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DFDR New Allied Armour Mods Preview

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Just finished DFDR'ing these Allied Fireflies and Sherman IIA. They should be available at WWW.DFDR.net sometime real soon... :D More to come next week (I hope!)

Have fun........



Well, stone the bloomin' crows!! Bloody Photopoint server goes on th' blink just as I post this up!! Oh well, you will just have to imagine what they look like till the servers is back up!! heh

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Umm, bloody plain don't you think? Besides, I doubt there were any Fireflies in the desert.

Did you ever see Gordon's American M4A1 Sherman and Stuart?

BTW, AussieJeff, have you considered using some good existing hi-res mods to do you DFDR conversions on? Because, if people play with those in CMBO, I don't think they'll want to play with stock low-res versions in DFDR.

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Alright, let's take another look at that set at sunset for contrast, and then talk about some things.


Lo-res. Jeff does make hi-res mods as well. We get lo-res mods from Jeff probably for the same reason we get lo-res mods from Gordon now and again. To avoid pandering exclusively to hardware snobs. Now I admit to being one myself and like the hi-res mods, but plenty of people don't have hot video cards or processors. They like CM too.

Plain. Well to be perfectly honest, they're probably not plain enough. Nor are any of the DFDR vehicles made by anyone to date. Most reference shows most vehicles in the desert war covered head to toe with thick, nearly white dust. The desert covered EVERYTHING with its own brand of gritty camo.

Firefly. Most of the bmp's for the ShermIIa are incidental to the Firefly. He just went the extra mile and finished the few remaining Firefly bmp's.

Good, existing mods usage. Jeff wants to make his own mods. Not change the hue of someone elses.

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Hi Maximus.....

I can take the criticism - no problem. I certainly don't claim to be an expert in the field of authentic desert camouflage schemes.

But just one point I'd like to clear up to everyone here - first and foremost I am making my OWN set of complete DFDR'd Allied (and eventually, Axis) units PRIMARILY FOR MY OWN USE. It's a time-consuming, pixel-eyed hobby of mine if you like :eek:

However, just in case anyone out there wants to use some (or all of them) I post 'em up at WWW.dfdr.net ;).

Having 100% DFDR'd units may not be historical, but hey - I just LOVE the desert look compared to the "greenery" and play all my scenarios (yep - even the European ones) in the DFDR camo scheme!! (Must be because I come from a dry and sunburnt land tongue.gif )

So, I will continue to do these re-color mods (both lo-res AND hi-res) until I have completed my DFDR "mission" or my wife throws me out of the house - heh - whichever comes first :D

Happy DFDR'ing,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot:

Good, existing mods usage. Jeff wants to make his own mods. Not change the hue of someone elses.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, not to be a flame or anything, but are even these textures are BTS originals. So he is in fact just changing the hue of someone's textures, just not some 3rd person's. So that is why I always say, if you are just doing a repaint, whether it be a desert version or winter version, you are infact using someone elses textures. So what's the problem with using the best textures out there? IIRC, Marco's Fireflies were offered in low-res as well.

But anyway, I whipped up my own version based off of Marco's Firefly set, of course, after seeing this offering.


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Nice whipping job Maximus,

However, I prefer mine to be a bit more drab - to better match the dirty, dusty desert landscape. Perhaps using a lighter hue to more closely match your ground tileset would do the trick. Hey, then post 'em up for others with the same preferred tileset to use! Then you can finish off all the other units in the same scheme .... feel free!

As Clubfoot said, really all DFDR units SHOULD be covered in whitish sand/dirt/dust.......but then the ground tilesets would need to be redone again to more closely reflect that look. Now I COULD do that, but then would have to start ALL OVER AGAIN recoloring my existing units. Maybe some other time....... (then of course, if you are willing to take that route Maximus??) we can always start from scratch, having learnt an awful lot about the process thus far eh??? ;)

For now, take another look at the pic of my AFV's and I think you would have to agree that they blend in better with Mike T's HiRes Tunisian terrain set than the other two pics. IMHO the whole idea of camo in reality is to make the damn things blend into the background or look completely not what they appear to be! So mine are tailored towards the Tunisian tileset.

If someone wants to use purple ground, hey, they may feel free to convert any of their units to match that groovy look...just don't expect me to use 'em!! heh


Good Luck


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Midgetus, MODing is not a pissing contest.

MODers are doing this for free and they are NOT exactly numerous.

I would take it as a sign of good will from you to stop sniping at every other MODers...

In a strict Applicationist stand point, the more MODers you are to alienate, the less MODs you'll have to Hue & Saturate with.

Now that you don't have Tiger for pet peeves, are you unto AussieJeff?

In any case and because I know your favorite line of defense, NOT all are Marco Bergmans or Fernando Carrera Buils.

Months ago, someone posted a South Park like MOD.


Did I used it? No.

Did I feel compelled to post a nasty comment about that childish attempt? No.

Do I think the MODer who did this had vastly improved his techniques and is now producing good things for all to enjoy? Yes...

To sum up, Give him a break!

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PL said:

"Well, Maximust has really got you on this one. His tanks look pretty sweet! However, I think all of 'em posted on this thread are WAY TOO orange. Shouldn't the color be more of a whitish-greyish-beige?"

R2 said:

"Mmmmmm? I like Aussies's mods but I think to be honest I would go for Maximust's mods.

Though I thought most allied vehicle colours in Libya, Egypt etc. Where a sort of near white in colour or khaki drill ???"

