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Field of view (FOV) instead of Line of Sight (LOS)? Isn´t it muche better?

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Don´t you think it would be much better to have a key that shows you the WHOLE field of view of a unit just by clicking on it that to have to move the pointer all around with the LOS command? It could also have different shades of color depending on the unit´s range and effectiveness (great for ambushes!!!). I think it would give you a much better idea of the magnificent 3D world of CMBO. I sometimes find myself sending units to wrong places because I did not check all the views available.

Just imagine you have a unit selected you click on FOV and you see the effect of the trees on it´s sight, you see if the enemy is on it´s optimal range, you see the little hill or corner that serves as a defilade...And after clicking off it the colors change to normal and you are in the trench once more... :eek:

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Uncus:

It could also have different shades of color depending on the unit´s range and effectiveness (great for ambushes!!!). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Steel Panthers had something like that, and it worked fine for 2D. In 3D, you'd have to calculate and display the shadows, etc., for each unit on the fly, and I can see where that would slow things down. It would be a nice option, and would speed up the pace of issuing orders, assuming the micro could handle it.

I do like the handy measurement tool that the current LOS line provides, and I use it for that all the time. Counting hexes sucked.

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Try the following key combination:

Alt-Shift-Control-F12-Scroll Lock-Pause Break-Esc-Tab.

That should give you what you want. Actually it won't, but what you are asking for would be a nice feature. I don't think the current CM engine could handle that. Maybe someone with programming knowledge can say more about it.

[ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]

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This is essentially a gimmick which is easy to do in 2D, but a completely different kettle of fish in 3D. LOS lines go through the air. They are affected by vertical terrain features. FOV has to be some kind of blanket which covers the terrain visible to a unit, but it can't tell you how the unit's LOS is affected. To do this realistically would be a nightmare. It's only feasible to do in 2D, where a mere approximation is enough.

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I'm with you on all the different directions you have to check out before moving or whatever. I get my guys killed more because of that then any other reason. I would love to see some improvement in this area myself. Good suggestion. ;)

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This feature would help greatly in setting up defensive positions.

Could it be done as a LOS radius calculation from a single point feature of the map ? You would position your asset and then ask the game engine to show LOS up to X meters radius over a 360º arc. In essence it would give you what you would see with the mouse action as a single automated sweep.

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