly the same thing and listing the names of other people in their group and I thought, I liked this guy but he's another idiot.

I don't so much object to being part of a group mind, as you say, we have to be one way or another (unless we're living like Robinson Crusoe, and even he had his goats), but to be identified with a group that drives around in electron tanks and blows up other electron tanks, that's pretty sad.

The first person said "CM is the price of admission to the General Forum." Only idiots say things like that. I read it and read the shill and really felt disgusted. Pardon me while I go off and vomit in disgust.

Group Mind,

I recently saw the original version of Village of the Damned and it's remake from more than thirty years later. One of the interesting points in the remake was the one member who rebels against being a part of that group mind. I remember not caring for the remake when I saw it in a theater with my wife, but that was an interesting plot twist.

Unlike those glowing eyed children, our own group mind lemmings are not blessed with any superior powers I've been able to make out. But then I'm don't play CM so I guess I wouldn't be able to.

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J is not the one to convince here. If there is anybody here who is ready to discuss any topic in a reasonable manner and listen/reply to people with respect, he's the man.

I agree and never implied anything else.

Appearantly, I took those remarks way too seriously but I just don't like to be called pacifist, liberal and french as if they are some kind of insults.

Anyway, as I understand from the different reactions on my post(Kuni's laughter included)Kuniworth rarely says anything he means so I guess I'll 'chill out' ;) .

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John you are a self proclaimed "non wargamer".

So the question before you is, why are you even here fretting over a handful of fanatical "actual wargamers" and their lousy online social skills?

Battlefront, every square inch of it, is a wargamer forum, through and through.

It's really just what it is, and not at all anything else.

Some parts are rather obsessed with themselves, and some (Politics) rather outright socially hostile.

I could suggest a few places you might like if you are looking for a bit less "wargamer type" hassle.

Then again, I have a friend with a gardening forum, and those ladies can get right in your face over flowers eh smile.gif

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You completely missed the point.

I could care less about discussions being wargame oriented. I post here because I'm interested in the Second World War and history and I've played a lot of SC. As far as wargames go, I started playing them before you were born. When I say I'm not a wargamer I mean I don't rush off to buy every wargame that hits the market and I don't play them hundreds of times to find out all the secrets in the program.

The situation at the GF that bothers me is there's a small group that bands together there, from the CM part of this forum, and they attempt to dominate the place and even to dictate what people can or can't post.

I remember last year when, as Les The Sarge 9-1b YOU were so upset about this and about the way you were treated THERE that you made a legnthy post in THIS Forum saying you were tired of being mistreated and would never return, etc & etc.. If you want I'll find that post and link it and see what you were saying at that time.

As far as defining Battlefront goes, as I recall you've posted farewell addresses here at least three times, so please don't try to appear as one of place's representitives. You aren't.

Thanks for the sites offers, I'm not interested in gardening and not interested in The Wargamer or Matrix Games, whatever. Finding them would not be a great challenge.

Many of your latest remarks are only a pale imitation of the Peng bunch, except you aren't as good at it. Even if you were your views are limited to telling people where they should post and what they should say. It isn't acceptable from them and it isn't acceptable from you.

Les, please don't attempt to usher me out of the place, you'll only end up looking very foolish.

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Everyone already knew all that John.

But it isn't just a small group John and unlikely just a few people you had trouble with on your own forum.

I realise you might not have much interest in other sites, but the trouble is, not experiencing other forums, only hurts you.

You likely will be totally unprepared to maybe enjoy the next game that is similar to SC, only because you won't even know it exists.

As for playing wargames before I was born, nice sounding comment, but that misses a small detail, when you remove table top miniatures from the assessment, my birth predates commercial wargaming.

So unless you meant your playing of chess, that comment achieved little in the end.

I am not interested in the Peng group, hell Dorosh considers me dangerous, I am not his friend.

I am just no friend to stupidity is all.

As for ushering you out of the place, not in my power, nor even my desire.

This is "just Battlefront" to me.

After they release SC2, I might not have a lot of use for the place, or I might stick around.

Either way, I am active on other forums. Some more than others.

I discuss more than just wargames, but I am also more than a wargamer.

Thing is though, if I was only interested in history, and only devoted to history, I could find much better venues than a wargame company's forum.

Historychannel.com is just one example of where knowledge of a wide range of topics, military included, is required in order to have a decent discussion.

Now granted, Historychannel has it's own troubles with miscreants, opinioned idiots and poorly educated nutcases.

It comes with being on the interent and open to all of humanity, the good and the bad.

Yes I said my farewells in the past, I meant them at the time as well. But then again, freedom is about being able to chose ain't it.

I might have gotten banned in the past and then I would not be here in the first place too of course.

In the end though, this is a SC forum, sitting on a Battlefront forum which is according to the actions of the owners about their way of doing it because that's the way they want it.

