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Liam VS Rambo Battle of the Bulge AAR


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Okay, last game Liam gave me a defeat, I got a little risky with the Allies & a Norway invasion after I had a good French campaign as the Allies. That is the only defeat for Rambo 3 Trilogy.

Bid went high again on the (1:1:8) system we agreed on. I've got the Allies with 360:360:2880 kicker.

I need to take care of my business this game.

[ November 12, 2003, 01:46 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Axis Start off:

Invasion of Poland... crack crack, frontal brush, especially corps to weaken the more mobile units. Sub Raiders hiding in the Atlantic... of Allied tonage in the Atlantic. Denmark recieves a friendly letter of DOW. gets bombarded by Scharnt and Gess. French Mine gets pounded by LW

[ November 12, 2003, 01:51 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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No sign of the full brunt of the Royal navy, Oak Royal faces off with Gneis in the Baltic, taking heavy damage the German Cruiser Retreats. German Subs hit in Scapa Flow Region attempting to hunt down retreating Royal Navy...

Denmark corps smashed and PAF and Warsaw Captured

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Agressive play continues. Polish Air is wiped out & so is the Dane's corp by a Panzer unit. British Royal Navy sail in to block land units from taking the capital. I also sink a sub there & damage a cruiser. British Corp was lost at sea, but another lands & hits a commando shot on the Panzer along with the blocking ships shore bombardment.

Warsaw is taken, but Poles refuse to surrender.

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German U-30 escapes Aerial bombardment near port Scapa Flow in the North Sea and moves on to safer waters. U-29 leaves it's payload on the largest British Battleship. We manage to sink one Brit BS In retalation

Poland corps smooshed down so they give up. Denmark is opened up like a sore wound by Kriegsmarine Lufwaffe combo and Panzer captures both Copenhagen. Dec10th both Poland and Dennmark sign peace

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Allies invade Belgium and Netherlands!!! Counterattacking along the new frontline into Belgium the Wermacht manage to badly damage 1 Frog Army and destroy another...

In the N.Sea, German U-Boat U-29 seeks to the bottom sadly as it's country and Master Amdiral Lament in it's loss. it took a combo of the Royal Navy and Fleet

German Units Transfer over from the Eastern Front to face the grunt of the French and British Scourge

UK is plundering away

wealthy SAS in Denmark has smashed and hurting for supply

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Allies have a defense behind the Western Rhine. Germans do smash a hole & put a Corp SouthEast of Brussels for a BridgeHead. It doesn't help, German Corp destroyed, ownership of this key hex changes hands.

Field Marshall Monty has taken command of the RAF in London. RAF is now doing intercepts against the Luftwaffe.

[ November 12, 2003, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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German forces crush a BEF Corps. Reinforce Copenhagen facing a combo of Brit/French Naval bombardment.

Air battles over Belgium again. Luftwaffe shows an impressive edge in it's leadership and I imagine takes the cake in that regard ;)

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The Proud Irish Fighting men of the Dublin Corp hold strong but now we're afraid this is enough for them, they should be let to surrender to their British Protestant Overlords

Penetration in Marsellies<sp southern France occurs. Italian Navy on the move... Belgium thinning for the final confrontation

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French score a victory and take Ireland, no more free Catholics<The British Scourge must be stopped even Rosevelt thinks so -15percent>

Deep penetration Corps reach into the heart of France probing for weakspots, the Italian Navy approaches the the Gem of the Med, Gibraltar. The only Cruiser left is shelled repeatedly by French Guns, finally her large 15 Inchers ending a legacy

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