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UK early war shopping list

Friendly Fire

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I am interested to hear what priorities other players put in place for UK spending in the early war. Obviously the UK is under pressure essentially alone, trying to prop up France, thwart SeaLion, and defend the Med... It is a delicate balance of investing for short term survival and long term capability

Choices, choices!

the shopping list (in no particular order):

- HQ (Monty)

- research, particularly air tech

- additional airfleets

- land units to defend UK

- units to defend, attack in the med

- 2nd HQ for Africa


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Recently I've been trying out buying a cheap HQ asap and shipping it to the Med. I think Monty can wait until later in the war.

I think it all depends on what you think is the greatest threat, and where the opportunities might lie.

Sometimes just saving up several hundred MPPs and holding them in reserve might be a good idea until the Axis' intentions become clearer.

My problem is getting France to hold out for a long time without resorting to the Low Countries gambit. One solution might be to create lots of corps and ship them to France?


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It all depends on what your long term goals are and how long France holds out. But here are some basic answers:

the shopping list (in no particular order):

- HQ (Monty)

Good, idea eather right after Frace falls is your going to give ground support or asap if your going to give air support

- research, particularly air tech

Important to get 2-3 chits in tech (1-3 types) soon but don't sacrifice your defence for this

- additional airfleets

Last on your list but before you go gun-ho in tech

- land units to defend UK

You should be able to get these out of France with FF units and'or the units you land

- units to defend, attack in the med

2-6 corps work great as raiders and defencive blocker in egypt. Get these from France or purchase as you need them (#3-4 on you prioity list)

- 2nd HQ for Africa

Your going to lose Afica, you can try to delay the axis as long as possiable(a good over all stratigy) but losing a UK HQ is tough. If you managed to save the Frech HQ here is a good spot for it. Providing supply in the resource poor region and giving the Axis a second front to worry about until USSR joins. But realise in the end you will lose all unit in Africa and you need to get the most out of their sacrific!

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I usually purchase 1 corps to assist in the defence of England in the first few turns.

As for research I prefer to invest 2 chits in Long Range before investing in Jets. I will also locate my air units to northern england to avoid interception losses early in the war.

[ October 10, 2003, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Really, the one VITAL item that is needed for the British SC player... is... a little book.

A sayings-book, placed close at hand to your computer gaming table... a book perhaps, by one of the following: Lao Tzu, Suzuki, or even, the later Thomas Merton will do.

Because what is REQUIRED is... patience. ;)

A calm and casual Zen Apprehension that... all the while the clanking & smoking German juggernaut is annihilating nearly everything upright in sight! YOU will... have... patience.

Too easy, and understandable, to choke and chafe and roar off! in simply-deflected directions.

Let the Hun have his way. For awhile. YOU will wait. And wait.

UNTIL!! the striking moment arrives! :D

And so, invest in a Tech or two, depending on playing style (... Jets of course, perhaps IT or Anti-Air, a truly under-valued asset, or even more Sonar if the Wolfpacks are out in force and slavering, snarling of course).

Zen Patience.

YOU are the lean and lonesome Lion, breathing easy in the quiet underbrush, no insect or bird or snake will dare trouble your golden-cowled countenance... :cool:

And O, that brutely mannered and black heeled... Antelope, why, it supposes there is NO treachery anywhere... on this, the sun flushed Tundra... what an ill-advised, ill-considered... fit of... brute hubris!

Wait, wait... and wait a bit longer, then... screaming and elegant-beastly you... leap!

For that... shadowed... antelope throat... ;)

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Good answer by Iron. It depends.

I use to think its best to send units and a HQ to the Mid-East. Not that I would hold it, but to hold it for as long as possible.

Now I'm thinking its best to buy air.

Like Iron said, depends on what your goal is. But its a good discussion and would like to hear the answer from Zapp, Terif and Rambo.

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If you want to hold Egypt then you should consider sending corps (not a HQ) via the Cape and air fleets to sink any transports that approach the Suez or Beruit. Occassionaly I hide a ship in the Suez Canal until a transport comes into range. Normally I find that it takes six corps to really delay the Axis advance - 4 UK corps and 2 Free French Units, along with the spotting capability of a bomber unit.

The key is to place the air fleets out of range of any Axis air fleets to avoid damage from intercepting Axis attacking air fleets.

[ October 12, 2003, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Hi Curry,

As Iron Ranger and Bill101 already said: it all depends on your strategy and where you see the opportunities and threats (highly dependant on your opponent smile.gif ).

Allies can choose between dozens (or hundreds, depends on the definition ;) ) of strategies and you need different forces/units for each of them. Therefore this is a very complex topic.

But for the "early war" there are some guidelines. First for France:

- make sure you can defend/ delay the conquest of France. Never retreat your forces to Paris (except you open a hex to set a trap, kill an enemy unit and close the gap...) or France will fall much too early without losses for Germany.

- There are two main defence strategies for France:

1st: corps defence = France buys corps for every hex between LC and Paris. Then Germany usually needs until June/July 1940 until Paris falls (1-2 corps killed/turn). Low casualties for both sides, some armies will become free french, sometimes even a Hq. UK can save mpps and invest in all the nice things it needs later in the war, but Germany will also be strong. At the start they only need to send 1-2 corps to prevent early breakthroughs of Germany in France. The rest of the corps will be french ones.

2nd: fighting with a french Hq. There UK has to buy a lot of corps to build the first defence line. The french mpps will be used to reinforce/replace the 5 french armies that will kill any enemy unit that breaks through the british corps (no mpps left for french corps ;) ). If possible UK should buy Montgomery to support the airfleets.

BTW: to buy the french Hq: you can disband the AF + 2 battleships to build it in turn 1 (or wait until turn 2 + AF). Never leave your Med positions or even disband Med corps(=italian readiness increases). Then Italy will only join when Germany reaches the outskirts of Paris.

Guidelines in general:

- when airfleets have to fight, they need support by a Hq. Without a Hq it is very expensive and the enemy doesnt loose much. So buy Montgomery before you send your airfleets in a battle (if you dont fight with your air, Monti can wait ;) ).

- make sure you can defend England against an early Sealion (e.g. placing your fleet near the homeland, buying some corps/holding mpps back in cash...).

- buy some chits in Jets and LR to stay competitive with german air, but dont neglect your Island defence. If the enemy is more advanced, then move your air out of interception range until your tech catches up.

- everything else ("shopping list") totally depends on your strategy: 2nd Hq for Egypt, armies/tanks/corps for Egypt or Spain or Skandinavia or Africa... airfleets + tech... Gun laying radar + anti-sub...carriers...corps for raids at Brest, Brussel, Denmark, Med...and so on...

[ October 13, 2003, 06:53 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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