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Trench War


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Having the game difficulty set at default (medium) playing as axis I have been stalemated. After taking Poland, Low Countries, Denmark, France, and the UK (just before the US and Russia joined the fight) I am not stuck fighting a trench war in the east while keeping the US out of the fight with subs and two Italian battleships. I have only taken two russian cities. The two most southern ones Sevestpool and the one before it that I cannot think of right now. And the two mines north of Sevestpool. (sorry bout spelling?) My tech is at 5 along with heavy tanks, jet fighters, long range fighters, anti tank weapons, and subs. While my rockets are at 4.

Anyone have any ideas on how to break this russian line? they mostly have corps and armies but I think they have anti tank weapons to about level 3 or 4. MPPs for me and russia are about the same 440 or so. when they attack I spend mpps building my units back up and the same goes for them when I attack. Its July 44 and the line hasnt changed much since june of 41. Drop some ideas for me if ya got some.

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Just some respectful suggestions, I don't know what is your level of experience playing this game.

Are you using HQ units to best effect and are you checking for command links with combat units? Make sure that your attacking units are at 90 per cent or better readiness before attacking. Also, are you reinforcing your units to their full rated capacity? Hint: before you attack, check the entrenchment level of the defenders. You need to bring it down to zero before you have any real success, especially when they are in a city. Hope this helps.

[ August 05, 2002, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: gunnergoz ]

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Yep I have 4 HQs up and down the line. I try to soften up the defense with my level 5 jet fighters and it works to an extent but what hurts me most is once I do dislodge an enemy unit from a hex I dont have much to fill the gap. All my MPPs have gone to reinforcing units holding the line so I dont get to build any new units much. I have been trying to get their HQs with my long range jets but so far I have only destroyed 2 of them. I believe once they are gone they are gone. But they have gotten smarter and now all their HQs are out of range and I have no idea where they are. Fog of War is on. I know I will not lose this war; but I am pressured now to win it. It is july 44 so I am starting to run out of time. Still no American threat on the west front. I dont feel that I will ever have to worry about them.

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It sounds like you're eating up your MPP's to fix/build those high tech weapons while the russian just keeps filling in the real-estate with warm bodies. You should try to up your industrial tech level so you can buy more units. That way you'll be able to exploit those gaps you create and maybe break through the lines. Also, consider making an amphibious assault around one of his flanks to cut some supply lines and try to quickly break through somewhere else. Hope some of that helps :D

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You could always try the "German Steamroller" approach. Pour all your research into anti-tank weapons and industrial technology and build as many armies as you can in the east while avoiding action in the west. Put all the Italian research effort into gun laying radar and industrial technology and give them Yugoslavia and Greece. half a dozen Italian battleships will tear most allied invasions apart, while France's garrison of Italians and German minor allies do the rest.

By 1942 you'll be producing strong armies very cheaply and will be able to attrite the Russians to such an extent that they eventually buckle after 6-9 months, after which you just roll forward majestically crushing corps all over the place. Once Russia's gone, right wheel through the Caucasus and roll up the Brits in the Med from behind.

well it worked for me!

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I like to hammer one point with as much firepower as possible (starting with planes) then blow through with the tanks. This leaves them 2 choices:

1) They can retreat and try to join up their lines or

2) Let me romp around in unguarded territory and wreck havoc with my armor.

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"After taking Poland, Low Countries, Denmark, France, and the UK"
I managed *god knows how* take all of those except England but also took Turkey, Yugo, Greece and Iraq before Turkey came into the war by late '41 / early '42

When Russia did come into the war, I was gaing more MMP's per tern than them anyway and able to bomb the crap out of England with my level 5 jets and take the England during my Russian conflict with 2 Tank army's.


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OK finished the game. Well the time limit ended with me capturing Moscow. My losses were:

19 Land units

2 air

7 naval

While the Allieds losses were:

140 land units

15 air

9 naval

Id like to add that of the land losses for the allied were: Monty HQ, Zuhkov HQ and two other russian HQs.

I ended up breaking through in the south when my tech advances in air and tank and anti tank finally allowed me to take less losses so less money went into repair and more went into buying more air units. FYI ROCKETS ARE DEFINATE TRENCH BUSTERS!!

The US never made more than two attempts to get onto Europe. They were content with filling every hex on North america with units. I suppose after I destroyed their battleships they were hesitant to cross with transports unprotected. I didnt try any other strategies just the same thing I was going at before. But it was the fact that when I wrote the post before I had JUST gotten 5 for everything other than maybe rockets. Just needed some time to bleed the russians out.

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