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Rambo vs Brian: AAR


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I go against my usual procedure & use my air-units against Poland. What a wipe-out. Poland Surrenders on Turn #1! Plunder $318.

With the success in taking Warsaw first turn. (not knowing they would surrender), I turn to Denmark & bang on it with ships & 1-air.

Beginning readiness:

Italy 65


Russia 30

After DOW on Denmark:

Italy 65


Russia 34

[ January 11, 2003, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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No surpries, French plunder the LowCountries. Denmark still alive! I do sink a British Cruiser. One of my subs takes a hit in the Northeast Atlantic, but does get an exchange it the combat resolution. Axis ground forces counter in the Low Countries & trash a Frenchie. FDR & the rest of the politicians in the USA aren't happy with the Allies LC invasion.

Italy 90%

USA -3%

Russia 34

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I do the Dutch Gambit, but poorly. The French take the capital, instead of Britain.

Surprise hits against the subs, but a fair exchange. Strangely, I reinforce Denmark.

Italy declares war way to soon. Rambo is way ahead of even his own schedule.

I have a gap in my French line and he is exploiting that.

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Scratch 1-U-boat. The other is limping away from the scene. I did see the Brits-ships take some hits. I get conservative in France. Reinforce units & grab the mine. German air hit a British carrier in the channel. If he sticks around I will hit it again. Denmark has world-beaters in it. I see a super-tank-11 in Paris surrounded by corps. Italian infantry along with the German-in-the-mine cut supply of the M-Line. Does that even help? Can't hurt.

[ January 11, 2003, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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It is February, 1940. Rambo makes no overt moves in France, but he has surrounded the maginot (I didn't even have a chance to change out the armies to corps). He uses his air to pound my carriers, which are now ineffective and must retreat from battle.

An Italian army slides up from the south (no, I didn't even get a chance to wall that off either).

So far, all it looks like is that I killed off readiness to lose at the same rate.

Denmark, weird, still alive.

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I'm by-passing Denmark, will get them later. The German lynch mob of ground units are crawling towards Paris. My subs are history, but scratch another Brit-naval. I'm watching my supply line, since Brian is looking for a counter. The Med. Front has turned into a free-for-all. Canadians are spotting in the sea along with some naval units. I say screw it & get agressive. Italian naval units attack; give & take damage.

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Rambo is gearing up for the final assault that I cannot stop. I have a thin line of corps before Paris, and my maginot armies that are worthless.

They do some flea bites.

Rambo took his Italian army out of Tripolatania, and I get lucky and take it (I don't think this has ever happened, but I am sure he's putting it to good use.

I'm trying to use up all my French before they surrender. The air unit was converted.

Without Denmark, he can't have many MMP's, but damn, he has disciplined troops.

I kill off one Italian fleet at nominal cost.

I wish I had killed an armor or even a corp, but no. Nothing.

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France is falling. It's June. I did give a bit of a bloody nose. 1 armor, 1 army.

I have effectively distroyed/used up all my french units.

Denmark fell. He is using Italians to kill off France, so I know something good happened, but my whole plan went off kilter.

His navies have been hit and hurt. I have tripolitania.

France will surrender next turn.

I anticipate.

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