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CM Sharpshooters are Damn Dirty Hippies!

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I was playing a QB today and ran one of my surviving (American) snipers into a heavy 4-story building. I had no idea that there was German sniper in the same building until my guy was in it. My sniper was low on ammo so I figured, why not crack this kraut sniper's skull with the rifle butt of my own. I run him up to the 2nd level, right on top of the German sniper. And he sits there. One foot away from the enemy sniper. For two turns. After those two turns, I figured there was something wrong, so I commenced to order targeting commands against enemy infantry about 200 meters away. My sniper starts shooting at the Germans as the German sniper watches him do so. The German finally exited the building and was promptly blown up by a HE round from a Stuart.

So...I guess in the land of version 1.12 snipers aren't taught basic hand to hand combat. Iv'e also noticed that snipers only shoot at targets >100 m away, no matter what. I doubt this is realistic and should be changed in the next patch (if there even is going to be one).


Ah scheist.

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think of it as two professional killers with egos bigger then Germanboys and ran in to a mirror image of himself.

German sniper: "aak! american!"

american sniper: "aak! german!"

German sniper: ey, nice rifle!"

american sniper "thanks... say yours is nice too.., I'll watch what you do!"

German sniper: "ok, hmm wait.. everyone is too close"

american sniper: "well let me look.. hmm yup.. *bang bang*

German sniper: "good shot.. I think that was Lars in the 12th Sturm abteilung"

american: "heh.. like shooting a ground boombang in Yolks canyon!"

german sniper: "whats a ground boombang?"

american sniper looks out the window and sees a Stuart comming around the bend* go out side and stand next to that lamp post! if you look east to the farmhouse you'll see one.

German Sniper "wow my first ground boombang!!" *runs outside* I DON'T SEE ONE!!

american sniper: wave your arms around!! they come out thinking your a wounded bird!!!

German sniper: "LIKE THI.." *BOOOM!!! BANG!!*

Stuart Gunner: "looks like Thomas suckered another one of those german snipers again"

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Sounds like "Enemy at the Gates". And what is wrong with dirty hippies? It's them redneck tobacca chewing FO's that take all day to drop the payload that kill me. biggrin.gif


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[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 03-12-2001).]

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Guest MantaRay

LOL mensch, that was fooking a riot.

What's a ground boombang doing in the middle of Normandy anyway? I thought they headed SOUTH for the winter!!!! smile.gif


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