Well, for the first time ever and since this has become for some reason a point of contention, let's be real honest. Those are Marco's tanks. And nobody's denying that he's one of the best. Maybe Max has some arrangement w/ Marco to recolor his mods, but we won't be doing that. We respect his work too much and don't have such permission. Jeff has worked from the stock textures he PAID for, not the hard, FREE work of a 3rd party. And some time ago he was asked to plain them down AND obscure detail.

And of course most people will prefer a hi-res mod over a lo-res one anyday. But would you care to guess which ones will be used by the 200+ individuals who've e-mailed me complaining "I've got a PII 233 and 8meg VC, PLEASE MAKE LO-RES VERSIONS OF THIS DESERT STUFF!"?

As far as the color issue is concerned, I recall addressing this before (say, a coupla posts back), but once again... Had we really wanted an accurate depiction of the desert war, the ground would have been light grey/eggshell in color. The dust from said ground would have settled on and obscured buildings, rocks, vehicles, roads, walls, people etc. It would've been akin to playing CM in monochrome. And wouldn't that be a joy.

In case everyone missed the announcement, Jeff is the newest member of DFDR, and is doing exactly what he was asked to do: Not just highly detailed, hi-res vehicles (he's done those too!), but lo-res,detail-obscured textures that match the background color. As requested by many of the hardware impaired.

edit: Pawbroon marched in ahead of me. ;)

[ 06-09-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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Time for a cool break....er..or a Kit Kat!!

Just for fun I de-saturated the pic I posted to more accurately reflect what Club indicated in his post - ie: the real desert colors were DRAB, DRAB, DRAB. As you can see...or NOT see - as the case may be :cool:


It's interesting stuff - color perception is such a personal thing!

And if the demand is REALLY there to view an almost monochrome pale desert landscape (as it really is) then by all means let us know. It can be done - no problem.



[ 06-09-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

In any case and because I know your favorite line of defense, NOT all are Marco Bergmans or Fernando Carrera Buils.

Months ago, someone posted a South Park like MOD.


Did I used it? No.

Did I feel compelled to post a nasty comment about that childish attempt? No.

Do I think the MODer who did this had vastly improved his techniques and is now producing good things for all to enjoy? Yes...

To sum up, Give him a break!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What??? Didn't like my Jungle Cats mod? We to tell you the truth, I didn't either! tongue.gif I'm shocked that Madmatt has kept it on CMHQ all this time. :confused:

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

hmmmm?? Anybody care to vote?? I don't mind this last one actually...but then I am a minimalist anyway..heh.




They look fine too me. smile.gif

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Ok...including my vote, I count 3 definite votes so far for the last piccy of mine - none for the others (my pics that is!). Almost overwhelming support there for the Heap Desert Paleface option ... Ugh!! ;)

If that last pic gets a few more nods from interested DFDR'ers, who knows - I might just redo all my DFDR mods to date (including a new set of Mike's Tunisian tiles to suit - if that is ok with you Mike - they come up very well in the last pic don't you think?). The trees / rocks / rough all fit very well in that tone but a few others (roads for one) will also need re-tinting.

Like I said, I can change tack and do the lot - but only if there is a bit more support for that option. I think I would do a couple of units and post pics up here for public comment by you good folk before diving in the deep end (again)

Speak up now chaps!! It's up to you ...


[ 06-09-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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AussieJeff, go ahead and make whatever changes you like to the desert. Right now I am concentrating on early war battles set in France and Poland. I got the uniforms for Poles and French infantry, via David Singer, and I am finishing up some 60 plus scenarios set across the 1939-1940 period.


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Clubfoot said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Those are Marco's tanks. Maybe Max has some arrangement w/ Marco to recolor his mods, but we won't be doing that. We respect his work too much and don't have such permission. Jeff has worked from the stock

textures he PAID for, not the hard, FREE work of a 3rd party. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well actually, you do have permission. I put the following into ALL my mod docs:

This mod pack is released for free unrestricted use to the CMBO community. Feel free to do anything you like to it, so long as modified versions are labelled as such, and credit given both to me and any prior author. (In this case, BTS).

This pack may be freely posted for downloading, but must not be charged for.

Also there are standard resolution versions of all my later work.

Now, I am NOT saying that you must use anything of mine; I am saying that if you did want to use any bits like say the 3 piece Sherman nose you shouldn't feel constrained, but just go for it. I personally don't have enough time to cater for the desert stuff, but am happy to see someone else recolour my stuff for extended use.

The only thing that matters here is the advancement of enjoyment of the CM community. Which is something AussieJeff is doing very nicely.

By the way, I still can't see any of the pictures...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Or perhaps lighter still.....



hmmmm?? Anybody care to vote?? I don't mind this last one actually...but then I am a minimalist anyway..heh.



[ 06-09-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Looks nice!

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Hi Dirtweasle,

Sure......... I think the tracks can be dirtied up some as well...no problem.

Well, looks like support is forthcoming for me to re-color my DFDR mods to date.

Shouldn't take too long this time, as the first recolour was the hardest to do, due to the odd greens etc of the original bmp's!

And thanks for the go ahead on your excellent mods as well, Marco.....

Stay tuned then.....



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I've been busy re-working the basic DFDR camo scheme.

Here is a preview of where it's at. Let me know if this is on the right track!

I have tried a more grey/white tileset but it would most probably appear purplish on monitors with a different colour temperature setting. Unfortunately, I found as you get closer to whitish greys, the threshold between perceiving some colour or seeing purplish tints becomes very small. So I decided to bias the scheme back a little towards light tans/creams to hedge against that occuring on other monitors out there.


Your comments would be appreciated



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