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I now wave my divine power-weilding wand and decree that all of this POINTLESS bickering cease!!!!!

Yes, we obviously have our differences, just because one guy is a loud mouth doesnt mean that all hell must break loose!!!!!

Just remember, this is for all you guys that have been here a while, I was once THE Loudmouth of the Forum.

I hate some of his comments, but let them go.


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Jersey --- Nice pic, "The Tower of Babel", rack 'em. Time to get biblical, maybe Revelation is about to kick in. Every read the computer software classic called the "Mythical Man Month"? They had alot of cool pictures like that. The book discuss managing software projects.

Hey, is there any cool Old Testament games? You know, with Phillistines, Assyrians, Egyptians, etc.? I guess it's game over with Supreme Intervention.

As kids we played "Circus Maximus", it was chariot racing. Also played a few of those Rome vs Everybody games, it was lame.

Rambo >>>> In the End, we all need a friend

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Kuniworth --

The vast majority of what he says I find interesting and usually very amusing. The few things I found personally antagonistic are in the past now and I should have let them slide in any case. Sometimes I'm too thin-skinned.

Getting back to your original point, I enjoy his entries a great deal and also the antagonistic responses he provokes. Also, the majority of his strategic and tactical opinions I've found good and I like the largesse he uses in presenting them to the rest of the world -- the posting is usually followed by one of his antagonists getting back at him and it's a lot more fun than just reading straight nuts & bolts things like we had for a long time.

I also enjoyed our fanatic Stalinist, EB, and the near violent responses to his postings. EB probably has the all time record for causing forums to receive the padlock! I still love those entries he wrote describing the purges and gulags as though they were the good old days -- How else can you build a subway or a dam except by working tens of thousands of laborers to death!

[ December 17, 2002, 04:01 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Greetings Rambo --

Our postings just past each other in the same minute (the one above responding to Kuniworth) so I figured another entry was best as the other was pretty long.

Glad you like the picture, I like the people and their gyrations a lot. His illustrations for Dante's Inferno are also great but then most of what he put out would be in the masterpiece realm!

Other than Ancient Empires and that Micro Soft Ancient Battles series not many people liked, I don't know of anything along those lines. In the old days SPI had a great game about ancient warfare; maybe two, one that went up to Rome and the other that took place afterwards. Can't remember their names but I'm sure someone else will.

Thanks for mentioning that book -- sounds interesting and I'll try to find it. Reminds me of Kubrick's Clockwork Orange where the main character goes to Prison and reads the Old Testament picturing himself in the blood-bath battles; which was what I also enjoyed about the Bible when I was a kid.

It's been a while now since they put those Ancient games out. I think a new game updated for the improved equipment on the same subject would sell pretty well. The board game versions had things like rabble in arms units that used to become easily demoralized and panicked and they'd skidaddle. Also war elephants that would go berserk after an initial charge and either continue stomping the enemy, or they'd just as likely turn and stomp the friendly troops following them! Leaders were also very important as stacks of units couldn't be moved unless one was within a hex. I think it came out around '75 or '76.

It would be fun fighting an ancient battle where the fog of war limited everything to eyesight range and being on a tall hill would be more than a defensive advantage but also a good place for lookouts! Most battle games I've seen didn't pay much attention to those things and rules like that work best on a computer.

I think the reason most of those great old board games were never moved to computer versions is no AI could have handled the complications. SCs AI isn't bad as they go, but, as you and a lot of others keep saying, after a few games you can count on it doing predictable things.

[ December 17, 2002, 04:12 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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He's a head cracker. I can tease him, because he beat me fair and square, when I had him on the ropes. I liked it when I was smacking him in france and he frankly said to me, when he was taking somewhat long on a turn, after France finally fell, that, and I quote, "I'm trying to figure out how to pull this game out of my", hat, I think he was trying to pull that game out of his hat.

And I so wish I had managed to continue the game through to victory, because then I would be just sitting here, waiting for him to post something somewhere, and follow right in there, with a comment, like, "Yes Rambo, your point might be relevant, but it's not, because I won against you, and I' really only three and a half years old." Over and over again.

But I can't. sigh.

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BrianTheWise --- You got game, just don't let it get to your head. We should start a league or something. Rankings, standings, etc. How about the USA players vs Europe? That would be cool, kind of like the Ryder Cup in golf.

You're part of the new crowd who is into the LowCountries gambit. You cost me alot of units. Navy gone, Air severly damaged. Just like I "cut" on bad play; I "prop" good play.

If we can get USA vs Europe tournament you can be my wingman.

"I'm not leaving my wingman" -Maverick in the movie Top Gun.

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Thank you, Rambo,

High praise indeed.

On the same topic, though (not enough, but rather standings), I do think that, rather than just contributing posts, I'd like to throught together a web site, if someone else doesn't to it sooner, to put together a ladder site.

Best time to do that will be after Christmas.

oh, and by the way, it already did go to my head. I know I can beat you, then after, we can beat them.

"Let's go get them, George!" Dan Quayle to George Bush at the 1988 Republican Convention (I almost crapped my pants at that. By the way, it's not potato, it's potatoe (Quayle correcting a student at the national spelling bee a couple of years later. And to think he held the button for a few hours, while George Bush Sr was getting a sist removed. I can see him thinking, "This button feels smooth. Let's push it and see what happens."

nuf sed

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Brian, Brian, Brian --- Easy buddy. You're not the first guy who "got happy" over the LowCountries Gambit versus Rambo. Trashing the Italian Navy is child's play & holding onto France until Aug. 1940 is easily achieved.

But to be a GrandMaster of SC, it takes a little more. I'm talking about winning, closing the deal.

On a side note: What the hell is this Dan Quayle crap? Out of all the possible "smack material" in the world you pick that? That's too dorky for Camp Rambo. That "bad take" just cost you the Wingman position.

The good news is you're in "Team-USA" for SC championships, congrats. I nominate you for the public relations position.

Jon J. Rambo, Captain of Team-USA

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On a side note: What the hell is this Dan Quayle crap? Out of all the possible "smack material" in the world you pick that? That's too dorky for Camp Rambo. That "bad take" just cost you the Wingman position.

I have been lurking in this forum since purchasing SC last month. I must say that this guy brightens my day. I keep coming back on a daily basis to see what he says next.

Keep up the good work Rambo. Thanks for making things interesting.

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