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Thread Traffic thoughts

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Is it just me, or is it potentially I have been spoiled by the extreme efficiency on the Matrix site?

I have seen a lot of threads wander past, and one thing that has occurred to me, is that the threads display a massive level of redundancy commonly.

Or more specifically, I have seen a lot of threads talking about the same topic but spread over so many threads as to make a coordinated topic seem quite a task.

Good example for instance.

I have seen a lot of talk about patches. The most noteworthy being 1.03.

Now if the whole process existed on just one thread, there would likely be alot fewer threads streaming by, and a great deal less confussion (due to more people seeing more comments that they might have otherwise missed).

None of this is helped by the fact the site software does not feature an emailed response when a thread which has been posted to has recieved a fresh new post.

Flagging an active post, only within the actual Forum, is no solution.

I rarely look in a thread if the title appears not relevant initially.

Of course this would require that we forum devotees, resist the urge, to always post a new thread each time we felt like saying something, especially if the topic is something that is already currently underway on a thread already.

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As originally posted by Les the Sarge:

Of course this would require that we forum devotees, resist the urge, to always post a new thread each time we felt like saying something, especially if the topic is something that is already currently underway on a thread already.

As that genius California writer -- Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys, once wrote -- "wouldn't it be nice?"

But I'm not sure that "organizing" is at the top of very many lists anywhere in the Wide Old World (WOW!) these days.

I remember when I first entered basic training, and being a little dumbfounded about how squared away my footlocker HAD to be (... or else! -- as in -- the drill sergeant screaming unintelligible half-syllables in my face) with the shaving utensils situated here, and the properly rolled socks over there and the letters from the faithful girl back home -- hidden right in plain sight, etc.

Nowadays, I keep my socks in a separate drawer, fairly neat but not obsessively so. ;)

I'm not so sure you could get away with that kind of discipline (... if that's what it actually is) in this caterwauling day and age, while so very many are fuming & brooding about having "Rights" that don't exist anywhere on writ or deed or paper, that I know of anyway, etc.

Well, I am wandering... as for your question, I really don't know -- does it matter very much? It's not like there's any impending shortage of Ether Space, eh? ;)

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All threads tend to wander a bit, that's the way it is. And as far as redundancy goes, many people simply don't bother looking beyond the first page of the forum. The only separated forum for SC that I would like to see is a Suggestions and Future Wish List forum. This way, all ideas can be shepherded into one area.

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