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SC Winter Storm Tournament (TCP/IP) finished. Dragonheart is Champ!


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The Final is complete. Dragonheart is the winner of the Winter Storm Tournament.


Normal qualifying rounds (round 1-3) are TWO weeks per game. In the play-offs it will be ONE week per game. There is possibility of playing ahead i.e if alot of players end first round early then the can begin round two since the draws are already laid out so to say (check the draw schedule). Anyone that cannot play a certain round must post a "Walk Over" else they are excluded from the tournament. Remember, you only need to win 2 out of 3 qualifying games so even if u are away for 2-3 weeks you can come back and play next round unless you ignored posting your Walk Over.

Players signed up:

Zappsweden (gmt+1) ,ICQ=22157578, email: jap76@spray.se , SEEDED

Comrade Trapp (gmt-8), ICQ=280750581

Rambo (gmt-7), ICQ=234993018, SEEDED

Nimitz (gmt+1), ICQ=341532559

Kuniworth (gmt+1), ICQ=268163822

Avatar (gmt-5), ICQ=297132411, email: true_avatar47@hotmail.com

Serbian (gmt-1), ICQ=333155589

Valheru, email: valheruorden@insightbb.com

binTravkin, ICQ=233045594

Codename Condor, ICQ=250330713, email: SC_Condor@hotmail.com

jul, ICQ=69395676

DalmatiaPartisan, ICQ=253366188

Dragonheart, ICQ=172400835

Round One (Round one is from Monday December 22 to Monday January 5 (6 A.M) forum time):

Game1: Rambo vs Kuniworth 1-0

Game2: Nimitz vs Comrade Trapp 1-0

Game3: Zappsweden vs Serbian 1-0

Game4: Avatar vs Valheru 1-0

Game5: Codename Condor vs jul 1-0

Game6: DalmatiaPartisan vs binTravkin 1-0 (WO)

Round Two (Round two is from Monday January 5 to Monday January 19 (6 A.M) forum time):

Game 9: Rambo VS Nimitz

Game 10: Kuniworth VS Comrade Trapp 1-0

Game 11: Zappsweden VS Avatar 0-1

Game 12: Serbian VS Valheru

Game 13: Codename Condor VS DalmatiaPartisan 1-0

Game 14: jul VS Dragonheart 0-1

Round Three (Round three is from Monday January 19 to Monday February 2 (6 A.M) forum time):

Game 17: Kuniworth vs Zappsweden 0-1

Game 18: DalmatiaPartisan vs Dragonheart 0-1


Comrade Trapp

BinTravkin (Inactivity)


Nimitz (Inactivity)

Serbian (Inactivity)

Valheru (Inactivity)

Rambo (withdraws)




Codename Condor



Avatar (SEEDED)

Condor (SEEDED)




Semi-Finals (February 2-February 9 (6 a.m forum time)):

Semi-Final 1: Avatar vs Zappsweden 0-1

Semi-Final 2: Condor vs Dragonheart 0-1

Finals (February 9-February 16 (6 a.m forum time)):

Dragonheart vs Zapppsweden 1-0

[ February 15, 2004, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Hello folks!


It will start just before Christmas and end in Ferbuary somewhere. The intension is to attract Panzerliga players, former Z-League players, and fun players to create an exciting TOURNAMENT. I look forward to the exciting draws, pre-matchup analyzes and the entertaining AAR's. I strongly recommend the communicating tool ICQ (www.icq.com). By using ICQ, u can see others online status and easier make contact through instant messages and chat. I hope that this Tournament will bring out the best competition out there and it will then be very prestigious to win.


This TOURNAMENT will consist of 3 qualifying rounds and a play-off. Qualifying is easy. You play until you either won 2 games or lost 2 games. Winning 2 games means you qualified to the play-offs. Losing 2 games means you are eliminated.


Starting info:

This TOURNAMENT is starting before christmas and will stretch all the way to February 2004. In the first 3 round (qualifying) 2 weeks per game. In the play-offs (february) ONE week per game.



The TOURNAMENT will consist of qualifying and playoffs. Anyone who succeeds in the qualifying will be in the playoffs. play-offs will be shootouts. The winner in the final is... winner of the SC WINTER STORM TOURNAMENT.


Procedure to determine TOURNAMENT winner.


Qualifying consist of 3 rounds.

If u win 2 games out of 3 you qualify. If you win first 2 rounds you have no game in round 3 since you already qualififed.

In ROUND ONE it is random who plays who.

In ROUND TWO, the winners from round one face winners and the losers face losers

In ROUND THREE, those who won 1 and lost 1 face each other and the winners in round three qualifies.


