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SC2 - Unpredicatable Weather & Invasions

Edwin P.

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As JerseyJohn has freqently mentioned weather has a big effect on amphibious invasions. Bad weather can prevent an invasion or cause the landing unit to suffer extremely high losses of men and material.

In SC2 I would like to see weather affect the chance of a successful amphibious invasion.

I would like to see 3 types of weather effects;

1. Clear - (chance for normal losses - ie a Str10 corps may be reduced to Str 8)

2. Rough Seas - You can execute an invasion but the invading force will likely suffer heavy losses (ie a Str 10 Corps my be reduced to Str 4 on landing)

3. Really Dangerous - No Amphibious Invasion possible

During the winter months off the coast of Norway you might have a 70% chance of Really Dangerous Sea Conditions, a 25% of rough sea conditions and a 5% of Clear Weather. During the summer the chance for really dangerous sea conditions might drop to 5% and the chance of Clear Weather increase to 85%.

During the summer months in the Med you might have a 90% of clear weather and a 10% of Rough Seas.

The coastal hexes in a region could change color to indicate the weather status in the landing area.

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Well, yes, weather should be depicted and have consequences on invasion. Troops transported in rough condition are not in a combat condition for an invasion landing, As in fact troops that move for more than one turn. Unloaded troop in a port is very different than landing on a beach with machinegun firing. In the first place you can be sick of tired without any consequences...

The effect of weather if very poor. I really prefer the one of Clash of Steel.

(side comment I wish to make from long time : why turn are longer in winter? ok movement is slowest, but the workers in factories stop working too? I have not heard that production drop by 2/3 in winter month)

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