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Scenario "Saving private Ryan" available ??

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I can't remember all that well, but I don't think that the movie meant to give the impression that the main characters were the ONLY GIs in Romell (sp?... ah what does it matter... it's made up anyway. biggrin.gif)...

They might have been the only GIs right around the bridge?



"I had no shoes and I cried, then I met a man who had no socks." - Fred Mertz

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minor spoilers








hey michael dorosh,

just finished playing your ramelle scenario a few days earlier...not bad, fun end.

however, i was wondering why you had so few US guys in town? u had the church guys, miller & friends, the zooks, the mmg in town, and...

what happened to that para squad that rushed the tank? and the other guys? there were at least a few others: ex) guy in front of bridge who hit the german with his helmet when he ran out of ammo...



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Originally posted by russellmz:

minor spoilers








hey michael dorosh,

just finished playing your ramelle scenario a few days earlier...not bad, fun end.

however, i was wondering why you had so few US guys in town? u had the church guys, miller & friends, the zooks, the mmg in town, and...

what happened to that para squad that rushed the tank? and the other guys? there were at least a few others: ex) guy in front of bridge who hit the german with his helmet when he ran out of ammo...

This may be convoluted, but I went for a one to one representation.

The units you get are

Co HQ, Sharpshooter, 2 MMG teams, 2 bazooka teams.

If the MMG teams are 3 men, the bazooka teams 2 men, and Co HQ 6 men, that gives you 17 men. I don't have an accurate headcount of the guys in the movie, but if you assign personalities to them, you get

Co HQ - Miller, Ryan, Sarge, Reiben, 2 paras

Sharpshooter - Jackson

MMG crew 1 - Mellish, Henderson, Upham

MMG crew 2 - Parker, 2 paras

Bazooka 1 - 2 paras

Bazooka 2 - 2 parars

Tht leaves 8 un-named men, which seems about right - you had the guy who blew up with the sticky bomb, the snub nosed kid who pushed the plunger on the detonator, and a few other extras. If anyone has a true headcount of how many paras were in Ramelle, again, I would be interested.

Obvoiusly, since you can't remove men from CM units, some concessions to grouping had to be made. Armament as well; Reiben's BAR and Miller's SMG are not simulated.

If you think I could have done this a better way (and I am sure I could have) suggestions are welcome.


CANUCK: Clothing, Equipping and Employing the Canadian Soldier in Combat Mission

[This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 02-27-2001).]

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okay, i accept your logic, although it is still weird playing without a squad to rush the tiger or even to just have dig in and defend



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-28-2001).]

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I think there were probably a bit more then that... remember the part when they knock the tracks off the tank, and about 5-6 guys clamber up onto it, then promptly get shredded by the flak gun? I think that's pretty early in the battle, so there's a few more at least.

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Originally posted by Ksak:

Michael Dorosh

I just visited your site. WOW! The historical scenario detail is most impressive.

Your tribute to the Canadian forces in WWII is a success.

Thanks! The historical descriptions offer little in the way of tactical help to players, but I think add a degree of interest and level of immersion.

I am wondering if I should include detailed info on force makeups for the scenarios on my site - or if players would rather be surprised and simply trust that the scenario is balanced?

Any opinions? Do people really want to know with precision what they're facing when playing a battle they've downloaded?

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Michael Dorosh

The historical information is interesting and adds a great deal of immersion to the battle. I don't think that the historical recount will have any effect on CM play unless there's some magic bullet that saves the day.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Tht leaves 8 un-named men, which seems about right - you had the guy who blew up with the sticky bomb, the snub nosed kid who pushed the plunger on the detonator, and a few other extras. If anyone has a true headcount of how many paras were in Ramelle, again, I would be interested.

well, if you're interested wink.gif here's what i counted after watching the movie on my comp and counting deaths and then the survivors:

( ----- spoiler alert ----- obviously don't read if you havn't seen the movie)


1 from sticky bomb(didn't see this one cause my copy of the movie had a bad visual part here)

6 tank charging guys (i believe two were badly wounded and shot by advancing germans and were not counted twice)

2 jackson(sniper) and Parker(mmg)

2 mellish and henderson?(mmg)

1 while everyone running for alamo(was shot behind sgt "thought you were my mother" horvatch?)

1 sgt horvatch

1 last guy on bridge who beat two germans with his rifle than hit a german with his helmet

1 miller


1 reiban

1 ryan

1 upham

18 total, still a lot fewer than what i remembered but there it is...

i must admit i never saw more than 16-17 at one time before the battle, even when they discussing their defense plan but that may be explained away as 1 or 2 guys standing guard elsewhere at the time...



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Guest barrold713

While I have not played Micheals version of the scenario, I have been to his site and it is really well done. The scenarios and focus on the Canadians contributions to WWII are a nice addition to the game.

Will Bill's SPR scenario is a lot of fun to play and it was what I showed to my wife to impress her with the reasons I like to play CM.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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Thanks again for the comments - and the head count.

I like Wild Bill's treatment too. It's always interesting to see more than one take on a subject; my Road to Wiltz conversion is not the only version out there, either. And I have two maps scenarios with two differing maps of Buron on my site, and two different portrayals of Tilly. I like the flexibility that CM gives to us in that regard.

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