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Newbie Guide?

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Well the best I can do is to point you to the ever so informative and entertaining FAQ thread. Informative as being full of information that one wouldn't find in the manual and/or explain odd behaviors in the game's AI, etc. And Entertaining as in the continuous story being told by a affectionate group known as the FAQ'ers to keep the FAQ thread somewhere near the first page of the Forum.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GenSplatton:

Well Maximus, I glanced at the last two pages of the FAQ. Seems like about the most useless bunch of drivel I've seen in an open thread and certainly contained nothing useful. Abbot, you around?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Uhhh...look at the first page of the FAQ (!). The latter pages of "drivel" :rolleyes: are just there to keep the thread on the top page or two of the forum. I believe Maximuspad mentioned this in his posting above...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Uhhh...look at the first page of the FAQ (!). The latter pages of "drivel" are just there to keep the thread on the top page or two of the forum. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can do the cute little rolly eyes all you want, but nothing in that thread had anything to do with the topic. Other than the first two posts, the thread has never been updated with anything useful. Yes, he mentioned it is replied to occassionally to move it to the top, but the fact is, that's the ONLY thing that's ever been added to it, drivel, as opposed to anything useful. Had he said "The FAQ has never been updated, only quips to move it to the top have been added since it's origination," then your comment would have been warranted. However, he didn't, so it's not. I expected that at least a FEW of the posts would have been additions to the FAQ itself. However, that's not the case. I'd have to say from the responses, or lack thereof, the Beginners Guide probably died a slow and quiet death.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GenSplatton:

You can do the cute little rolly eyes all you want, but nothing in that thread had anything to do with the topic. Other than the first two posts, the thread has never been updated with anything useful. Yes, he mentioned it is replied to occassionally to move it to the top, but the fact is, that's the ONLY thing that's ever been added to it, drivel, as opposed to anything useful. Had he said "The FAQ has never been updated, only quips to move it to the top have been added since it's origination," then your comment would have been warranted. However, he didn't, so it's not. I expected that at least a FEW of the posts would have been additions to the FAQ itself. However, that's not the case. I'd have to say from the responses, or lack thereof, the Beginners Guide probably died a slow and quiet death.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The FAQ is update from time to time, Mr. Smarty Pants. Russel periodically adds new content to the initial post. I better get out of the way before someone kicks your high horse out from under you. ;)


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I think the newbie guide should be a permanent fixture with links on battlefront's website and the forum, and should include gems such as "Damn fool questions to avoid when first joining the forum" and "Words NOT to use unless you want to be banned within three days".

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GenSplatton:

You can do the cute little rolly eyes all you want, but nothing in that thread had anything to do with the topic. Other than the first two posts, the thread has never been updated with anything useful. Yes, he mentioned it is replied to occassionally to move it to the top, but the fact is, that's the ONLY thing that's ever been added to it, drivel, as opposed to anything useful. Had he said "The FAQ has never been updated, only quips to move it to the top have been added since it's origination," then your comment would have been warranted. However, he didn't, so it's not. I expected that at least a FEW of the posts would have been additions to the FAQ itself. However, that's not the case. I'd have to say from the responses, or lack thereof, the Beginners Guide probably died a slow and quiet death.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We all look forward to the excellent FAQ and Newbie guide that you no doubt will soon be providing. With your exacting standards, that Russell's work obviously comprehensively fails to meet, I am expecting a rigorous treatment of all the topics that your average newcomer maybe interested in, dealt with in a succinct manner, elucidating every last ounce of CMBO's simulation, updated very frequently.

Now why do the words 'arrogant', 'little', and 'dip****' come to mind when reading posts like the above by the most esteemed General, I wonder?

[ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Germanboy ]

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Viceroy and Gyrene, thanks for the link. I emailed Abbot asking about the guide and received no response, so he may indeed be away on vacation, busy with real life issues, etc. Originally he had been sending me links to the page, looking for feedback, as I'm sure he solicited from many folks. Lately, I hadn't heard anything, which was why I wondered. Good to see it's alive and well.

Soddball and Gemarnboy, I think you overestimate the impotance of yourselves and this forum. If you think I could care less about whether or not my posts meet your approval, well, continue by all means if it helps stroke your egos. And as for banishment, I would surely survive a banning, though apparently it would be crippling to yourselves. But, if you bother to actually read the threads to which you responded, you'll see in no way did I ever chide the original FAQ in any way, only those things that came after which added nothing to it. If indeed it is updated on a regular basis, then there would be no need to bump it with useless filler, correct?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GenSplatton:

If indeed it is updated on a regular basis, then there would be no need to bump it with useless filler, correct?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

editing the first two posts doesn't cause it to get bumped. plus i edit it sporadically every few days and even weeks lately. so the bumping story is a nice, helpful service that few mind since they aren't forced to read it.

the alternative is for me to write 'bump' every day like panzer leader does with the cm2 faq thread which i don't want to do. so let's all not get too worked up over the later posts that you don't want to read since you only need to look at the first two anyway. smile.gif

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LOL! This the funniest rebuttle to a thread I have ever seen...ummm, that is except for the people who question the Peng threads.

Yes, just like the venerable FAQ author, russelmz, has so eloquently said, he does update the initial "FAQ" post from time to time. And as he has pointed out, EDITING a post does NOT bump a thread. We the FAQ'ers mearly write a humorous story to keep it near the first page of the forum. So if you have a problem with our "drivel", you apparently missed the part that says:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:


The only post truly worth reading is the first one. All the other posts are a public service mostly provided by people from the Peng Thread to keep the first post afloat. If you have any moral/legal/tastal/mammal or any other issues with the Peng Thread and its occupants, please refrain from reading on, since even JD Morse will not be able to get damages for you in that case. We will write a harmless story and promise to try very hard to behave and self-police this. Honest. If you read on, you have been warned, don't come a-crying later.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

...uhh, what did that say at the end, "If you read on, you have been warned, don't come a-crying later."? Hmmm, seems like we've got a crier here guys. What shall we ever do with him? I got an idea, we could give him to Mace. I'm sure he'll think of something to do with him. :eek: tongue.gif

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