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Quest for slightly enhanced AI


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I hope that something on the 'strange' side of the AI will be enhanced in CM:BB

I don't talk about the TAC AI(individual unit behaviour); it's fine as it is now.

I talk about the STRAT and OP AI.

1. When the AI sets up or moves, please tell it to use platoon cohesion!

In CM:BO, the AI obviously never heard of the advantages of leaders...this can not be this hard to achieve.

2. When on the attack, all infantry units seem to use a basic loop:

>If best terrain GOTO BEST terrain.

Result: ALL units use exactly the same route of advance, like Lemmings.

Where is the fuzzy logic that allows for variation or, dare I say it, a flanking move?

So, more 'fuzzy' logic for the OP AI, and teach the STRAT AI at least some basic tactics (like NOT leading with tanks).

This, IMHO, is more important than Hundeminen or another exotic AFV that was only built 15 times.


[ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: Fred ]</p>

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No doubt BTS is doing what they can to perk up the AI in CM:BB but, as have been said before, it is a very hard to achieve any significant improvement in a simulation as complex as CM.

That said there is do doubt in my mind that CM has not been experienced until you have played a human player, TCP/IP or PBEM. The AI is strictly a secondary opponent. Not because BTS did a poor job at it, but because the human being is infinitely more devious, cunning, suprising, dynamic and tactically skilled.

As for the specifics of your question, those quirks have been mentioned before and the discussion landed somewhere in the vicinity of the thoughts I have expressed above.

Nevertheless, I feel the same way about the AI as you do smile.gif


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Sometimes, when hope for a perfect world comes through, I dream like this:

What about a wargame that would export its AI to a DLL (shared library) interface, so that you could program your own AI. FOW-filtered, of course. Like all the Quake clones have, BTW.

Imagine playing against your own AI, or two of your AIs against each other. Or cooperative play of two humans against a good AI instead of against each other.

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I don't talk about 'significant' improvements.

I've seen it before.

Remember 'Panzer Strike' by SSI? In this game you ordered your units, and then hit GO for a simultaneous execution.

In this game I saw flanking movements, units that stay In Command while moving and an AI that not leads with tanks. smile.gif

I still won this game, because of other shortfalls, but this is not the point.

If we all say, 'play a human, the AI can not get better', then it will not get better.


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