You have forums, we all know that of course (although why you have not repaired the broken links in your sig escapes me).

I was part of them for a time. They were what they were.

You were always free to make them be whatever they were. That they have become what they are, or will be, has always been something that YOU bear full responsibility. Thus, it is really no one else's fault in the final analysis.

It was unfortunate how you chose to leave from mine. But then you made your choice, and it was indeed yours to make.

You might not like my pointing that all out John. But then again, you claim to be significantly older, the burden then is for you to behave even more wise as well.

If you want to camp in here and complain about Dorosh and his evil crew, you are going to have to accept it might look a little juvenile in some cases.

Not to mention, you seem willing to be part of your own little crew.

We have the Peng group, and we have the Kuni crusaders.

I think both groups look silly.

And some days I would like to lock the lot of you up with Mad Cow's Steakhouse and show you whiners what smack looks like.

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Everyone already knew all that John.

But it isn't just a small group John and unlikely just a few people you had trouble with on your own forum.

My own forum is not wargame, or even game, oriented. I created two offshoots, one for games and the other for general discussion when the original, which was and is meant for writing, was being swamped. The problems I had there with people were dealt with there. My problem with those in general forum is they've carried those things back here. Which isn't surprising as they originally brought their GF problems to The Writing Club and that was a problem from the start.

It no longer persists as that crowd has, thankfully, taken their group mind mentality and gone elsewhere. As long as all concerned are happy it's okay.

You have forums, we all know that of course (although why you have not repaired the broken links in your sig escapes me).

Thanks for noticing. The system won't allow me to alter my profile. It tells me I'm not logged in regardless of how often I log out and back in or hit F5 (refresh) delete or reinstall the cookies -- I've tried all of that including uninstalling SC from my computer and reinstalling it. Nothing works. I've E-mailed Martin (Moon) about this and it seems the only way would be to request Battlefront do it manually, which is a request I'll probably make later in the week.

I was part of them for a time. They were what they were. You were always free to make them be whatever they were. That they have become what they are, or will be, has always been something that YOU bear full responsibility. Thus, it is really no one else's fault in the final analysis.

I have no idea what you're talking about. You, unfortunately, have a habit of discussing sites at other sites. Please don't. I haven't done that regarding my disappointment with things you've done at your own and really don't want you doing it with mine. If you didn't understand what the site was about that's an issue with you and no one else. If you really want to delve into some of this it won't be pleasant, and worse, will be boring as hell. You did what you did and I did what I did. Leave it at that; nobody cares about it beyond that.

I realise you might not have much interest in other sites, but the trouble is, not experiencing other forums, only hurts you.

Thanks, and I am active in other forums that have nothing at all to do with anything involved here, so I don't mention them here. I don't believe I've ever come off as person with a narrow range of interests, and I'm not.

You likely will be totally unprepared to maybe enjoy the next game that is similar to SC, only because you won't even know it exists.

In all modesty, it would be very hard for me to total up the new features in SC2 that I've been creating threads about from the very start of my membership here. Most of them were not my exclusive views, but I've been active in the SC2 Forum, am delighted with all that I've read and no, none of it is a surprise to me. I believe I was the first to start a thread asking for full campaign editor, for example, and at the time is was laughed at by many of the people who were members here. So, all things considered, SC2 is not likely to hold any surprises for me personally.

As for playing wargames before I was born, nice sounding comment, but that misses a small detail, when you remove table top miniatures from the assessment, my birth predates commercial wargaming.

Untrue my friend, and I still consider you my friend, Les. You were only a toddler so you wouldn't remember the Tactics II box I held up in front of your playpen!

In another thread you mentioned were an infant during the Cuban Missle Crisis. That was in response to something I wrote about how I was a thirteen year old drawing boxes on a map of the Far East (as it was called) trying to create a game about Japan's initial campaigns and wondering if I'd get to play it before the world was destroyed.

I had several Avalon Hill boxed games, including Gettysburg and Chanclellorsville (which were radically different from their later hex based versions) as well as wargames put out by numerous companies prompted by the approaching centenial of the American Civil War. Many of these games show up in web searches with dates like 1963 or 1964, but they were, in many cases, available in the late fifties.

So unless you meant your playing of chess, that comment achieved little in the end.

Except to show you weren't around at the start of commercial wargames. I wasn't either but then I don't claim to have been. I was, however, playing them for a long time when you were an infant. And they weren't miniatures, they were board wargames as we both knew them.

I am not interested in the Peng group, hell Dorosh considers me dangerous, I am not his friend.

Thanks for expressing that. I happen to like all of them personally, I just don't like the way they band together and attempt to run the GF Forum. Really it's a sort of game player mentality, the GF is an objective and they're a team. No big deal as long as they keep it within bounds that are acceptable, which lately they haven't been doing.

