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Round 2 SC tournament


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How's it going? How's it going!

Well, this is an AAR, of the game going with waltero, so far. We were in the fall of 40, that the game became unstable. Wind here, disco somewhere.

It's not going like I wanted it to. I violated my own rules. That is Kill France fast.

Waltero did the dutch gambit and then pushed many fleets into the baltic. My ships hammered him, and I did not know that he would continue to do this. I bombed, I intercepted. I hurt. He lost fleets, and his french navy, which is supposed to be nothing, survived, and annoyed me.

I got distracted, and bombed his British navy, taking some of them out. But he got the time to build. And built he did. A French HQ, A British HQ. And now, sadly for me, it's trench warfare on the western front. I did, finally take Belguim. And the colonies. I had too. He has 3 carriers in the North sea. Nothing down in the med. Which is right, since, until France falls, it doesn't matter.

Bash bash, and it shouldn't be this way. It's late, I am behind schedule, and it's a morass.

My German fleet is dead, but for the two uboat, floating about, free: His fleet is in the north sea. They will be key, if and when the French surrender. But they haven't and I am frustrated. I have not have the dutch gambit against me.

France will fall, but late. The cost will be high. I have no tech. I am bleeding.

Waltero is getting reduced. But will I have time to fix everything back? I am sure I can take Paris, soon, but...at what cost.

I commend Waltero for risking his ships bombarding Denmark (copenhagen). It didn't matter much, it shouldn't have mattered at all. But it did.

I have 5 air fleets. But they are so weak and I can not reinforce them much. I have an italian air, but they seem to be flying to antartica

I own the med, but can't do anything with it, till France falls.

Waltero played the dutch gambit, so unexpectedly, that it may be key.

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I suggest you Armchair Generals click the link below and take a look at the SCHQ. The Tournament site has been created. smile.gif Please update me with as much information as you can spare...IE:

who won?

when was the surrender?

game comments?

what was the final score, if any?

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"With broken heart and head bowed in sadness but not in shame...." "Please say to the nation," that my troops and I have upheld the best tradition of the United States and its Army.... With profound regret and with continued pride in my gallant troops, I go to meet the German Commandant commander."


CvM conceding to Irish Guards

He beat me in Russia, using the Luftwaffe, i have nothing more to say.

But i will rise again

[ December 28, 2002, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: Carl Von Mannerheim ]

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A loss for the Axis in my game:(.

It was going great I had Poland done in 3, which was my goal (hate to rush and go for 2), took Denmark, then he made a dash and did the Dutch Gambit, the cleanest one I have ever seen! Then he declared war on Italy and took (I forget the Citys name) but the Southern City and port that is not Sicily. I thought "Great look he left southern France Open, along with the Gibralter, Malta, Suez and Alexandria (because those corps were on the Sicily coastline. Me then realizing I could take Gib and Suez and he could never reinforce the med, went for it, left Sicily, landed took Suez with 10th Italian army, then had a corps outside Malta and Gib, he then sunk my transport outside Malta, and put bomber command in Gib, so I got neither, then I put all forces in the Northern Italy and went through France, then we saved and continued

My first move was to attack with 2 air and 2 armys and I destroyed the Canadian army, then I had a connection error we went back,

When we got back I did the same and the Canadians survived, then I attacked a French army with 2 air and 4 ground, he survived wit 1 point.

After that I caught no breaks.

He went on an offencive and caught an Italian Army, German Corps, and my Damaged Italian navy, I was hurt but I still could take Paris, So I went on, it became trench warefare (the battle Germany NEVER seems to pull out of) then I realized I was in crap in the South so I was pulling out to the Lower Countries (If I went there initially I could have taken France SO MUCH EASIER! then I went to war map to make sure USA was still at -20% they were but USSR was at 67% I think it was because I had nothing on the East, so I moved a few units theyre and they stopped at 69 or 70somthing, then I was doomed in the West I had to repair 5 air fleets and Only had enough money to repair them all, Oh well I thought Ill go on the offencive that ill make or break the waaar (BAD CALL) I lost 2 air fleets and an Army, had a beaten Panzer and Army lucky to be alive. I was now outnumbered by France alone, Southern Italy was all British, I was SCREWED, so I threw in the towel to save time. Hueristic was a good player! Congarats

Also thanks to CMV and Otto, Great Santa on the website and coverage, I tried to make you guys a Final screenshot but I couldnt, Sorry, I hope I can join your tourney after, ill continue to do this one, 2 matches left in this round.

