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Hi Guys. Been away for awhile as my motherboard went up in smoke last Saturday and I just got my computer back. I just got my e-mail up and running as well and will send out the NP 1 scenarios to all who requested them ASAP. Thanks for your patience. Hope to get everything in order with my computer this weekend at the latest.


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Getting ready to go on vacation tonite and I will be gone till Monday after next, so if you e-mail looking for either NP1 or 2 dont think I am ignoring you. I will send them out when i get back.



[ May 07, 2005, 07:57 AM: Message edited by: Emar ]

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  • 2 months later...

Unfortunately I don't remember when I sent the op to you but this one has been updated signifigantly in response to feedback since this initial post.(most notably Ken Federoff and his opponent Jon S. have been extremely helpful in making this a better op).


The Germans now have more defensive forces and defensive positions have been setup along the entire map.

The Germans have more troops and guns in the secondary line on the initial setup(tailleville, Greye-Sur-Mer, Douvres, etc). This keeps the Allied player from penetrting too far during the initial landing.

All AT guns in the initial setup are now in trenches in order to be harder to hit.

The Germans have lots of TRPs in the initial setup as well as for all reinforcement slots (an over sight on my part).

The Germans have more armor in their reinforcements (not really historically accurate but needed for playbalance).

Have doubled the # of German AT guns, most notably the easier to hide Pak 40's.

The Allied force has been tweaked as well from feedback(notably more infantry as the reinforcements were armor heavy before).

Please understand that such a massive op could only have limited playtesting (the map itself was a two and a half month ordeal), but I have continued to adjust it thanks to all the advice of those who played itand I think it is already a much better playing experiance.

Thanks to all for their patience and I hope it will soon play a lot better


P.S. Now if I could just find a websight powerfull enough to host these 2 beasts!!! ;)

P.S.S. I have been told that the Blut Und Ehre Op seems more balanced. Perhaps because a lot of the original kinks were ironed out in its CMBO incarnation.

[ July 19, 2005, 06:23 PM: Message edited by: Emar ]

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I tend to keep my sent messages for such eventualities! I can well understand the time spent on the map - they are all beautiful. Can you send me the up-dated file? I a not sure my opponent will want to start again but we will see.

One thing I think is important and probably still so in the revised version is that the forces should not move between battles as it provides unreal flexibility in an operation running on very short time scales ....

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Andreas just saw your note. The operation definately should be listed as an assault not advance. That was a typo. Wanted to allow the attacker the chance to exploit localized attacks without being pushed back at the end of the battle

Not sure why reinforcements could possibly appear behind your lines. The NML is set to 320 which I would think in the partial cover of the map would be adequate( could try 400 maybe but this battle historically had a great amount of localized attacks as the highly fanatical 12th SS troops assaulted the canadians). Have not had anyone mention this issue out of several feedback comments recieved. Perhaps your opponent made a strong advance in that sector in the previous battle or perhaps just an issue with the CM engine?.

You should indeed be having a difficult time as the Canadians in the first few battles as this is also historically accurate. It took the Canadians the better part of the 7th before being able to put any kind of halt to the fanatical SS troops.

The transport for the 88's indeed comes later. They were historically set up as part of Meyer's defenses and I did not think it would be realistic to be able to advance them in the first firefight.

Sorry to hear about your playing experiance and certainly appreciate any input. Not sure in retrospect that creating such large ops was a worthwhile endeavor. They are too hard to playtest and have a limited audience as well as being too large to host anywhere. :(

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Originally posted by Emar:

Not sure in retrospect that creating such large ops was a worthwhile endeavor. They are too hard to playtest and have a limited audience as well as being too large to host anywhere. :(

But in the end did you enjoy putting it together?

If the answer is yes, then it is a worthwhile endeavor, regardless of anything else.

BTW, now that the SD has gone to the big recycle bin in the sky where does one get the CMAK version of Blut Und Ehre?

[ July 20, 2005, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]

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I enjoy the challenge of making something that I have not seen elsewhere. Like the medium ops of my Gebirgsjager series or Stalingrad city op "Der Pionier Kessel"( And my favorite part of making scenarios believe it or not is map making)

I thought that there might be an audience out there for a group of super huge ops on maps that were as accurate as I could make them(was originally going to do 6 ops. These 2, Epsom, Road to St. Lo, Goodwood, and Falaise). The first 2 have had mixed reviews so far.

When creating scenarios however,I sometimes have troubles with balance issues as although I love this game I am not a good player. Stoffel took pity on me and tried to tutor me on multi player a while back and I got my ass handed to me. Now I leave the balance testing to the proving grounds but I did not put these 2 monsters there, would have been a lot to ask of playtesters.

