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French Army 1939-1940

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Before purchasing any of the modules, I wanted to know if any one of them contain an original French Army including tanks as the Char B1 bis and SOMUA S-35 plus the 75mm Mle AT Gun. I would like to test out the French vs the Germans in era of 1939-40

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That's not the true reason Panzerman. After June 1940 there were hundreds of S-35 Somua but hey were belonging to the Vichy Army. French only used "captured" heavy weapons to the Vichy government, who still had a lot of Somua especially, in 1941 and 1942 (obviously in Syria and North Africa)

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I'm nearing completion on three scenarios for France 1940.

In one of them I've used substitutes for the H-39's and Char B 1bis in the battle.

Small Battles, First Blood: its a historical scenario on the 4/7th Royal Dragoon Guards first clash in Belgium.

Small Operations, May 15, 1940. A small operation of two battles that has Rommel's vanguard running into the 1st French DCR (armoured division - this is the one with French tanks)

Small Battles, Sigh Bridge: set during the retreat to Dunkirk on the 27th of May, retreating Brits try to clear a blocked bridge while under pressure of the pursuing Germans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only have a Pen & Sword book on the action by Jon Cooksey. :(

Best I can do is from this site of the Royal Green Jackets.


"On 22nd and 23rd May 1940 a small British force was disembarked in Calais. It's orders were to keep the port open and establish lines of communication with Dunkirk. The 30th Infantry Brigade consisted of the 2nd King's Royal Rifle Corps, the 1st Rifle Brigade, the 1st Queen Victoria's Rifles and the 3rd Royal Tank Regiment. On the afternoon of the 23rd, the Germans began shelling the town and the next day surrounded it and opened a heavy bombardment. Fighting continued in and around Calais until the 26th when short of food and ammunition and with numerous casualties the Brigade was overwhelmed.

On 4th June 1940, the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, made the following statement in Parliament: "The Rifle Brigade, the 60th Rifles and the Queen Victoria's Rifles, with a battalion of British tanks and one thousand Frenchmen- in all about four thousand strong-defended Calais to the last. The British Brigadier was given an hour to surrender. He spurned the offer, and four days of intense street fighting passed before silence reigned over Calais, which marked the end of a memorable resistance. Only thirty unwounded survivors were brought off by the Royal Navy, and we do not know the fate of their comrades. Their sacrifice was not however, in vain. At least two armoured divisions, which otherwise would have been turned against the British Expeditionary Force, had to be sent to overcome them. They have added another page to the glories of the Light Division and the time gained enabled the Gravelines Walnlieu to be flooded and to be held by French troops; and thus it was that the port of Dunkirk was kept open."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Obtained a book on Calais, the entire battle is too large for an operation but could be broken up into smaller battles/operations. CM is not that good at representing city fighting but there is some material there. Noted three scenario opportunities outside of the old town.

Hames Boucres: meeting engagement between British armour and a German column

Les Atteques: German attack to take a bridge over a canal with the defenders being an odd lot of AA and a Searchlight light company

Fort Nieulay: French and British forces hold an old Vauban fortress against the Germans on the outskirts of Calais.

Listed down as N0. 43,44 and 45 - be a few months before I get to them.

Book source Calais by Jon Cooksey

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  • 1 month later...


Per your suggestion I obtained a book on Calais. I have a draft version of a meeting engagement between the 3 Royal Tank Regiment and 1st Panzer Division on the 23 of May on the outskirts of Calais near Guines.

Thanks for your suggestion, 4 good small scenarios in that battle.


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Oh no another battles, Boulogne huh, well I guess I'll have to look that up too.

Hmmm I was hoping you'd beg to play test, my regular play testers are swamped with two Arab - Israeli scenarios??

I mean its your fault for bringing this up :]

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"Boulogne - May 23 1940. A town under siege. A rampant German panzer division hammers at its gates. Panic in the street and chaos on the docks. Air Raids. Frightened refugees and dispirited Allied soliers scramble to escape. Churchill sends the Guards: the Irish and the Welsh, to help the French garrison stem the German tide. Two fine battalions with no support against an armoured division. A hopeless task. Hours later he pulls them out but some are left. The final act-riffles against tanks across the Bassin Napoleon. The last bullet. The bitter taste of surrender." Give you an idea of that battle from the Pen & Sword book. smile.gif

I would be happy to help play test the Calais scenarios!! smile.gif

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