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Originally posted by Brad Tennant:

A loss for the Axis in my game:(.

Oh well I thought Ill go on the offencive that ill make or break the waaar (BAD CALL) I lost 2 air fleets and an Army, had a beaten Panzer and Army lucky to be alive. I was now outnumbered by France alone, Southern Italy was all British, I was SCREWED, so I threw in the towel to save time. Hueristic was a good player! Congarats

It was a good game i had alot of fun and had most of the luck on my side.


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So....for Round Three:

Who's left, and should I be allowed to participate?

Round one: I play Rambo, and we all know about the dispute therein. But in summary, I win without winning (I think, again, based on his strategy at that time, I would have won, but it is not known).

Round two: I play Waltero (but it's Rambo, actually), and again I win, without winning, because Waltero is pissed, and leaves the contest (and the room), I think, so he implied when he said he was leaving the channel, because he was getting annoyed at things, key things, I felt).

Round three: If Waltero still wants to be in this, I concede to him. At round three, I still haven't beat anyone, so it's kind of false for me.

However, if Waltero does not decide that he wants the spot, and I am allowed, and there are the number of opponents remaining, such that I would fill the fourth, I would love to participate in a game against someone who has joined into this game and played it a few times, now!, and is ready and willing to win against me, and not be all mad, if in case, I might play a decent game. And get lucky.

Brad Tennant, thank you for putting up the tournament. It was cool before it got cross ways, and it's cool now.

I thank you.

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It's March 1943 and 82ndReady has declared as the Axis. Norway, Sweden, Iraq, Syria, Finland, Libya , French North Africa and Sicily have been liberated by the allies. In Russia, the Wehrmacht has been stalled on a line running from Konigsberg to Kiev to Odessa for the last 18 months. They have only taken Odessa so far and Russian attrition is beginning to tell.

A very enjoyable game. I just hope Irish Guards doesn't live too far away, as the eight hour time difference playing TCP/IP with 82ndReady necessitated my getting up at 0500 a few times. :(

[ January 01, 2003, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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K so if i got this straight we are waiting on Waltero/Brian match? Is this correct. I have no problem extending the deadline for these two as they have obviously been screwed with. BTW I don't even know what the deadline is anyway smile.gif

But I do want to play my next match So at least Post that you two are communicating.

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Heuristic, Brad, fellows...

Here's the scoop, as far as I know it:

On December 26th, I posted my schedule here on this thread (which was flexible) for Waltero, along with my Email address.

On December 27th, I played Waltero, but it wasn't Waltero, as we know.

On or about December 30th, Waltero got upset for reasons that are described in the forum, and decided he was leaving and going off to play a different Battlefront game, CMBB or something.

I never did get an Email from Waltero, we have not started our game, I have tried to post to Waltero now again, to play now, if at all.

Tomorrow, I work and cannot play. Friday, I work half day and can play during the second half and stay up all night if necessary. Saturday I am free.

So, referring to my earlier post on this thread from yesterday, you are without either of us, unless, you need a fourth to even things. If so, then if Waltero and I can't meet, soon, he should get precedence and I concede. If he doesn't announce that he wants to be in the next round, and you need that fourth, I am available and will be as flexible as possible (and probably fodder).

I think that's where things stand. Sorry about that.


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Waltero and I finally played.

I got very lucky. Almost Rambo lucky, but it was actually simply luck. Very bad dice for him.

He decided to concede, "surrender", I quote (never surrender!) in June, 1940.

I don't know if it counts. I don't know if it is too late. I don't know if it matters. But I do know that it was great fun.

Thank you Waltero, for a wonderful playing experience.


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