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Message to CodenameClone, Terif & Zapp

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CodenameClone --- Just for you, I conceded my game against Terif in which I used Rambo Rome Invasion a.k.a. RRI. I also am willing to remove my victory over ZappSweden in which I used it. I also played ZappSweden another game & he was given Allies with no rules barred. We decided not to continue that game. Your comments about me were & are false. Why do you question my integrity?

It's funny your complaining about my style of play. (Your crying over my use of the LC-gambit in our last game for example). I find your style of play the most boring. Nothing but cookie cutter & a Terif wannabee.

Terif --- Once again you got the Air-Tech advantage on me. The turn I move my 4-UK-fighters into position, you get air-tech. How many games in a row have you gotten air-tech before me? My carrier takes massive damage & does nothing to you. Incredible! Remember that last attack in the Ardennes against the French army? You get the kill, when I was Axis, I sent 4-fighters against the same thing, & got nothing! There's no point for to keep playing for 8-hours after losing the "moment of truth" over the English channel. How many games in a row have you gotten the tech advantage between UK/Germany?

In regards to the old RRI-game I gave you as a win. This way, I don't have to hear all the crap from CodenameClone.

Zapp --- Like I stated on ICQ, remove my win over you w/ RRI. I think you should change the Houserule to allow the "old Italian gambit". The Riga thing is nothing compared to the travesty in Spain. Spain is a joke. Allies get no supply, lose Portugal, Spain, The Rock, & Axis get a connection to N.Africa. Spain goes in 2-turns. There needs to be a houseule for Spain.

Here's what is needed immediately in Houserules:

1) Spain, anything would help

2) Forced Intercept rules

3) Funny thing about your Riga rule, Axis are going to pound the air-units & tanks. You'll find out giving Riga wasn't a good idea.

[ June 08, 2003, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Concerning our game:

You are right, I guess it was a bit of luck to get Lv1 Jets before you. But perhaps it was because I invested in tech and you not.. ?

In mid 1941 you had 4 airfleets and a bomber. You battled for France and had some losses in Eqypt. I dont think you had much mpp left for research.

I usually invest 7-9 chits as UK and in this game as Axis I had 10 chits. You in contrary usually use the mpp for battles. So perhaps it is not that much luck, if I am sometimes ahead in tech... (especially from Lv 0 to Lv 1. BTW I had the Lv1 2-3 turns before you moved your airfleets in position).

About combat luck:

killing the french army in the Ardennes forest IS dificult !! I also needed very often many air attacks to do damage and kill it. Besides, how about your "lucky" UK corps ? I needed 3 turns to kill this single corps... didnt want to die ;) .

Sometimes one player has luck in a situation, sometimes the other. Combat luck evens out during the entire game. And mostly it can be explained with terrain bonus, entrenchment, experience and supply/Hq support (e.g. the Ardennes army: fully entrenched and with terrain bonus. Looking at the combat formula i.e: in average the first and second airfleet can not do any damage at all to the army and that is what happened in the game.. Only with a lucky shot they can do a maximum of 1 damage to the french unit. All following airfleets do in average one strength point damage).

About carriers:

Carriers are only useful with tech and experience. Your carriers had nothing from this (Lv0 and not much experience). And the most important before attacking as UK is reconnaissance ! Even as you noticed with your first airfleet attack that I had Lv1 jets and airfleets in Range of Brussel you continued to attack with all your airfleets and carriers. I had 7 !! airfleets around Brussel (not all intercepting, I had some 6 hexes away near Paris to make a counterattack). No wonder that I killed one airfleet and damaged your carriers heavily in my next turn...

Summary: never attack so early (~7 turns before Russia would come in) without knowing the enemy strength and without any technology. And never continue attacking when you see there are strong enemy airforces around !

[ June 09, 2003, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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No Rambo. The game you won against me counts. Rome invasion is not the only gamey thing in this game. The unique thing is that it has no real counter. I have lost alot of games when an opponent have done gamey moves.

You deserved the win, and what is allowed IS allowed. We can only play with the current rules and do our best.

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Originally posted by zappsweden:

No Rambo. The game you won against me counts.

You deserved the win, and what is allowed IS allowed. We can only play with the current rules and do our best.

Definition of Class Act: See zappsweden

Nuff Said!