Round one:

player a vs player b (a won)

player c vs player d (c won)

player e vs player f (f won)

player g vs player h (g won)


a vs c (c won)

b vs d (b won)

f vs g (g won)

e vs h (h won)

Since c and g each have 2 wins, they are already qualified for the play-offs so they do NOT participate in round three.

Similarily, since d and e each have 2 losses they are out of the TOURNAMENT.


(all those with 1 loss and 1 win.

That means:

a vs b (a won)

f vs h (f won)

a and f are qualified for the play-offs.

h and b are out of the TOURNAMENT.


c and g are seeded since they are undefeated.


c vs a (c won)

g vs f (f won)


c vs f (f won)



C came in second place.


Walk Over, Time limit, AAR, availaility:

Every round starts on Monday 6 A.M forum time and ends on Monday morning at 6 A.M (forum time) twoe weeks (qualifying) or one week (play-offs) later.

I STRONGLY recommend AAR. Without AAR, if one player disappears (without resigning the TOURNAMENT) BOTH players might lose the game. If there is no way to tell who ducked who, no winner can be judged. With an AAR (that includes not only the game but also the time appointments) a dodger/quitter can easily be decided and the "stand and fight" player is ruled winner of the game. If both players wont have time to finish the game before the dealine and none of them made an effort to post appointments, BOTH are ruled as losing the game. Make appointments, make your available times official ASAP after the draws.


When draws are done (Mondays) go to the regular SC forum (not opponent forum) and start an AAR of your game. State which days and which times you can play. The opponent hopefully does the same. If the opponent cannot play in the weekends then it is HE who will lose in case of running out of time. If u have an appointed time and your opponent wont show up then POST. Post on forum like "where are you?" If the opponent does not show up. He will be judged the loser if the game wont complete in time. If you do not write any information on the forum, there is no one who can judge who was dodging. That means BOTH get the loss. Hopefully, players will either play their games inside time limit OR post a walk over loss in case they cannot play for time frame of the round.

If u are really short of time and would miss the dealine, you could play a miniature scenario, for instance the "Miniature Fall Weiss 1939 Scenario".

Miniature Fall Weiss 1939 (ONLY USED IF SHORT OF TIME):

Uses the original 1939 Fall Weiss scenario and ends when Paris falls. You bid (for Allies!) for how long Paris will hold.

Player A - "I hold Paris until June 7, 1940".

Player B - "I hold Paris until June 14, 1940".

Player A - "Ok, I take Axis"

That means if Axis takes Paris and it says for instance "june 10" BEFORE Axis end turn then Axis won, else Allies won. That means you can finish a game in 2 hours.


Reporting loss (loser does it)

Since u can lose one game and still qualify for the play-off you can report a walk over loss in case you cannot play that round. Loser reports the loss always. If loser does not report immediately after the game, email him. If he does not report, winner can report instead.


Playing a game:

All games are TCP/IP.

Default rules for the TOURNAMENT is the 1939 Fall Weiss scenario with 1:5:20 bid system (i.e I bid 100 means UK start with 100 MPP, USA start with 500 MPP and Russia starts with 2000 MPP) and the highest bidder gets Axis.

Also recommended is the UK-Russia system 1:8, 1:10, 1:20 or whatever.

The 1947 Stalemate conditions apply to all games unless some player give up before it. In case the game end in a Stalemate 1947 DRAW, u must play a rematch.


Since playing until 1947 takes 25-60 hours, the rematch can be demanded (by either one of the plyers) to be shorter for example the Miniature 1939 Fall Weiss Scenario described earlier. Ofcourse, if both players have time and DO want to play a FULL rematch they can.

Mandatory house rules are the Z-League ones i.e

i) You cannot BOTH DOW a Major Nation (Russia, USA, Italy) and transport land INSIDE their soil on the same turn.

Ofcourse, you are allowed to make up your own house rules if BOTH players agree on them before the game.


Signing up:

Sign up here by replying saying u want to join the SC WINTER STORM TOURNAMENT


Seeded players:

There will be one seeded player per 4 players in the tournament. It will be based on the players earlier performances in leagues, tournaments and CUPS. If 2 player are very close and both claim wanna be seeded they are offered to play a game to determine who gets to be seeded.

In the play-offs:

Those players coming through the qualifications undefeated (2 wins) are seeded.


House Rules:

Default house rules is the

i) Major Nations (Russia, USA, Italy) cannot be DOW and transport landed on their soil on the same turn.

Only if BOTH players agree then you can make up own house rules and even skip the default one.

[ January 12, 2004, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Originally posted by jul:

i just dont understand how to know who will be my next opponent, i lost again condor then i need to find a another looser?

You will play the loser in Game6, which not yet have been decided.

[ December 24, 2003, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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