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Tiger: Please Reconsider

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Quote: "As far as removing my mods I don't see what the big deal is. It hurts no one as there are more mods out there than you can shake a stick at and more always being made. Maybe I do need the closure."

-I respectively ask you to reconsider.

Quote: "It hurts no one"

- it undermines Manx's Combat Mission.

It's foundation is built on your mods.

If I were Manx' and you pulled your mods, I'd call it quits. Why should Manx continue to invest his energy in sustaining a great web-site, to see his time and passion undone at anytime.

Quote: "there are more mods out there than you can shake a stick at and more always being made"

- There was Curly and then there was Curly Joe. Those of us who more closely resemble Curly Joe, and the many more to come,

will still leave CMBO newbies wanting to see the reruns of Curly not Curly Joe. Don't deny them that.

Quote: "Maybe I do need the closure."

-If so, fine. Walk away. Don't respond this thread. But before you go, please e-mail Manx, Madmatt, and all other hosts of your mods and retract your request to pull your mods. We will all think fondly of you when we peruse the old files especically when we lose that one very special mod by Tiger.

If you go, take care.

Sorry all ... Hi Mom!

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]

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Manx, glad to hear it. Tiger, I can understand "closure" and all that, but there are other ways to accomplish that without buring down everything that you built. I'm glad you changed your mind about how to acheive the closer you were looking for.

In the interests of being consistant, this thread is being locked up like the others. What has happened has happened. What has needed to be said about has been said. Time to get back to discussing history, warfare, and the game that has brought everybody to this forum.


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