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Yeah, and don't ferget the gas, belches, snorts and coughs. Speaking of which, where is the cigarette smoke? Sure sure when the bullets are whizzing most folks didn't settle in for a Lucky Strike, but before the fighting starts, on the way to and fro, or while sitting long enough somewhere to find a tree and a page from the Stars and Stripes, one might strike up a Camel. We need crows squawking too. And, when the shooting starts, all these birds should fly up in a flock, feathers floating back to earth. Catfish should be jumping in the lakes (do they got catfish in Europe, okay then bass I guess, or carp whatever they got), some frogs in the marsh, maybe a snake or two (a voice of a fellow in the marsh hollering; "Sarge, its a snake!", followed by; Tie yer snake in a knot you idiot and lets go.").

Now there weren't any commercial jets in WWII (unless someone else goes and buys a book), but none of us were in WWII anyhow and all we know are snippets and pictures, mostly post WWII movies, but in several of them you can see the vapor trails of commercial jets overhead. (The technical advisor deciding discretion was the better part of valor, and remaining mute with the set director). But for our post WWII audience turned experts from a book here, movie there, story from Grandpapa once in a while, it'd be good to have them vapor trails overhead. Just so we wouldn't notice. biggrin.gif

Besides, as someone recently bumped the Robin threat from August 2000, according to that, the American Red Breasted Robin, who's song some say can be heard in the game, (are you kidding me, someone is bird watching in CM?), anyway, that bird has been confirmed as being a North American habitat bird only. So, my original question was correct?

What the devil birds are in Europe? We cannot continue to have all these inaccuracies!!



"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 03-28-2001).]

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Originally posted by Schugger:

109 Gustav, thanks for digging out all those buried threads. It was a real pleasure to read them again; they are real classics smile.gif

Well, I needed something other than mods and scenarios on my website. smile.gif If you have a thread that you'd like me to post, send me the link.


The Last Defense- Made any scenarios? Send them here!

Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Now there weren't any commercial jets in WWII (unless someone else goes and buys a book), but none of us were in WWII anyhow and all we know are snippets and pictures, mostly post WWII movies, but in several of them you can see the vapor trails of commercial jets overhead.

Vapor trails are/were not confined to commercial jets; piston engine aircraft also created them. Any picture book of B-17s will show them prominently.....

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Originally posted by Pud:

OT (well its to do with current wildlife topic!) but for a laugh have a look at this, I wet myself on this one!

Lions, <font size="-1">opens to a new window</font>


Holy crap! The finer differences between lion cub sh*t and and big lion sh*t biggrin.gif

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