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Airfleets and HQs is what the game is about... ?

Rashak Mani

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Hearing veterans talk and how fast they can take down Spain or Iraq has me feeling quite inadequate as a SC player.

Maybe I have played against the AI too much... but in several PBEM against a friend I think this is the first time we had time to fight over Iraq and Sweden for example. Never mind getting high tech and 6-8 planes... there simply isn't enough MPP's to go around.

I simply can't see how you can get Spain, Scandinavia, Vichy, Iraq and other minors without the URSS going to war. I can only see this happening with a lot of tech, planes and HQ. Is this right ? Its all about operating planes better than your foes ?

[ June 22, 2004, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Rashak Mani ]

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Originally posted by Sombra:



Yes, air power is very important. Too much I don´t know. Since you already discussed this topic with Terif. I only post part of his argument, since he is one of the best players of SC I personally believe his opinion carries a lot of weight.




Post by TERIF:

I come from the point of view of game and unit balance. And from this perspective IMHO (after over 500 games of SC...)air is not too powerful, but exactly right .

You also have to look at the mpps cost of each unit and per attack. To compare unit types only with their strength and not to look at the costs is like comparing apples and oranges - a mistake a lot of players make, when complaining about too powerful air .

If it is historically accurate or not is not my approach, thats another question. Here you can be right that air is too powerful or not correctly represented.

But even in this aspect you can find many arguments and explainations that SC represents it correct since it is an abstraction and represents thousands of different aircrafts and not only fighters (here you can find a lot of discussions with pros and cons in the SC Forum during the last 2 years ).

At the beginning without experience air is also in the game not very powerful, it is only as strong as a corps vs ground units, but costs over 3 times more mpps . Only in the course of the war and after collecting experience (which AFs will loose in air battles) they become a bit better vs ground units (armies have still a better combat power at much lower costs..) . But still, even with expected losses of 0, they loose in average 0.33 strength points = ~ 7 mpp per attack. So the mpp exchange rate is even in the later stages of the war not much in favour of the AFs.


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To support what Sombra is saying, I played a back to back series with Panzer39, low bid (100 at 1:0:8) but severe air limits. Our theory was that the air limits would slow axis down so the low bid would be appropriate. Wrong! Axis was still very strong, money spend on aircraft and air tech was used for ground units, ground tech, and HQs. Axis won both games relatively easily.

Rashak, to see how it is done play a game against a more experienced player, you will find many players willing to provide no pressure tutorial games type game (including me)

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Thanks for the offer... its just that after playing the AI more than dozen times and playing PBEM 6-7 times. Reading all the manuals and forums for tips. I was still astounded by the min/max seen overhere.

I consider myself an above average war gamer and I have a lot of experience "elsewhere"... but I suppose people here have taken SC to another level. smile.gif

[ June 24, 2004, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: Rashak Mani ]

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