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AAR Air/Grnd Limit: Shaka (Axis) vs Oak (Allies)

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Very nice AAR. If you guys still have some of the save game files, it would be nice to rewrite the whole AAR with a few screen shots here and there and elaborate on your strategy decisions along the way. You can't really do that while you're playing and posting updates each turn, else you give away your intentions. But while the game is still fresh in your minds, now would be a good time to prepare a document for the SC library at Otto's site. :cool:

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First, I was surprised at the lack of experience gained from Dublin and the poor performance of the UK navy against it. Not sure why.

Second, experience is definitely based on results. For example, if your attack kills an opposing unit then you get half a bar of experience. If there are no results then you get something like 0.1 of a bar in experience (meaning that it takes 10 moves to get one bar). The bomber was making a heavy impact on the ports, and gaining a lot of experience as a result.

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My basic strategy was to force the Axis to spend as much MPPs as possible on reinforcements and replacements so as to limit his resources going into Barbarossa.

My impression is that the Axis strategy was to invest heavily in the Axis navy, take out the UK fleet and then control the seas. His decision to invest heavily in subs was, I think, a mistake given the strength of the UK bomber and carriers.

In turn, I was prepared to sacrifice the UK fleet (except for the carriers) because I knew that I'd get 2 more battleships and 2 more cruisers once the USA and USSR joined. If I lost the UK battleships but also took out the German fleet I was happy.

Overall, my goal was not to eliminate the Axis fleet but to force the Axis to spend lots of MPP reinforcing it. For example, at one point Italy had a battleship at 6 and one at 7 that I could attack. I attacked the one at 7 and knocked it down to 1. At the time I was happy with the fact that I did not kill the battleship because it meant that Italy would have to spend lots of MPP reinforcing it. Later, I began to wish that I had gone for the other and destroyed it.

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I think you are mistaken about the exp.

Each time you attack you get .2 experience.

Each time you attack and it kills the defender, its .3 instead (used to be .5).

Each defense is .1.

I believe those are the latest numbers, but its been awhile. I don't believe attacking a port or a city differs in anyway, hence each attack gains .2.

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I'm going to have to test this but maybe attacking a resource and reducing it to '0' is considered a kill (?). If so you could gain alot of exp by continually attacking the same spot and reducing it from 1 str to 0 every time.

Just a thought.

Nope, totally wrong. Only .2 exp per attack.

[ August 08, 2003, 09:08 AM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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