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Look, Rambo...You're a much better player than me of course but despite that it seems that you infering that Terif is cheating he isn't.I mean I've played enough SC games against him and enough games in general to figure out that he merely is very scientific and strategic about his formula. He retreats his units and gains exp. for his air. He researches and doesn't attack until he knows where and what you're doing. He has a mind like a chessplayer watching your every move calculating what you're doing and where you've put it and exactly the values he can get for what he has. To the degree he is a chess player, I'm not sure, I'm pretty sure with no losses a top notch type... It's hard to beat a mind that plays like that, I'm a bit more like you even more so than you. A Dice man, a risktaker, who blends strategy in. We often don't beleive the unbelievable but regardless the mind is highly capable thing and when you know all the math and all the basic rules it's just a matter of percentages. He will lose to one of us once or twice...over hundreds of games more likely because his strategy will more than likely show it's flaws by then. Everyone has flaws or maybe he doesn't I'm not sure. Although I know every time I play you, <though waiting inbetween> I learn some else about you. Eventually if I played you long enough unless my mental capability to expand my imagination and strategy within this context was to be limited in comparison with yours I could best you at least 50/50

Interesting about your Rome invasion. I have thought up some other ideas myself in recent times that are similarly damaging. One day I'll hotseat them and see how people react to something that shakes the foundation of their gaming strategy and sends their strategic minds into a quandry...

By the way: in another game same like my WW2Online which involes a bit of manual dexterity, vision, speed...certian situations and chance that is simply not possible in a chesslike strategic situation. Someone like Terif may have his armor melted in front me every time..Or 1/10 times... depending... we would have to emulate his math-chess skill to beat him. that or have all the dice and just about our most flawless game play..<to come close> which you have done no?

[ June 09, 2003, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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Just tell me what is false of what i said, u talking about 'crying' ,well, thats false, i beat u with u LC gambit in less than 4 months and i beat u again playing this time allies with LC turn 2, in less than 4 months, yer games dont last too much, aint it?. What i did say to u is that if u were going to play again like this warn me cause i wasnt going to play, i prefered to read a good book. And the game we are actually playing is already won, dont know if uve realized..., even tho i missed conquering LC, then u came whining about terif-clones when i was conquering minors at light speed...man, so sad.

And please, i give u the presumption that u know how to read, i posted that Rome Invasion in March, now call it as u want. i just dont give a damn but im not callin it RRI as i discovered it long time ago.

My previous posts concern also about people that use that move in online games or are willing to, ive made my statement of what i think of that move and people willing to use it. Players trying to beat better players by means of a flaw, so sad. Game over in turn 6, kewl, it takes more time to arrange a game that to play it and what newbie trying to play online for first time is gonna be willing to play again?.

And about the clone issue. You just dont know how i play, ive played few and of course shorts games with u, terif its the only 1, ive played almost 20 games with him and ive made all kinds of moves, terrible moves in the beginnig, better ones later, and i always enjoyed the games, the fact is that in the last games we had developed such a good techique to take minors i had to use iot against him if i wanted something and i have been close to win him a couple of times. EVERY player is copying the best tactics, in the begining nobody knew how to take Norway and Sweden properly, now almost everybody is using the sames moves, are they clones? of course not.

Yer game is chaotic, weird moves, wrong strategy...So, please, dont be telling about other people tactics and please review yer strategies.

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Liam --- Nothing in my message to Terif stated "cheating". It was "complaining" about getting a luck edge. It's going to take some breaks to beat him, I don't see anybody doing it, do you? I had a game against him were his units in the Ardennes held off my Axis 3-ground attacks & 5-air units...I get no kill. It was a critical point when Germany can't get the kill against the French. Terif goes thru the Ardennes like butter last game against me. Gee, I'm not smart enough to have experience & Manstein early in the game too? I can't remember ever having the Jet tech advantage over Terif at key times with either the Axis or Allies. The last game was my own "dice roll". I put my UK-fighters around London within spotting range of the Nazis. Neither of us had Jets tech, I was "hoping" I'd get it first & gain the early edge. I didn't get it, he did. Yes, I gambled & paid a big price.

Zapp --- Our game relationship is just that, between you & me. We discussed it already. The ONLY reason I brought it in front of others was so CodenameClone couldn't slander my name.

CodenameClone --- Actually , I never read your post. What does the matter? Sounds like you're the own trying to put a feather in your cap, not me smile.gif

It's funny how you brag about beating me with the LC-gambit (see your post above) then preach to me about my short games. Your memory seems to selectively forget the game we didn't finish right before the Z-League creation. Could you please explain for me?

1) You act like I'm looking for glory, when you're the own looking for it. Remember, Bill Gates didn't code the first Operating System & Henry Ford didn't invent the automobile.

