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Originally posted by Scipio:

To continue your thought: you agree surely that it would be okay if the American natives start a firebombing of L.A. or Washington? I mean, the Americans would only got what they deserved for their genozide. Do people like you don't know mathematics? Do you think one murder + one murder = 0 murder?

If they did so at the time, more power to them. That war is over, time to move on.

Let me put it this way - and I know you won't have an answer. How would YOU have stopped the Holocaust without resorting to killing Germans in order to do it?

I await your words of wisdom.

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Originally posted by Scipio:

And about Preal Harbor - I really don't understand the whining about the 'late' declaration of war. Do someone believe a single American men had survived if the declaration has reached the US one or two hours before the attack how it was planned?

[This message has been edited by Scipio (edited 01-27-2001).]

no but it is just "plain manners"

example of "declaring war first is just plain manners": would be my yelling obscenities and remarks about your questionable ancentry, then my saying, "i am declaring bad feelings between us." (i don't want to declare bad feelings just giving an example smile.gif)



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 01-27-2001).]

[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 01-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by CavScout:

Simply silly. The US is the LONGEST single government in the world.

Splitting hairs, aren't we? I believe most European nations have been using their current names for a few hundred years longer than we have --- some Asian countries even longer. By yr reasoning, our government is only 7 days old. I mean, we did just have a change of political control, right?

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Why does it seem that the United States is held to a higher standard than other countries.. even by some of it's own citizens. Man it pisses me off. I know it's hackneyed and said over and over, but if it weren't for the United States, the allies would have lost World War II.. and even if Russia managed to beat Germany, I'd bet we'd be in nearly as bad a shape from good old uncle Joe.

Yes we've made plenty of mistakes.. but no more than other countries, not that it makes it right, but COME ON! How about laying into Spain for all the Indians they murdered in the americas, how about yelling at all the blacks in Africa that sold other blacks to the slave traders.. IT HAPPENED! How about Japan and the torturing and murdering of civilian and military POWs.. not to mention the same thing done by the Vietnamese. Come On. Nearly all countries have skeletons in their closets.. I don't know of a single country that has ever had any power that hasn't done wrong. Is it because we just haven't been beat yet? And don't bring up Vietnam or Korea.. man for man, plane for plane we kicked butt and it was the politicians that started and quit the fighting. The military won nearly all it's battles.

The United States may have it's share of problems and horrible mistakes in it's history.. but so do other countries. Pick on them too.

Sorry to rant, but you complainers just struck a chord. I don't have any thing against any person or country... I'm just defending mine.

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Originally posted by CavScout:

If you believe that hog wash, you must reallyhate submariners... or is sinking unarmed transport ships a-ok?

And how is a statement of fact hogwash?

According to my Vest Pocket Webster Dictionary (Self Pronouncing), Assassinate means "to murder (a prominent person) by surprise attack, as for political reasons". Seems pretty straight-forward to me.

And what's this got to do with submariners? Unless you're equating hogwash with pig boats? Though I will add this: At the start of the War in the Pacific, Japanese submariners wouldn't go after commercial vessels, only warships, because bushido considers it dishonorable to attack non-warriors.

[This message has been edited by von Lucke (edited 01-27-2001).]

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"What I do is right because my country tells me it should be so."

You know what?

I'm not ethical or moral enough to disagree with that statement, not deep down. Scary thing is, I KNOW I'm a super-nationalist. You know, the sort of kid who would have probably ended up joining the Hitler Jugen in Hitler's Germany. And that scares me a little.

There. You want honesty? You got it.

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Originally posted by I/O Error:

"What I do is right because my country tells me it should be so."

You know what?

I'm not ethical or moral enough to disagree with that statement, not deep down. Scary thing is, I KNOW I'm a super-nationalist. You know, the sort of kid who would have probably ended up joining the Hitler Jugen in Hitler's Germany. And that scares me a little.

There. You want honesty? You got it.

I like you. You're my new best friend biggrin.gif


When it's my turn to march up to Glory,

I'm gonna have one HELL of a story...

The Face of Evil

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Originally posted by I/O Error:

"What I do is right because my country tells me it should be so."

You know what?

I'm not ethical or moral enough to disagree with that statement, not deep down. Scary thing is, I KNOW I'm a super-nationalist. You know, the sort of kid who would have probably ended up joining the Hitler Jugen in Hitler's Germany. And that scares me a little.

There. You want honesty? You got it.

Actually, it makes me feel all kinda icky --- but thanks for sharing!

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Oh for God's sake...

The "Good Guys"?!

Christ, every powerful nation learns VERY early that if you're nice, you tend to get stabbed in the back and kicked while down.

We are the biggest friggin' country on the block, and we have killed tens of thousands of innocent (and more not-so-innocent) people to get us to where we are.

Mao Tze Tung, Karl Marx, & Vladimir Ilych Lenin: "Power comes from the barrel of a gun"

They may have been dirty commie swine, ( wink.giftongue.gif) but they were right about that part...

Josef Stalin (I think): "Kill one person, and it's a tragedy. Kill a million, and it's a statistic."

We are not interested in being the good guy to the rest of the world. We are interested (like everybody else) in keeping power and grabbing more land, resources, and prestige. And it's a lot easier to KILL for it.

Look a man in the eye, gut him, steal his wife, murder his children, burn his house down, and use his land. Yup, that's what we do best. It's not exactly just the "American way", but we've kinda honed the skill down some.

(You think I'm kidding, don't you...)

[This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 01-27-2001).]

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"I'm not from Athens nor am I Greek, I'm a citizen of the world"

"Country boundaries are propriety limits of powerful men"

"History as we are told are the deeds of powerful men... neither of you will be in it"

What can I tell more... travel, travel a lot and see the real world and the people that leave in it... (we are more then 5000000000 leaving in this rock and we are not all that bad)

What did god said:

1-Don't kill *

*An exception is made when killing an enemy... It is is a noble did biggrin.gif

PS - I'm not affiliated to any party or religion... I believe in myself, this makes me quit dangerous wink.gif

The editing was made because of some spell checking

[This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 01-27-2001).]

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Oh don't worry von lucke, the "You think..." part wasn't directed at you, just at anybody who read what I wrote and thought I sounded like a total freaking cabbage-patch nutjob who was just kidding.

Well, I'm NOT kidding. Am I a nutjob? Well, I leave that opinion up to the interested student.

jackhammer: Oh come now. Can't you come up with something better than that? I lay myself wide open for flames, and all I get is, "quit smoking crack"?

Really now. I expected more from you chaps! biggrin.gif

*Random Side Note*:I've only lived in the United States for the last two years of my life. I've spent my entire life living overseas, primarily in Saudi Arabia.

I include this point just to make sure you folks don't start thinking I'm like "all my countrymen", as I think you'll find most of them cringe in disgust at my post. So don't worry, the numbers of people like me (totally amoral) are quite small.

Don't lose ALL faith in humanity, the majority are quite peaceful and rational. tongue.gif

(You just need to watch out for my minority, we tend to form the "barbarian hordes" who end up storming the palace gates...)

[This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 01-27-2001).]

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