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Me and Sealion


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I'm playing my fourth TCP/IP-game and again I think I'm going to win. First game, I did Sealion against xwormwood and it worked, second game, I did Sealion against Im sorry I dont remember who, and I won. Third game, I didn't do much against Terif and fourth game, still running, I did Sealion against Archibald. Of course it counts that there hasn't been any bidding but still a newbie like me can easily win by doing the Sealion. Of course now my tactic is known to all so I can´t do it again. But still, execute the Sealion!

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As originally posted by R.m.R:

But still, execute the Sealion!

But... why!

What did the little innocent sea creature do wrong? tongue.gif

Gum up the works for the Shell Petrol Co, Inc?

Actually, if you have pulled this off twice in row, then you, Senor, are a serious gunslinger!

And, as added benefit, once yer Rep gets all around Town, then EVERYONE will be looking for it, this cross channel invasion (... in river barges and little sailboats) tactic... and so then of course you would let them continue to wonder... will he do it again! :eek:

and go maraud in the Med, yes? :cool:

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Just bring the Uk med fleet to defend england and sealion turns an easy and fast Allied victory. Even, combined with a couple of free french troops u have been able to save and even 1 french BB if u r lucky and of course u havent disbanded it previously. Players shouldnt risk an all or nothing operation such as Sealion without reading the opponent strategy. Before deciding the early end of the game u need to search the med for uk fleet, to guess how many french units the allied player has transported to england, and of course the price uk has spent trying , if so, to defend france. Once analyzed all of this u can decide whether the operation should be carried out with a high porcentage of success. Players that ALWAYS launch such an ambitious op. will always lose against players that knows how to counters while it could be an easy and fast victory agaisnt players that dont do it properly, the question is are u a gambler or u read the game and try to guess the posibilties? is it feasible or not?

My experience tells me that Sealion should never be carried out unless u KNOW all the uk med fleet is wandering in the med, and uk have tried to defend hard france, wasting a lot MMPs, that way all u have to do is to attack with italian navy and with german planes and sink as many ships as posible just before france falls and sealion will surely succeed. In other cases its a suicide.

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Well the thing is that Archibald in our current game did not spent UK's mpp's on defending France. He did let the Mediterranean navy die. From the moment one I knew I was going to make the Sealion. There was just nothing changing my mind. The only opponent against Germany and Italy for a long time after the fall on France is UK. I don't know, maybe it's because people think that it just won't work, that they send me a message like "wow, a gutsy move" or "well i didn't see that coming" when my forces land on the UK-soil. I don't know, I guess if there would be some bidding, it wouldn't work, but considering that I'm playing my fourth game, I don't want bidding because I'd lose.

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Don't have that attitude about your gameplay! I had played played Terif the Master himself and managed to sink every UK Naval ship aside from Carriers. Accept the way he runs his Carriers and fighters, I didn't feel too happy about skipping the English Channel <my ultimate death move too>

It seems that I usually fall victim to SeaLion without any Free French... Get an HQ and 3 armies and 2 corps if you can to the Island, giving at least till Baltic fall and you're okay. Keep your Brit fighters out of the frey and spend your money on tech and do not leave your fleet in the Med to be a turkey shoot. I'm still learning my Allies, but a good Ally never falls victim to a Sealion as far as I can tell. They quickly sacrifice ships for transports and in the end the German's only hope is having all the Air and ensure victory...

Rambo did a very interesting late Sea Lion on me once...Without using air on Minors... It was irritating enough to work, especially with LR...

Though I'm still learning my Allies and I've found they're much more powerful longterm than the Axis. Especially with a bid, and a player who knows how to use Russia and the US properly. The UK is not meant as an early offensive force unless your Terif.

I've seen games where Russia won, by themselves. Never give up...There...

[ June 16, 2003, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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Well I attacked against Archibald very late, Russia came in after maybe 3 rounds after my men went to UK. I have about dozen airfleets controlling the air all over UK mainland and I think I can hold the russians on the east for a bit more. After the fall of UK it´s easier for me to give a deadly punch to the russians. I hope.

BTW, how respected player is Archibald?

[ June 16, 2003, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: R.m.R ]

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At first I lost all my games against Archibald. Then I learned what I was doing and I think I beat him. Heck if I remeber...that was some time ago. He's definitely finished all my games as I remeber which is a hell of a lot respect in my book....

if you want to get into real competition though join up here:


It's unlikely you'll succeed at a Sea Lion against any of these guys unless you use a unique form of it...I fall victim to it like many, but that's because I'm trying to perserve too much UK or expend myself too much in France for D-Day...

It's super costly... Russia producing that amount of MPPs after about 3-4 rounds can go on the offensive

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I have to admit to being surprised that R m R executed Sea Lion when the USSR came in. I was even more surprised when a dozen air fleets began pummelling me - there's not a lot the Brits can do against that.

The good news? The Kriegsmarine's destroyed, the USSR have liberated Norway, Sweden's isolated from the Reich, and the British have liberated Greece and conquered Iraq and Eire. I have Americans and Russians in position covering Gibraltar, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and Suez, so that if and when Manchester goes then the whole Med won't collapse. The worst that will happen is that I'll lose Malta when the UK capitulates. Bad, but survivable, and nothing to the carnage the first few turns of Barbarossa would have caused.

The Americans have four armies ashore on the British Isles and will make a fight of it for Edinburgh. The longer I can keep him occupied there the more time the USSR has to get big and ugly, especially as they'll take over the Iraqi oilfields when the British surrender.

Credit to R m R for selling me a beautiful dummy though. I was so sure that he was using weak ground troops as bait to draw both the Russians and The Brits into a major battle too early that my first turn as the USSR saw them conducting the usual flying retreat on the first turn. When a dozen Air fleets started pounding the UK I had to sheepishly turn the Russian war machine round. He's very stretched though, which has allowed me to liberate two countries already and deprive the Reich of 81 MMP a turn.

I've lost the game before as the Axis after a successful late Sea Lion and won it as the Allies after having the same done to me. We've a long way to go yet.

Wish me luck. :rolleyes:

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