2) You cut-down my short games, yet brag about beating me that way. Hypocrite: Meaning, beneath the Truth.

3) You say I don't have strategy, & you call the cookie-cutter a "Grand thing". I call it wait 18-hours for one chance in an air battle.

Do I follow the rules of the League? YES

Do I post my losses promptly? YES

Do I dodge people when I'm losing? NO

Therefore, I'll play how I want to play.



[ June 09, 2003, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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what glory am i looking for, legend ? Of having discovered a move that kills the game? lol, all im lookin for is have some fun with a fun game and with a human opponent. Tho i prefer to play the AI that to arrange a game to use the Rome Invasion flaw. Not yer case.

You post yer defeats promptly!!! geeze, congrats!!! Oh, what a big man u r!!!

Now, a warning for people out there.

Everytime i played rambo, he manages to ' get disconnected ' every now and then. Last time i played him, four times in less than 2 hours. I never gave it a second thought but well, hes been complaining and whining about his luck with tech (the real truth, he invests in only 1 chit, 2 maximum, the rest of MMPs are wasted in battles). This is the scenario. Well, he never disconnects in a middle of a turn, nope!, it happens always at the end of the turn. I think he gets so upset about not having discovered anything he wants another try and shuts the game down. ROFL. The other option he do have a crap&selective dial-up connection and spends all his money at golf (the only way he can put something in a hole).

Condor laughin' at jjrambo.

Anno Domini 2003.

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Condor, just get yourself banned from the forum for a few days and Rambo will come a-running and you two will be like peas and carrots together again. tongue.gif

Just curious, but have ANY of you guys noticed that the 1940 scenario is pretty much gambit-proof? Without house rules. Who's the LEGEND playing the 1940 scenario?? tongue.giftongue.gif

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Posted by Codename Condor:

Well, he never disconnects in a middle of a turn, nope!, it happens always at the end of the turn. I think he gets so upset about not having discovered anything he wants another try and shuts the game down. ROFL. The other option he do have a crap&selective dial-up connection

I think its the crappy 56k dial-up connection, I know he is using one because the length of time it takes him to send turns (from when you can't move your mouse anymore until you recieve the turn). Most disconnects happen during that period, so unless you see "connection terminated by opponent", hes not intentionally disconnecting.

spends all his money at golf (the only way he can put something in a hole).

Sorry Rambo, but I gotta give him credit for that one....... :D
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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

[QB]I had a game against him were his units in the Ardennes held off my Axis 3-ground attacks & 5-air units...I get no kill. It was a critical point when Germany can't get the kill against the French.

Lol you shoulda pulled a Irish and disconnected demand to be host and then never lose a battle. smile.gif

I know the feeling. There is no way you can beat Terif if you have bad luck. And maybe not even if you don't have Good luck. <EG>

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well, i wouldnt like to be punished by the adms, i dont think im gonna say anything for that to happen, just fightin' the dark side i am ;)

(i dont get the peas&carrots expresion, friends u mean? could be, he has to abandon the dark path hes following for that to happen tongue.gif )

I havent tried the 1940 scenario, in this kind of games i want to develop the axis or allies forces from the very begining, 1939 is Da Scenario!. But its true what u say.

Conrade Trapp

It can be done. U save, u press end turn, window shows up, u dont get any advances, u pull the wire off yer puter, u post in the forum, my diap-up bumped again , try this ip.., u load the saved game, and u have another chance to develop something. Im saying is highly suspicious, not that rambo is doing it, but hes always disconnectin' when i play him, i mean a lot of disconnections. A real crap dial-up connection would get disconnections in the middle of the turn also. Rambo only gets disconnected AFTER he has pressed the end turn :rolleyes: . Then u go to the forum and u post some posts complaining about the luck in tech, nice alibi. :rolleyes:

What i think is that people using the Rome Invasion are also potential cheaters, man, they try to get any posible flaw of the game. What will be the next thing they probably do?

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Originally posted by Codename Condor:

It can be done. U save, u press end turn, window shows up, u dont get any advances, u pull the wire off yer puter, u post in the forum, my diap-up bumped again , try this ip.., u load the saved game, and u have another chance to develop something. Im saying is highly suspicious, not that rambo is doing it, but hes always disconnectin' when i play him, i mean a lot of disconnections.

I have played rambo a few times and though he does have one suck ass connection (And has a big mouth) I find him an honerable opponent.

