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AI targeting...again.

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When playing a huge map against Manx a couple of days ago, through sound contact, I could tell that he was trying to pull the old rear end maneuver(via hotseat, finaar finaar!!) meaning, 'he was trying to sneak his Tiger behind my Super P'. I didn't want to let him know I new what he was doing so I pretended to ignore his movement until the turn before he appeared. I gave the rotate command so that his Tiger would be confronted with a facing Super when it emerged but when the turn began my Super happened to notice an infantry unit, and, because there was no other threat in LOS he ignored my rotate order. Thus offering the Tiger a clear arse end shot. I understand that if a threat isn't in LOS, the AI doesn't consider it a threat...but, I know it was. All I wanted was the body to rotate but it stayed front facing to its infantry target. Has anybody else had this trouble?, I was wondering if an only target armour/ only target infantry option would remedy this in CM2.

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Just face up to it laddie - you were out-maneuvered (and out-fought!)...and on the day, it was I...I!! who shall sweep all before me as my tanks lay waste to anyone who dares to stand in my path as i roll relentlessly onwards in pursuit of military glory and world domination...Erm...sorry!, who deserved to win. biggrin.gif

Oh and BTW soldier - congratulations of the birth of your baby daughter - how on earth did you manage to find the time to fit that in!? hehe..hehe...hehe smile.gif


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[This message has been edited by Manx (edited 02-17-2001).]

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Itchy, a lot has been said about this topic in the past.

I for my part am hoping that such a change will never be implemented. The tank commander would have most likely never been aware of the threat on his flank if you - the player - wouldn't have been given this information through your godlike view on the field. As it is, CM rewards tactically sound play (keep an overwatch over your armor, move by bounds etc.) while a micromanage order "target inf/ targer armor" would destroy this part of the simulation which I - personally - prefer to have.

Please keep in mind that I am only stating my personal view, though. I am neither condemning players which prefer to play a different style, nor am trying to enforce this (it's BTS making this game the way they see fit). But this one wargamer here prefers it the way it is. IF a change should be made, then, IMO, it should restrict you knowing that a Tiger is approaching from the flank rather than give you an even better possibility to react to it.


"An hour has 60 minutes, each minute in action has a thousand dangers."

- Karl-Heinz Gauch, CO 1st Panzerspähkompanie, 12th SS Panzerdivision

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View is debatable. Perhaps his wingman with a radio let him know the Pershing was on his flank. I've requested the following for tanks to make them more valuable and realistic.

1. Turret control - No self-respecting tanker would take his gun off a known hard target just because it slipped behind a shrub.

2. Engage hard target and ignore non-AT equipped infantry. This is a tricky one because infantry close to a tank is a real threat but at range can often be dealt with later.

3. Advance until hulldown.

My 2 cents worth.

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I just wish my MG's wouldn't keep

switching targets from the hot firefight

at hand to shoot at a mortar team 600

meters away which is walking off the

battlefield, or an HMG at the same long

range which can't do any more damage

to them than the squat they are doing

to it.



[This message has been edited by CMplayer (edited 02-19-2001).]

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