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An (end of the) bridge too far?

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Has anyone noticed/reported that the troops' AI cannot handle bridges very well at all? I'm playing the Red Devils Arnhem Operation in PBEM, and during the 1st scenario my opponent ran some troops to try and take my side of the lone intact bridge. But as his guys came under fire on my end of the bridge, they ran back and forth like a duck shoot game, unable or unwilling to either retreat completely back or to continue to my end of the bridge and take cover somewhere on dry land.

Although that fiasco of his caused me to hug my knees in glee, when *I* tried to get some guys to cross the bridge, I came under great fire and had the same thing happen - my guys ran back and forth game until they were massacred to a man. Under close inspection, it appears the AI would 'draw' a direct line to the buildings beside the bridge (the physically closest cover) when my guys came under fire but the path was in a straight line to the building, making it impossible to do unless they were to leap to their death or dismemberments, instead of giving them a path to the end of the bridge and THEN to the nearest form of cover. We've now had this type of running about in 3 or 4 attempted bridge crossings so far in the Operation.

I tried to give my guys new orders to force them to the end of the bridge and then to cover, but it didn't seem to work (and impossible to even try on troops that I can't give orders to (panic)). Any suggestions or comments? I hope this is on the list of improvements for CM2, thus making an excellent game...excellenter.

Just my 2 cents and gripe.


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Oh god have I noticed.

I made a Son Bridge Op and a historical version of Arnhem Bridge Op (not the one that comes with CM).

The computer AI is horrible with rivers and bridges. It seems as though the strategic AI doesn't even notice the river. Computer controlled germans will simply advance toward the opposite side of the board and run into the river, never really knowing that the bridge is the objective and the only way to cross.

If BTS were to put victory flags in Operations then the computer controlled units would place high value on a bridge with a Flag, and as a result, you'd see the computer units actually moving towards the bridge.

The Tac AI(which you're talking about) is a different story but I personally havn't had too much trouble crossing bridges with infantry.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shriker:


Has anyone noticed/reported that the troops' AI cannot handle bridges very well at all?


Yes, this is definitely a big problem.

The game is full of kludges when you

look closely at it...but as time goes

on I expect it will develop into an

awesome sim, instead of the fun, but

sporadically flawed prototype that

it is. It's still well worth playing,

of course, and groundbreaking and all

that. There just must be such an enormous

amount of stuff to do...of course it

takes time...and there are only 168 hours

in a week.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wwb_99:

I have not yet seen an AI that can handle bride assaults, in any game anywhere.


Agreed, but as it is, you can't even

play assaults over lengthy bridges

with a human player because the Tac

AI is flawed in how it plots routs

to cover.

Also, the debris that accumulates on

a bridge after a few attempts to cross

with vehicles turns into very real

cover for troops. There is (understandably)

zero attempt in CM to account for this.

Eventually I hope future CM clones

will be at that level.


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