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Favourite Scenario for Human v Human

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As a reasonably new player on CM (2 weeks) has anyone got a scenario (on the CD or downloadable) that works well as a Human v Human PBEM battle.

I am playing a number of PBEM games. Generally have 4 on the go. QBs tend to work well but I have 2 of those so a good scenario would be great.

The game time to be around the 40 turn mark or maybe slightly longer. Neither of us have any preference to which side we play.

Appretiate any comments. Thank you.


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(about Tin Tanks)

It was probably in pack #2 or #3. I, too, recommend Tin Tanks. Wrong Hill (by same author, IIRC) is also nice, if somewhat bigger. Vossenack - Second Job by WBW is very good, if you want some ferocious city fighting. (Then again, anything by WBW or Rune is worth playing!)


[This message has been edited by Topi (edited 02-11-2001).]

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Tink Tanks was in Pack 3, Valley High, All's quiet, and Rolling down the river are all good two player battles in it. There were also some good ones in A Matter of Honor [which is rune pack 1 and 2 combined] like a river run through it and others.


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Originally posted by Tom:

Hi Miles ,

Dunno if you ever tried " South of Sword " from the CM CD ?? It´s a 25 turn game I just played " Double-blind " against a worthy gentleman form Finnland... and it was simple GREAT ! Give it a try.


Thomas Klimisch

I second South of Sword. All hell is breaking loose and I'm only on turn 8. What a blast. Think of two tidal waves collapsing and you'd come close to the carnage on the battlefield so far. It starts with turn 1 and gets better from there...Recommend double blind though if you can find someone that hasn't played it.


Jeff Abbott

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Miles -

I can second the South of Sword and Rune Pack recommendations. I have also gotten very good feedback on my scenario Fertile Ground which is available at the CMHQ Scenario Depot and Rugged Defense sites. If you send me an e-mail I can also give it to you directly.

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Guest Rex_Bellator

IMHO South of Sword was the best PBEM game I've ever played, very well balanced and lots of options for both sides. Give it a try if you can.


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I am curently playing South of Sword from the recommednations, my take on it is that it is an excellent scenario. I am not convinced it suits Modem users on PBEM as my opponent and I are regularly generating 2MB turn files which is certainly slowing down our turn rate.

Also this scenario is now running like an absolute dog on my machine i've a K2 380 with 196MB RAM and V3 2000 and it is really struggling (any tips on performance advice for CM appretiated wink.gif


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