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Comparison to Hearts of Iron?

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How do you think SC will compare to Hearts of Iron due to be released in Oct by Strategy Fist. From what I see they appear quite similar however I wonder whether or not HOI maybe more detailed ie. covers the whole planet, bit more micromanaging. I hope both have a great showing.

The marketing people however I think would be wise to release their product before HOI due the following HOI has via the Europa II crowd. It give us two fine products to purchase.

Either way both are vast improvements to the old board game "World in Flames"!!

My two cents......


[ June 29, 2002, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: RCMP ]

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Taken from their web site:


Epic gameplay - Global map with all the nations between 1936-1946


Real Time gameplay set to pause at any time. One minute of gameplay translates to one hour passed in reality.


2 hours of quality musical recordings in MP3 format."

They can't be serious. Do they mean that it will take you a whole hour just to play one minute of the game? Or do they mean that if you do nothing but play this game 24-7 that it will take you over 200 days just to play 1939-1945? Either way doesn't sound too enjoyable to me. That and the fact that they only offer a 2 hour music loop means you'll go crazier that the average parent became 30 days after SuperMario was released for Nintindo.

Seriously, what does sound good is that they claim to have developed their game around multiplayer - each country can have a different player. Maybe Hubert will have this feature in future offerings of SC. That would make it a six player game if you only implemented this feature for major countries, and it could be set up so you could choose how many players you wanted (i.e. maybe you only want 3 player with one person controlling Axis, one player as western Allies and one as Russia) and which country each gets to play.

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As a EU1 and 2 player - you can set the time how quickly it passes. Sorry to say but HOI will be more engrossing than SC due to its scope and complexity. I still enjoy playing SC though as you do not have to micromanage and it's pure strategy. If you are not a patient man (or woman!) - HOI will not be a game for you. tongue.gif

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I agree with aesop on this one,both games have there place.

After playing EU2 for abit its a different ball game to SC.

You could punch out a pbem game or a hotseat in a very short time.Many games of that genre take many mnths to play.It will certainly have a place on my gaming shelf at home.

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I played EUI and II and love them both. You better believe I am counting the minutes to the release of HOI. :D I am afraid that it wont be out until Christmas at the earlist though, as it just entered Beta this month.

SC will be a good game to play until then and it will always have its nook in the quick multiplayer game area.

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