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CM:BO PBEM Automation Program found!

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I've discovered a PBEM "automation" program by Harri Pesonen called "PBEM" (v1.0.120) after reading about it on a post here on the Forum. -->"PBEM", size 2.41MB

Installed it and it seems OK and easy to use. Compared to KMAN's "CMOneClick", it looks/works much slicker than KMAN's version, any comments, experiences? - (sorry KMAN! ;))


Charl Theron

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Heh heh...

No need to apologize WineCape. I haven't actually tried PBEM yet, but I know that it handles the email and zip better than One Click does. And I know that Harri added One Click type functionality a couple of months ago ...

... so it does One Click functionality just as well as One Click, and does the other things (email and zip) better.

One major difference between the two is that One Click uses the incrementing number system, while PBEM uses the same file name (at least the last version I looked at did).

Just a matter of preference...


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In fact, credit is given to you KMAN in "PBEM's" release notes. Well done!

How about you trying PBEM, then play/fine tune PBEM's source code to make it *even better* Kyle? ;)

Kind regards

Charl Theron

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Thanks for the kind words! :D

Yes, the automatic loading of the correct CM game and automatic entering of password, that is KMans code. Thanks again! I just converted it from C++ to VB.

Let's hope that the forthcoming CM2 has a command line support for defining the game file and password, it would make it a lot easier.

And yes, in One Click the file names are numbered, in PBEM helper it should be always the same. One Click has a preference to numbering so that all the turns can be played back in one big movie (that's another KMan's utility). I think.

PBEM helper has support for MAPI as well.

Another difference is that PBEM helper is designed to be as general as possible, to support many different PBEM games. In fact the SPWAW 5.0 has PBEM helper included in the cd.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aaronb:

I'll try it out. If it's actually better than OneClick, it must be amazing.


How do you find the "PBEM" program, aaronb?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape:

How do you find the "PBEM" program, aaronb?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I had originally dismissed it because of the lack of automation (in my experience, password tracking was painful, opening/closing CM 10-20-30 times a day during a heavy PBEM day was slow). Given that it apparently now incorporates KMan's automation routines, I'll try it again on the weekend and feed back to the group.

I'm the guy who bumps Kman's utility every week - I must have an emotional attachment to OneClick. The challenge will be to look at PBEM objectively smile.gif

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WineCape, tried it, got this message:


Having learned the hard way, I would rather face a large pack of rabid, garlic-eating Chihuahuas than say 'OK' at this juncture.

Win98 SE, latest 'critical updates' from MS, pretty stock otherwise.

So, I'll stick with OneClick for safety's sake.

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That's pretty normal stuff. Microsoft Package & Deployment Wizard setup programs give that message when some of the system files are too old. I would say that it is VERY safe to click OK, but I'm not going to insist it. ;)

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hehe... go on aaronb, take the big click with your mouse .... and click! :D

Seriously, nothing, I repeat, nothing happens -- there is no screwing about with your essential/system files that will render your computer inoperable.

I have Windows95 at work, Windows98 SE at home;"PBEM Helper" is installed in both computers witn NO side effects.


Charl Theron

PS: Even the programmer, Fuerte, says so! ;)

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After screwing my courage to the sticking point - and making a full tape backup with emergency recovery disks at hand - I clicked 'OK'.


- convenient to just dbl-click the email attachment and get things going - no more 'save as'.

- less likely to mess up the file name, since the name stays the same.

- can do zipped / plain on a per-opponent basis. Some opponents like compressed, some hate it. Usefull.


- it's big. This is an aestheic issue.

- responding 'yes' to 'overwrite file', stemming from the lack of an incremental file number, is aggravating, and requires a surprised pause. I may get used to it.

- must manually exit CM

- must manually shut down CM

Overall, works well, and I do like the ability to with with a MAPI client and get that record of a send.

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Hello aaronb,

Thanks for the try and doing a guinea pig on us! smile.gif The question: Will you stick with this program? ;)

Fuerte, any updates/new planned feature(s) to be incorporated in PBEM Helper in the future, let us know sir!


Charl Theron

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