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Some Fixes Prior to Release.....And Hurry Up!!!!!


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OK, I'm begining to worry that SC will be unavailable for my birthday tomorrow.... But I'll keep faith that Hubert will get everything ironed out and that I'll get my copy, even if he has to hand deliver it. Since SC hasn't been released yet I'm sure Hubert has nothing better to do than to adjust the units and add a few features. Everyone feel free to chime in with your suggestions as well.

1. Corps and Armies should be able to build permanent Maginot type fortifications. The way it would work is that the unit must stay stationary for 8 turns after "build fortification" is picked from the pull down tab. On the eighth turn the fortification is created. This should not work in cities. the building unit should not gain fortification levels itself while building; thus requiring an additional eight turns to gain full benefit from the fortification. If seized by the opponent the fort should be destroyed just like existing fortifications at the beginning of the game. While I doubt anyone will actually use this feature I feel it is imperative that it be included.

2. I've noticed that German MP40s are incorrectly modeled. Their range is much too far, and their firepower at close range is too low. Please fix or sumfink!

3. The armor slope on the German Panthers is several degrees too verticle. At the same time you ignore the quality problems the Germans had with armor. It's true that these inacuracies negate each other out in this game, but we demand perfect accuracy! This must be fixed!

4. I don't even know where to start with the American Shermans. Their movement is way too slow and even worse, you modeled their turret turn rate so slow that they might as well be Priests. Get this right! Armor modeling issues have been discussed adnausium when Combat Mission came out.

I must go now, but I expect all these changes and more to be in the game, and that SC will be released some time before tomorrow. Get to work!!!


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What about the 109s performance in this game? They have it all uber the way it dive bombs and then can climb up to take on the Hurricanes. :D

Now seriously...no hurry Hubert. We act like an impatient bunch but we will be here a week from now regardless of if its done by our weak predictions. Great job so far, demo rocks. Full version sounds like it has a lot of new things to expect. I'll be here waiting patiently.

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How do you see the fighting? Cause the way you talk about it makes me think that there are different views, like actual views of the battles.... i mean, how the fvck do you see a MP40 when all the map is, is hexes, and squares representing units!?!??! AM I MISSING SOMETHING????????

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Originally posted by DevilDog:

LC-Whatever you do don't tell Delta about the Alt-Control-Delete command that brings up the squad level combat screen....

Hell, that's not the half of it. Last night I accidentally checked the "Native Language" box in the Diplomatic Exchanges sub-menu. After the fall of France, up pops the Turkish Prime Minister to propose a deal. In Turkish, of course. I thought he was proposing a joint attack on Russia, to which I readily agreed, but it turns out that my Turkish is rusty: he was really requesting that I transfer three Panzer units to him so he could tidy up the Armenian situation. Not only did I have to make do in Barbarossa without three of my best tank armies, but I became implicated in a nasty atrocity situation, as if my plate weren't rather full on that score to begin with. Fortunately, I'd gone into the Post-War Submenu and unchecked the "War Crimes Tribunal?" box -- a course of action highly recommended for anyone playing the German side -- so the only punishment for my linquistic faux pas will be to watch my invasion falter well short of Moscow.

I think it will be a long time before people master the many nuances of this game. Here's to Hubert! Or, as they would say in Turkish, "Hosca kal!"

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