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Fall Weiss '39 AAR - Comrade Trapp (Allies) vs. aesopo123 (Axis)

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let me get this straight...

French have 4 corps in a front line, 3 armies secondary, and an armor. UK has 3 air fleets. (including malta?)

I take it the LC is still neutral, is that right?

Hey aesop, your strategy might work against the AI but I think you are losing badly already.

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On March 3, 1940, Hitler violated the low countries' neutrality and sweeped their resistance within a month's time exposing the northern borders of France. Spitfires have tried to provide air support but of no avail. Goering ridicules the Briton's feeble air coverage. He predicts he would be able to bomb Britain into submission and win the war through air power alone.

BTW, Col. Guderian was shot for speaking ill of Doenitz and the High Command. An unknown private by the initials of FF is being sought by the gestapo, any information leading to his arrest and summary execution will spare your family's lives.

[ May 22, 2004, 01:12 AM: Message edited by: aesopo123 ]

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Originally posted by Friendly Fire:

let me get this straight...

French have 4 corps in a front line, 3 armies secondary, and an armor. UK has 3 air fleets. (including malta?)

I take it the LC is still neutral, is that right?

Hey aesop, your strategy might work against the AI but I think you are losing badly already.

Here ya go ;) :


I don't think he's losing, its still very possible to take France by June 1940.

[ May 22, 2004, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Interesting so far.

If Aesopo has played that many PBEM games than he is not new. But who were they against? PeeWee Herman?

Interesting moves by Commard too. I like to build a French HQ, but he seems to like his game plan.

Will be interesting to see what happens here.

As for that General Guderian fellow, glad he was shot. LOL.

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Originally posted by aesopo123:

On March 3, 1940, Hitler violated the low countries' neutrality and sweeped their resistance within a month's time exposing the northern borders of France. Spitfires have tried to provide air support but of no avail. Goering ridicules the Briton's feeble air coverage. He predicts he would be able to bomb Britain into submission and win the war through air power alone.

BTW, Col. Guderian was shot for speaking ill of Doenitz and the High Command. An unknown private by the initials of FF is being sought by the gestapo, any information leading to his arrest and summary execution will spare your family's lives.

You going to send me the turn?

We got to move faster then this, expect to have my turns back to you within 15 mins from when you send them.

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AFP- Berlin, March 30, 1940 - Radio Berlin reported that Adolf Hitler was assasinated while playing with his rubber duckie and toy submarine in his bath. His assailants are unknown at this time. High Command has issued a communique stating strong suspicions that a British commando squad infiltrated Hitler's HQ when a truckload of prostitutes were ordered by Hitler was not scrutinized by his security.

Gen. Manstien was appointed commander-in-chief by consensus at High Command.

Gen. Himmler was summarily executed and the Gestapo SS was disbanded after a failed coup against Manstien. The SS waffen was integrated into regular Panzer formations.

Manstien vowed to vigorously pursue the war and ordered the German economy to be at full war footing and mobilization.

Il Duce sends his congratulations to Manstien and gives a secret promise to attack the southern French front when the opportunity arises.

While London and Parliament was celebrating for the disposal of the bohemian corporal, Churchill, in his office overlooking the river Thames, had a maligned and distressed look on his face. His aide asked him what was wrong?

The old bulldog replied "Against Hitler, it was a matter of time when we would triumph. Now, we need all the time to stave off defeat".

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March 17, 1940

Germany invades the Low Countries which is quickly overrun. Two RAF air fleets intercept, both sides take damage, AFs reinforced.

The French Army does not attempt to advance into the Low Countries, but instead remains dug in along the French-LC border. V corps replaces 4th Army which is garrisoning the center section of the Maginot Line, 4th Army pulls back to a position south-west of the French mine.

In southern France, VI corps is created in Marseilles.

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Originally posted by Col. Gen. Guderian:

What the hell is this? The world war 2 chronicle? Do you really have to talk crap about Doenitz heading a memorial? This is such balls.

Continue with this. Such little extra makes it more fun to read. As a spectator its booring reading clean troop movements.
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April 14, 1940

The German 3rd & 4th armies launch a attack on II corps on the extreme northern end of our defensive line and is repulsed, II corps takes 50% losses and is reinforced.

Directly the the south-east to that, the German 14th Army launches a attack on III corps and is also repulsed, III corps is reinforced.

The Luftwaffe does not make an air attacks but instead moves into the Low Countries.

Meanwhile, the French 4th Army moves from the general reserve into the northern end of our second defensive line.

Only one new German unit has been spotted, and that is a Luftwaffe air fleet spotted in the Low Countries.

No German HQs have been spotted on the western front.

Current War Readiness:

Italy: 80%

Soviet Union: 37%

United States: 11%

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The French III Corps was decimated by German airpower while II Corps was reduced to 10%. Also coordinated attacks on these corps were performed by 4th, 14th, 3rd and 8th Armies. 8th Army went into the French gauntlet vacated by the defunct F III Corps. Manstien was worried about it's exposed position but hoped air support would protect it.

French forces were seen hurriedly trying to dig trench defenses and recreate WWI conditions for the invading Germans. OKW had pushed it's table protections of reaching Paris by mid-July 1940 and Il Duce has sent an encrypted message that he would join the war at that point.

Goering still gave an optimistic assessment of the strength of the luftwaffe and reassured Manstien of total air superiority.

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May 12, 1940

French III corps destroyed, II corps takes 90% losses but holds and is later reinforced. No counter-attacks made, instead, III corps is recreated south-east of Paris.

British RAF reinforced after intercepts over France.

New German HQ spotted on the western front, Manstein (9).

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III and IIII F Corps were destroyed by combined land and air raids. 8th Army was restrengthened and XVI Panzer raced into the Ardennes. XIX Panzer also raced into the front vacated by the III F Corps.

OKW is still holding on to the projections of reaching Paris by July 1940.

Mass refugess were seen streaming from the front clogging major roadways and hindering French reinforcements to the front.

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June 9, 1940

France's first defensive line has been overrun, although the French 3rd Army on the northern section of the Maginot Line continues to hold.

Our second defensive line if fully manned and ready to go. Behind that, the French 1st Armored Tank Group, a newly recreated II corps, and III corps waits in reserve.

RAF reinforces after intercepts, gaining experience.

Italian Readiness still at 80%.

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Comrade - Interesting choice of defense of France. For myself I would have gone with the Dutch Gambit too like Kuni after building a French HQ. But its good to watch and learn a different method. Perhaps this will be just as effective in the long run especially considering the USA war readiness. Good AAR to show off your defense of France.

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Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Col. Gen. Guderian:

What the hell is this? The world war 2 chronicle? Do you really have to talk crap about Doenitz heading a memorial? This is such balls.


Its a AAR of an ongoing PBEM game between aesopo123 and myself.

Now shove off! </font>

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I think wasting 600-1000 mpps to delay the Germans a few turn turns is not a wise investment. The allies could not match the airpower and HQ organization Germany had in 1940. I am still for the early massive Dunkirk idea and I am willing to take on anyone on the same bid 1:5:20 (UK, US, USSR) if they would take the axis. Britain is wasting resources they could ill afford to squander. Germany could easily match attrition loses in the Army and Airforce. Where the heck is your navy Trapp?

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June 23, 1940

aesopo123's previous after-action report was a little off.

It was the French 1st Army that was destroyed in combat, putting them two hexes from Paris instead of one, II and III corps prevent them from advancing any further.

Meanwhile 5th Army on the northern end of the defensive line takes 50% losses, but is quickly reinforced.

No counter-attacks made by French forces, RAF is reinforced after intercepts.

Italian readiness is still at 80%.

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