I am just no friend to stupidity is all.

That's good, it speaks well of a person to not be interested in, or a friend of, stupidity.

As for ushering you out of the place, not in my power, nor even my desire.

Thanks for the reassurance. You've laid my paranoid suspicions to rest.

This is "just Battlefront" to me.

Granted, except my definition of Battlefront includes numerous online friendships and that's where it becomes more than just a commercial site.

After they release SC2, I might not have a lot of use for the place, or I might stick around. Either way, I am active on other forums. Some more than others.

Okay, I never said you weren't. So am I. Variety is good.

I discuss more than just wargames, but I am also more than a wargamer. Thing is though, if I was only interested in history, and only devoted to history, I could find much better venues than a wargame company's forum.

Les, for my part I am not only interested in history. Many of my posts here over the past two years have involved the hardware of warfare as well as the science of warfare. They've included such subjects as nuclear research both in the United States and Germany and, to a much lesser extent, Japan. They've also included threads on rocketry and jet aviation and naval development. Why attempt to pigeon hole people? I don't do that with you, why do it to me?

Historychannel.com is just one example of where knowledge of a wide range of topics, military included, is required in order to have a decent discussion.

I don't understand the point, is it that we shouldn't be discussing history here but only at websites have the word history in the title?

Now granted, Historychannel has it's own troubles with miscreants, opinioned idiots and poorly educated nutcases.

There are always people like that and I'm sure some others would include me in that group. If I attempted to squeeze another website into my schedule I'd need to stop eating dinner. But thanks all the same for the recommendation. I will check it out, thanks for posting it.

It comes with being on the interent and open to all of humanity, the good and the bad.

True. The Internet itself is a sociological study and phenomenon.

Yes I said my farewells in the past, I meant them at the time as well. But then again, freedom is about being able to chose ain't it.

I might have gotten banned in the past and then I would not be here in the first place too of course.

No problem, I said a farewell here myself and it coincided with one of your own, which became the source of amusement. Nobody takes any of that seriously.

In the end though, this is a SC forum, sitting on a Battlefront forum which is according to the actions of the owners about their way of doing it because that's the way they want it.

Okay, what did I say to trigger that? I never suggested this was a site that existed to do anything that didn't, one way or another, tie back in to the products represented. I've always said that I think Battlefront is very liberal in that regard, or they wouldn't even be tolerating this kind of thread in the first place!

It was unfortunate how you chose to leave from mine. But then you made your choice, and it was indeed yours to make.

As I said, Les, you have a habit of airing dirty laundry from one site to the next. You shouldn't.

At your own site you spent an abnormal amount of time doing that and your friend became very abusive after being beligerant at two of my sites. You not only made no effort to keep him under control, but actually made statements that encouraged him. I don't like dirty laundry threads and particularly dislike being included in some malcontent's list of grievances.

It's particularly ludicrous when the guy's recurring theme is how the places he was kicked out of don't deserve him.

In the end I couldn't take the combination of his negative crap and your sanctioning of it and asked to be deleted. When you ignored my requests sent through PMs and posted something that made it appear myself and the other guy were exchanging blows when it truth it was only him slinging mud, that was when I became angry and made my request public.

Unfortunately you chose to carry that to two other sites and now you're carrying it here. Enough, Les, learn to keep things where they belong and grievances from one site don't belong in another site!

You might not like my pointing that all out John. But then again, you claim to be significantly older, the burden then is for you to behave even more wise as well.

Okay, so I'm an example of age without wisdom, I'm an idiot. I never made any claims to being wise. Is that what you want to read? If so you've succeeded.

If you want to camp in here and complain about Dorosh and his evil crew, you are going to have to accept it might look a little juvenile in some cases.

And the evil crew looks mature? What's the point, Les?

Not to mention, you seem willing to be part of your own little crew.

Yes, I'm sort of mind bending Svengali who can manipulate people and use them. I'm the troll master and all that. Next! :D

We have the Peng group, and we have the Kuni crusaders. I think both groups look silly.

The difference being that Kuniworth admits to being silly and the Peng really are silly in that believe they should control things. That's a significant difference. Also, there is no SC group that goes raiding the GF. We joke about that; I'm sorry you don't understand that it's only a joke.

And some days I would like to lock the lot of you up with Mad Cow's Steakhouse and show you whiners what smack looks like.

???????????? :rolleyes: Les, that statement may well be the dumbest thing I've ever read in this forum. I'm a whiner? Thanks buddy. I love it when you become pontifical and, not coincidentally, ridiculous.

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

I recently saw the original version of Village of the Damned ...

To my mind, the classic movie for showing a group mind in action is "Lord of the Flies." Perhaps the movie that best demonstrates how you can choose to not participate is "Schindler's List." However, I've never seen "Village of the Damned."
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