I have played every incarnation of Squad Leader when I was younger and had even created 1/285th scale interchangable 3-D terrain mapboards with tons of GHQ and C&C microarmor( still have all this micro armor packed away somewhere, wonder if it is worth anything these days?), miniature buildings, trees, hills, etc, and periscopes for eye level assesment( it was a challenge to create) and I was thrilled when CM came out.

I am now going the other direction and I am creating a series of small and tiny battles currently in testing at the Proving grounds Based on a first hand account of a German soldier who served from Poland to the end.

I suppose the maps from these 2 beasts could be scaled down to a series of smaller engagements, either ops or battles with a little help from Pyewacket ;)

You can get the current CMAK Blut Und Ehre from me. will send it your way. Don't know where I will host these guys (or any of my other stuff for that matter). Most of the of the other websights out there host only internal design scenarios.

Eric :(

[ July 20, 2005, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Emar ]

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Don't give up on Ops, even if you never get one word of feedback from them.

Sometime in the near future I plan on designing 3 huge Ops on the battle for Brest, each one depicting the area of operations and engagements of the 2nd, 8th and 29th infantry division as they assaulted the city. Each map will be the maximum size that CMBO allows for an Op, and where one map ends the other will begin, so if one was to lay them side by side you would get almost the entire battlefield.

Chances are no one will ever play them, as by the time they will be released CMx2 will be out. They may end just up sitting in my HD.

Am I crazy? Perhaps, but sometimes the reason a man goes fishing is not to catch fish.

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Hi Emar,

if you enjoyed making it, that's justification enough. The monster scen I made of Takrouna has never - as far as I know - been played, and I don't realistically think it's likely to be either. Even by me.

Even still, I enjoyed making it, and especially the research that went into it. And as a result of all that effort, I'm reasonably confident that the scen I created is a vey close approximation of the situation as it existed at the start of that particular battle, both in terms of the map (thanks to ozidigger) and the respective OoBs (thanks to Emrys and Commando Supremo). And that's enough for me. And it helps me to visualise that battle when I'm reading about it, in terms of force-to-space ratios, distances, topography, balance of force, etc. All good stuff. So I'm happy with the finished product, which I anyway view as a 3D picture and article about the battle, more than as a scenario for a game. It's probably not what BFC had in mind for their editor, but hey, I can use it however I want smile.gif

Designing scens isn't a popularity contest. The only person you really have to satisfy is yourself.



BTW, could you send me an updated version of the Race to Caen op?

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Originally posted by Emar:

Andreas just saw your note. The operation definately should be listed as an assault not advance. That was a typo. Wanted to allow the attacker the chance to exploit localized attacks without being pushed back at the end of the battle

Not sure why reinforcements could possibly appear behind your lines. The NML is set to 320 which I would think in the partial cover of the map would be adequate( could try 400 maybe but this battle historically had a great amount of localized attacks as the highly fanatical 12th SS troops assaulted the canadians). Have not had anyone mention this issue out of several feedback comments recieved. Perhaps your opponent made a strong advance in that sector in the previous battle or perhaps just an issue with the CM engine?.

My opponent made a strong advance in the centre, to the woods north of the cross-roads. He did not penetrate beyond the road though. As a consequence, my formations in the southern-most village, and some in the village with all the Bocage were cut off during setup, but I decided to leave them there, since they really had not been attacked at all. But somehow he could just move right past me in those sectors, and in the village on my left flank he appeared right in front of me.

Personally I find that only static ops work properly, so I would blame it on the engine.

I enjoyed your Gebirgsjaeger ops for CMBB, two of which I played PBEM, and found them to be very balanced too.

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Emar - just found the link to this discussion (thanks Soddball). I can identify with the difficulty in creating large ops; I did one on the Ortona fighting called Little Stalingrad which used to be up at the Scenario Depot - is still up at the Proving Grounds, I think. I agree it is hard to playtest such things but honestly think that the experience is the thing rather than the play. Since we no longer have the depot anymore, any chance you can please email this to me at madorosh@shaw.ca ?

I still owe JonS a turn in Kingfish's St. Lambert scenario, come to think of it...

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Emar. The maps are beautiful and I can see that your expertise is there rather than the play balance side. Whenever you next have a biggy let me see the game and you can have my 2 cents worth on the fighting side of it. : )

That of course is distinct from the historicity of the forces - we have to face that CMAK cannot accomodate satisfactorily a straight force conversion.

Funnily enough the invasion map would be great to fight along the length - is it possible to split out the maps?

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Originally posted by Andreas:


My opponent made a strong advance in the centre, to the woods north of the cross-roads. He did not penetrate beyond the road though. As a consequence, my formations in the southern-most village, and some in the village with all the Bocage were cut off during setup, but I decided to leave them there, since they really had not been attacked at all. But somehow he could just move right past me in those sectors, and in the village on my left flank he appeared right in front of me [/QB]
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