On a side not if you do a search for "persistant" you should find a recommendation i made to hubert awhile back that would stop this type of thing from happening. By makeing a persistant seed and saveing it at turns end then no matter how many times you reload the outcome of the battles will be identicle. There are many other methods to stop cheaters for instance...A random seed dump encrypted with timestamp will show any manipulations of battle outcomes.

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CodenameClone --- Dude, you're finally manifesting the traits of another Rambo-Hollywood fan. That is good! You're more concerned about my Image than anything else, stalking my posts, & going w/ the crowd. (see Punnyworth) With no facts you start accusing me of cheating, it's really called slander, actually you're typing it, so it's libel. (see IrishGuards & that fruitcake M.Anderson) Just curious, how do you know what I spend in chits? You must have that FOW sniffer. Besides attacking my dial-up services, you forgot to attack my free Yahoo e-mail (see that Jo-Hans guy from last Christmas)You're just another guy who played forever & absolutely sucked. So you had to copy & buy yourself a game. (see yourself, the Clone) My game is more open, flexible & entertaining. And to show your lack of funny material, you dig at this golf to sexual thing.

Do yourself a favor & reinvent. Take inventory of your life & quit going with the crowd...Maybe it's a Euro-Thing.

Rambo-Hollywood, Captain of Team-USA


[ June 11, 2003, 08:38 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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"Join us, Condor. It is your destiny. The Dark Side of the Force even now flows through your Being. Give in to it Condor."

--"No, No, Never!"

"I'm your Daddy!"

--"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!"


My thanks to Gaylord Focker for using this still in the General Forum during a futile attempt to destroy the News Thread. :D

[ June 11, 2003, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Nice try, tryin' to place me in the same knack that others guys that have previously confronted u? I have nothing in common with kunnyworht, jo-hans, tobby chung, freaking charlie chan, and what they called u or accused u i just dont know.

All u say is nonsense instead of telling me if those weirds disconnections happens only in games against me or with other people too, in the middle of turns or just after u press the end turn. What i do know is that u previously accused terif of that FOW thing (glad to be in the same knack here lol), but jut basic maths m8, if u have X money to spend and u spend Y money in battles then u have Z=X-Y money to buy a single chit in tech and then post&whine about having crap scientits!!! LMAO, easy to guess even with FOW, aint it?. And please dont be so naive as to make relationship between CRACKING a game (FOW) and just save&disconnect in the apropiate moment, u dont need a grade for the latter.

Potential cheaters (rome invasion, wins at all cost...) plus disconnections at the end of the turn means 'DANGER: U R POSSIBLY BEEING CHEATED' and i DO say POSSIBLY, but that possibility is enuff for not playing u again, i didnt accused u of it maybe its just the second option, yep, the golf&sexual thingy.

JerseyJohn, u r The Light Master!!!, maybe the evil dark has ways to confuse even the cleverest minds!! that flatters me!! tongue.gif , i didnt know this issue was previously used, i thought i was being original but great pic!!


For the past 15 minutes now, you've been droning on about names. Toby... Toby... Toby... Toby Wong... Toby Wong... Toby Wong... Toby Chung... ****ing Charlie Chan. I've got Madonna's big dick coming out of my left ear and Toby the Jap I-don't-know-what, coming out of my right.


A Band Apart Company, SA.

Europe, 2003.

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CodenameCopy --- I must have really struck a nerve with you. Your best comment while playing TCP/IP,"Come on Rambo, I don't play like that anymore, I've been playing Terif & trying to be like him." That was hillarious, the little Euro becoming a man. We're so proud of you Clone.

What's up with the Chan & Toby takes? Just throwing some racial thing at me? Doesn't surprise me, you'd really hate my background.

You're dismissed,


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Then, I really think that kind of thing should be implemented in SC2, everything that restricts cheating has my support.


Well, i guess yer right and this has become kinda a battle, if we can have some laughs in-between i think they are welcome, glad u enjoyed some of the jokes but not as much as i enjoy yer posts.

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Likewise my friend, this place has to be fun or there's no point to it.

Once in a while things get heated. I've been a few real feuds myself, but looking back they were all things that could have been sidestepped.

The good part is enmities never last very long here.

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racial thing? :confused: I knew u werent gonna be able to get it, sigh.

And please, forget about that USA vs Europe thingy, i do like USA. Nice try again to confuse, trying to bring some racial and countries phobias here? Geeze.

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Drill Instructor: There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here, you are all equally worthless.


Where u from private rambo? Holy dog ****! Idaho? Only steers and queers come from Idaho, Private rambo. And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down.

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