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UBB lockout over; I have returned + more

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This is a quick note to let you all know that I was forced into lurk mode for several weeks by site access problems which have now been resolved. Thanks, BTS! The chief one appears to have been that the new board requires cookies. The old one didn't, and for security, I habitually disable cookies. There are some nice features on the new board, but there are several which induce discomfort while sitting. I'm sure you follow what I'm saying.

I see that gremlins have already infiltrated the board by misspelling their own names. Speaking of which, would it be possible to provide a key for the gremlins (e.g., smile= happy), so that should I ever transcend text, I don't invoke the wrong emotion and inadvertently torque someone off?

It's nice to be back, and I've been battling all the while with Kingfish, the eternal foe. He won the first series, and we are now locked in a bitter struggle (NO SPOILERS) "To the Last Man" as he defends Lion-sur-Mer while I attack it. Those of you who've played the scenario will appreciate the following:

There is something more dangerous than a second lieutenant armed with a map. It's in this scenario. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

So far, the battle's been pretty even. I've penetrated deep into parts of the town, but there are indications of major activity on my

right flank. The map is gorgeous. Kingfish and I really like this scenario and the tactical decisions playing it generates.

That's all I have for now.


John Kettler

(who promises to come up with a sig soon)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler:

Kingfish or someone, please correct me on this if I screwed up the source of the scenario.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Although you mistakenly listed the wrong source for the scenario, you did point Ellros to one of the finest scenario sites out there, so no harm done.

Good to have you back. I'm looking forward to reading your posts again, especially on what happens when German flak guns encounter Canadian vehicles (Ooops, didn't mean to bring that up again)


You need to do two things:

1) Go to Der kessel and d/l every scenario they have. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

2)E-mail me (see my profile) to get the "To the last man" scenario. It's a Wild Bill creation, need I say more? ;)

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