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Optimum Settings??OS and such...

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Right now I'm running CM with

Win 98 SE

PII 300 mhz

20 G HD

128 Mg RAM

I don't have a 3dfx card yet, but will be getting one next week

MUSE Maxi Sound Card

I'm running 16-bit Colour at 800 by 600 pixels

Should I be running it at 24 bit colour at a higher pixel rating? Right now CM does look a little, I'm, not like the pictures to say the least frown.gif Would that be resolved with the 3dfx card? Any help would be appreciated!!


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I had a 3dfx card, a VooDoo 2. I need to replace it to get full CM enjoyment, and after much research, I felt it best to buy a Xentor 32MB Ultra TNT 2 video card, which I feel is the best card for my system I could buy.

350 MhZ Pentium II


Asus P2B Motherboard

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Hey canock if i was u i would go for 1 of the GEFORCE CARDS after all they are the best on the market at the moment

me i have a

P2 450



my system copes with all but the largest maps

OHH and i have my screen resolution set to

16 BIT COLOUR 1024,768


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Hey canock if i was u i would go for 1 of the GEFORCE CARDS after all they are the best on the market at the moment

me i have a

P2 450



my system copes with all but the largest maps

OHH and i have my screen resolution set to

16 BIT COLOUR 1024,768


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I have an AMD K6-2 @380 mhz, 80 mb ram, Voodoo 3 3000 PCI, and 15" monitor.

When I had a Voodoo 2 I could not use the transparent smoke, and had LOTS of slowdown on big medium to huge maps. I also could not use many mods. Now with the Voodoo 3 (outdated, I know, but suits my price and purpose) I am happy with how everything looks and runs.

I run at 16 bit, 800X600.

I still have some slowdown with large maps, but oh well.

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