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Split squad recon

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What does everyone tend to do once the squad they split up to do recon actually runs into an enemy force. I have tried immediatly moving them back with the platoon to even letting them slug it out until the rest of the platoon arrives to help them. Both have produced mixed results. Any suggestions?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LC-:

What does everyone tend to do once the squad they split up to do recon actually runs into an enemy force. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I usually just start writing letters to

their mums.

Seriously, it depends on the situation.

If a split squad is moving forward into

a potentially hazardous area, the rest

of the platoon should be in overwatch

cover. If you recon with your highest

quality troops (which I recomend) then

even if the half squad triggers an

ambush, it might be able to stand up

pretty well, with the aid of the platoon's

cover fire. OTOH it might not. Running

back is usually not a good option. Better

for them to take cover and let their

friends help them out. The key is that

they shouldn't have to 'wait for the rest

of the platoon to arrive'. The rest of

the platoon should already be in place

to assist. (even if at a distance). Of

course this is all theory, and the

situation can dictate other techniques,



[ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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I usually will recon with half the squad and have the other half at a midway point between the rest of the platoon and the point half squad.

If the point guys have run into serious trouble, then I will withdraw them back to the other half squad. I usually define trouble as having 3 firelines on the half squad and not many responding firelines on those enemy. Just finding shotters is a job well done.


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I have been experimenting with half squads for only my last couple of games with only mixed results. The first time with large American squads, it worked well, they scouted ahead until contact with the enemy, who then tried to use artillery and mortar fire to suppress and destroy where he thought my platoons were hiding, but I had withdrawn my half squad back and rejoined it with its twin, and brought up the rest of the platoon, when he advanced his infantry into my ambushes.

However, when I tried if with smaller Brit airborne squads, the half squads could not hold out long enough against German sub machine squads to rejoin their brethen.

So I recommend if you are going to try and use half squads for recon, that you only do it with large squads with a lot of men, US is best with 12 men in a squad.

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I agree also it depends upon the situation at hand. But I did just see something happen in a current battle I had never seen before. I split a squad to have both teams advance about 30 meters (about 60 meters infront of the main platoon), and secure an area behind a stone wall on the left and a woods area opening on the right. The two teams were approximately 15 meters apart. They advanced as ordered, secured the positions and at the last second of the movie they rejoined on their own back into a squad. I did not know that could happen, and it leaves me wondering under what circumstances they will do that.

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Split squads will simply join back up whenever they are close enough together at the end of a turn. You simply had good timing to have yours achieve their objective, stop, and remain close enough to join up at the next turn.

BTW Bruno, I believe you have spelled the good field marshall's name wrong. Shouldn't it be von Moltke? Thats what I seem to remember from AP Euro

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A lot can be written about split squads, especially when one writes about the Axis side due to their various infantry formations. But in a nutshell I shall attempt to gloss over my basics when utilizing split squads. First, and probably the most important, is to find a platoon or company HQ with a double command radius of the best morale level. I try to locate a company HQ unit with a double star, so it can be in command of the vanguard. Then, I break off one or two squads from their parent platoons. These squads come from platoons with poor platoon HQ characteristics. For example a platoon HQ with a single stealth bonus and nothing else would suffer a squad reduction to facilitate the manning of my company HQ recon platoon.

Be sure to keep the reduced platoons close at hand in case a serious fight develops. This permits a double overlapping of HQ’s when things get grim. Having the company HQ out in advance also increases the command envelope, which is great if your men must run between cover.

The company HQ platoon will stagger itself, with a single team out in advance, followed by the rest of the squads all broken down into teams. This is a great lure tactic when engaging a real opponent. He (or she) will see, at a distance, 5 squads of men making their way around. Teams tend to be hard to spot when using the move command. The lead team will not run, simply move to their designated position. Once there, another team will advance past the first team (leap frog) to the next designated location. If the enemy decides to shell, they’re hitting only two squads with a company HQ. Pay careful attention to the company HQ. Since these units have six men by default, they can stand up to a lot of punishment. But the trick to make sure they are not completely wiped out. A company HQ that’s reduced to but one man is still capable of full command! In some cases it’s more advantageous to fan out two teams in front of the company HQ platoon. The terrain ultimately determines who goes where, but generally never on fast move. If a team starts to take on direct small arms fire, change their move command to crawl. This allows them to receive more fire, but remain commandable. If they start to take on heavy direct fire from enemy armor or gun emplacements, run like the wind!

[ 08-05-2001: Message edited by: FFE ]

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