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Please, I need your feeling and experience.

El Globo

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Just bought the game and tried it at medium difficulty with both sides. I set the parameters to more historical possible with fog of war.

Reading these posts, you all seem to manage to defeat the IA with both sides, and with hard parameters for some of you ???

I'm not a die-hard wargamer, and I'm not to good in strategic wargames (but I'm good in tactical ones like Combat Mission). I'm fond of history and I think I know quite well the whole ww2 history and materials (which is supposed to help in choices), but I'd like to know, please :

Could you help me to understand the game and how to manage each side, because I really feel dumb as systematically the IA seems to be advantaged in any battle, regardless of which side he plays.

I did 2 games, the first as the axis (which I lost by mars 1945 with a last stand from the italian !). Last game I tried to play the allies, as I felt they were economically advantaged, and the situation would be more easy, but I didn't managed to achieve the IA performance. How does he makes experienced units with the reinforcement xp loss ?

His planes got better results than mine, even if I put a least as many fleet as he does (mine are never experienced cause I have to repair them all the time).

He seems to handle well its Battle points as when Axis, he could buy corps to guard towns, reinforce all units, attack, relocate at high costs etc (I took a look with fog of war off)...

Bombers are really ineffective, they almost never damage units targets and are crushed.They do almost nothing to industrial targets, certainly not worth of spending even 1 unit of them.

Even with level 5 jet fighters (as the axis) I was challenged by lesser planes of the allies !!

My planes seem to take more damage when attacking enemies than the opposite.

How do you spend your points ? Do you invest in research (like I did) or you buy numerous units ?

I would be grateful for tips, because these battles seem to be non-sense to me compared to tactical game like Combat Mission where your moves and knowledge of materials and artillery conduct in logical and understandable victories or defeats.

In Combat Mission the IA is limited and easily defeatable, but in this game it looks like he has a full and treacherous knowledge and analysis of each unvisible computerized factor before attempting anything, so its results are previsible and systematically in its favor.

But if you are all saying the truth about your victories, there must be explanations about all that, I would be grateful to listen.


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Wow.... lotsa text... well really you should read through the posts on here but here is the most important bit to winning:

- Supply lines & combat readiness, always make sure each of your land & air units are commanded by an HQ

- Bombers, screw them, move your bombers to city squares and disband them for points

- the best way is just to get some armies, a really kickass HQ (rating 7, 8 or 9) and some fighters..

-Realize that units that are entrenched are much harder to kill. Entrenchment is gained at one point per turn up to a max of the terrain (city is 6 or so, open plain 1 or 2)...

-Oh yeah forget about the friggin maginot line if you're playing the axis and just rampage thru the low countries into the top of france..

-Focus your attacks on taking the capital of a country (eg paris for france) as all the other units are lost to them once the capital surrenders. (1 or 2 turns after occupying the city)

-Always kick units with low entrenchment vales (1-2) & no experience with your armies (not tanks) if you have the time to gain experience for your troops (any experience loss is ok as long as you kill more points than your army loses)

-Use tanks mainly to mop up remaining units at 0 entrenchment

-Take out opposition's leaders if possible, it makes them much weaker

-Research: Focus on Industrial Tech, Fighter Tech and Long Range Fighters... in this order as well Industrial tech is vital to get an edge over your opponent (5 points in this till you have level 5 indistrial tech pls)

Finally: Note that unit strength is but one of four indicators of a unit's combat ability...

1) Unit Strength

2) Entrenchment

3) Experience

4) Readiness (Determined by supply, eg leader,city)

Use this to determine whether you should attack it or not....

Hope this helps, if not look around a bit more I suggest :rolleyes:

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Thanks for your answers, I'll try.

Yes I'm french(Intelligence Artificielle).

Just tested a game with no fog of war and it is instructive as we see all enemy moves and purchases. It help to understand.

Merci à tous / thank to all.

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It's going to take some adjusting, as Strat Comm is quite unlike Combat Mission and pretty far from TOAW as well. The difference, of course, is the scale. Just keep tinkering with it and remember that you can't attack with a unit and then move, as with a lot of other turn-based wargames. Pull your weak units back and push your stronger ones forward. Otherwise you'll have a huge bottleneck and waste crucial time constantly reinforcing the damaged frontline units. Always keep HQ units nearby, especially when reinforcing at high tech levels.

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1) ignore taunts

2) don't believe everything you read (my 'whosis is bigger than yours)

3) RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH; improved armor, industrial prod, jets, improved aaa as axis for eg.)

4) headquarter units are a must (Rommel led my Army Group Center into Russia)

5) be methodical & deliberate; the IA will chop your head off if you recklessly plunge ahead

6) have fun

8) is pomme fritz a french-fried Boche?

9) Vive La France

Dale H

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Originally posted by Dale H:

1) ignore taunts

2) don't believe everything you read (my 'whosis is bigger than yours)

3) RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH; improved armor, industrial prod, jets, improved aaa as axis for eg.)

4) headquarter units are a must (Rommel led my Army Group Center into Russia)

5) be methodical & deliberate; the IA will chop your head off if you recklessly plunge ahead

6) have fun

8) is pomme fritz a french-fried Boche?

9) Vive La France

Dale H

ad #8) Germans may want to apply #1) :D


[ August 13, 2002, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: Straha ]

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