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Fairly Major bug found.


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This has happened to me fairly regularly now...i'll put anti tank mines on a road...and a vehicle will drive right over it with NO damage or explosion whatsoever..as if its not even there..there was no mistaking it...i mined a small dirt road..it covered all the entire road and even some grass on both sides but the tank went right over it...as i said, i've seen this quite often now.....can someone look into it? There were no troops around to id or disarm mines...and they were not personnel mines smile.gif I've the latest patch for the game



pic of situation and path of Sherm....i mean it went right over the bastage!



[This message has been edited by Fox (edited 01-14-2001).]

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I don't think a single mine "unit" gives you 100% chance of hit.

Try overlapping two.

Also, all the more reason NOT to rely on obstacles alone to "seal off" an area of the map smile.gif

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How much better placement can one get hehe...the sign went right thru the center of the tank. I asked cuz they seemed to work fine before, never had the problem so it seems to me something changed. Its really not a prob as it probably works both ways and the game is still enormously fun for me even after a year of playing. Thanks for the reply!



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I was once playing a quick battle and had something similar happen. I watched as those brave Americans came rolling down the road. In the lead was a halftrack. Rolled right over that mine. Nothing. The second vehicle was a Sherman. Nothing. I was cussing about now cause I figured "Great, faulty mine" Then the third vehicle rolled over it, it was another Sherman. WHAMMO! Toasted Shermy. I haven't seen this since so I don't know if this is normal for CM or not.


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Guest Heinz 25th PzReg


The mine sign does not mean there is 1 mine lying in that road. It means there is a minefield near the sign. A vehicles moving through a minefield does not always hit a mine. The density of the minefield would have to be pretty high for a 100% kill ratio!



"To subdue your enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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You should not expect minefields to be a major killer. Mine fields should be used to slow an attacker, and reduce the options for attack routes. You should cover minefields with other weapons, and take advantage of the slowing down effect- flank shots, mortar the concentration of infantry etc. To lay a field dense enough to guarantee kills would require more mines than is economic, and once the enemy know about it, it becomes nearly useless.

(Just my 2 pence worth)


The conception of such a plan was impossible for a man of Montgomery's innate caution...In fact, Montgomery's decision to mount the operation ...[Market Garden] was as startling as it would have been for an elderly and saintly Bishop suddenly to decide to take up safe breaking and begin on the Bank of England. (R.W.Thompson, Montgomery the Field Marshall)

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Now I'm wondering how nobody came up with the real answer.

Fox, your mines aren't working because you are using original BMPs.

My God I hadn't seen those stock textures in a while.

Marco Bergman's mines are a +2 blast radius in the Canadian patch.

Glad to be of help.

Other than that I could just say that mines aren't as deadly as they were in Steel Panthers for exemple.

Make them overlap.

Sometimes they kill, sometimes they immobilize and sometimes they sit iddle.

Best use of mines so far is to but them in woods where you know squads will bunch up to assault you.

When you MG them, they'll run towards cover and usually are quite surprised.

Now DON'T do that if you play agaisnt me!!!



You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Plus Fox don't forget the scale, looks like you tank is about +3 above realistic. Don't know if the hexs are 1m sq? but a minefield means a few mines I guess. Make a scenario yourself and buy lots of mines for defender Put them in good spots, Padlock them in place. And start running some tests driving over them. You will get a better feel for effective they are. Change your scale down to realistic and try it with anti-personnal mines with infantry.

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Seems since the minefield sign shows to your enemy (I assume everyone sees them) it would be a nice option to buy mine field signs without the mines or have two phony for each real. Let them figure out with engineers or movement which is the real one in your shell game. As with many tactics it's the threat as much as the reality that serves you!


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!

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Goofy - your opponent will only see the minefield markers after he discovers the minefield, which is often only after he's in it. Infantry seems to be better at finding mines than vehicles.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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I just played around in a QB using upgrade 1.1. Minefields worked great. Overlapping is excellent. Stringing them in a line down a road worked nicely also. They may make it through the first set but none through the third set. Once a mine exploded then the Minefield sign comes into existence for that field. The daisy chain minefield sign was seen as soon as they came into sight.

There is just no accounting for bad luck frown.gif

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I tried to imply that it often happens...not always hehe so u just can't make a minefield, drive over it in that one example and state "its not broke!" smile.gif But i appreciate ur help..it may just be bad luck. And thanks everyone else for the answers...i have np with <100 efficiency in mines...it just helps to know how they work..thanks again all! tho i still have my doubts as in some instances...3 or 4 vehicles will drive over it to no effect smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Fox (edited 01-14-2001).]

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I see the mines before I get to them. In some instances it's after I've plotted and I'm moving but it's rare that that happens. Just played a scenario where my opponent had one (mine field) and I was at least 250m or more away when the sign appeared and it was before I plotted. I have some odd things happen like that at times for instance my commo programs work RW and BC) while I'm in TCP/IP games. I hear the game noises and my oponent although they can't hear me, I have to type.


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!

[This message has been edited by Goofy (edited 01-15-2001).]

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