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Well, the DFDR site is up but we've run into a snag with the downloads section. We'll endeavour to get it working today and I'll post here and send a message to FO when we've got a green light. Thanks for your patience those of you waiting for the mod.


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Clubfoot I have started sending some files. I am downloading the Vichy French languages files for Morocco scenarios. I have a few more to send in today. These include the Desert Rat vehicle mods for Sherman and Stuart that Marco and Gordon did, beautiful work as usual. They simply put my work to shame.

BTW, for anyone interested I have a serious need for anyone capable of doing uniform mods. This would not only apply to French uniforms but other nations as well, for future mod ideas. I can provide color scans of the uniforms in question.

I would also like to know if people want to have a more complete set of CMBs based on the map boards from the game whose name we cannot use. I have maps 1 thru 47 done. I really filled in the missing maps that were not done by Col Klotz. Oh, I didn't do maps 26-31 since they are simply flat desert maps. In time I will have other maps, soon to be on order, such as 48-50 plus special maps for other areas. With these maps you can create you own battles based on the above not mentioned game.

I also have need for anyone interested in playtesting scenarios. I have nearly 20 set in France 1940 plus some for Norway and Poland.

For all those that have sent me in submissions I have kept them and will assume your permission to post them at the DFDR site with credit to you.


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The download links that are currently available at DFDR site allow downloading, but the files have errors and refuse to be unzipped. Clubfoot, excuse my denseness, I'm assuming you were posting as to this and are going to post when it is safe? Correct?

By the way, wonderful site! This is an amazing way of releasing a Mod. Really professional and the entire DFDR team deserves many accolades. Just let us know when we can start kicking up the sand, okay?

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thanks for the nod! smile.gif

Yes indeed I was posting about this very problem. Apparently the files were corrupted either by the Adaptec CD burner software, or a zip conversion from PC to MAC by way of Stuffit. We're working on it right now and everything looks good for full functionality by later this afternoon. We'll keep you posted.


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Clubfoot, two things.

a) firstly, could you please put a link to the dfdr site in your signature? I realize it is a small and easy to remember URL but when I hear there is news, I don't want to have to cut and paste, type it out, or go rooting through my bookmarks - one click and we can all be there! call me lazy.

B) Is it feasible (if we have enough hard drive space) to install CMBO twice, once as normal, and a second version for the dfdr stuff? Or will the game always look in the default Program Files/CMBO/ files while running? Just curious.

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Guest Wildman

There is a way to create a shortcut for a registry entry. We did it in Falcon4.0 all the time to go between the eRazor Falcon and the Ibeta Falcon.

I'll see if I can did up the details. I also think PE did something like this.


Ok, I'm now a squire of the most wonderful and kwazy guy Marlow, but when I finish kicking StevetheRats but around, I'd better be rewarded!

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Michael Dorosh, here is the way I do the desert. I simply created a new CM directory called COMBAT MISSION DFDR, then loaded ALL the contents of my original CM into DFDR. Then I made a shortcut of the combatmission.exe and when I posted on the Win98 desktop and then I altered its name to include DFDR. I also created a new icon, damn I need to submit that to the site as well. I will send that in tonight. I also realized that I need to change the background sounds since the standard doesn't really fit.

I did the same for the Pacific theater mod I am working on, which will require new terrain for the islands and jungles.

Christ this project has me feeling a bit of what Charles and company had to go through to get the game out to us. I will never again ask when a game is due. No matter what you think there is always more to do.


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As far as the background sound is concerned, the exact number of the .wav escapes me, but replacing the summer dawn/dusk, day and night BG .wav's with the winter night .wav has a wonderful effect on the ambience.

None of this was included in the mod because these particular .wav files are pretty damned big.



Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net

[This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-24-2001).]

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OK I have to know, just how in the XXXX does the wav files work. According to the wav mapping documents I have the intro music is 00050010. For the desert mod I have a new one which I converted to the PCM 44,100Hz 16bit stereo. I replaced it and loaded into my DFDR game. However when I start the game all I get is the standard music.

I also tried to replace the background sound with a pure wind noise, no arty or birds. What I got was the wind noise then some arty and then some birds. Now I duped over to all the background files with the wind noise and get the same thing. Anyone got experience here?



www.dfdr.net for desert mods

"Quando omni flunkus moritati"

- Motto of Possum Lodge

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