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American's vs German's in game playing

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I just very recently started playing by email and have a question for anyone or everyone that cares to answer. Is the balance fair between the two sides? What I mean is, is the game actually any easier with one side or the other? Seems to me the German's have an advantage, Although I just got the you know what beat out of me when I was using the German's, but I beleive that was more to the other person's experience than what I'm talking about. Is it balanced?

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I have found that both sides are pretty even. I can lose just as well no matter what side I play. :0

Seriously though. The point system used in CM is suppose to only take combat ability into account. So 200 points of German armor should be equal to 200 points of Allied armor.

The problem comes in both sides used tactical doctrine that fit thier equipment. The hard part is learning about the diffrent units and how they are used most effectivly.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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The British/Canadians, Americans/French, Germans, and airborne troops all have advantages and disadvantages. Use any of them right, and you can win.

A few of the American's advantages are 12 men per squad, the M1 rifle, excellent infantry support, and fast tanks with fast turrets.

Some disadvantages are the lack of a decent high velocity gun for most of the war, poorly armored tanks, no squad level LMG, and poor squad level AT weapons.

Therefore, you should use the speed of your armor to outflank the enemy. Get in close enough and you'll find that those feared tigers won't be able to rotate their turrets fast enough to keep up with you. Speed replaces your lack of heavy armor, so keep moving fast and dash from cover to cover. Note that much of your armor, especially the M4 75 Sherman, is excellent at killing inf, but not very good at killing tanks. You may be better off buying tank destroyers such as the M18 to deal with armor, and a Priest or some M4 75s to kill inf.

For infantry, you can lose a third of your men per squad and still have as many left as some German squads. Also, all those rifles make for a good balance of firepower at different ranges, although they are outclassed by the SMG toting Germans at close ranges.

As for the British/Canadian, rifle squads, your advantages are, well... they're cheap and effective. However, you get ten men per squad, a PIAT with each platoon and a 2 inch potato gun. The same rules for American armor also apply here, except that you get a good deal more penetration with the 17lbr armed tanks.

The German's advantages are better tank killing tanks, a great variety of infantry squads to choose from, squad level LMGs and AT weapons.

Their weaknesses are poor infantry killing tanks, small squads, slow supporting weapons, and slow tanks with slow or no turrets.

For the poor infantry support, you may have to make up for the panther's poor blast by buying a wespe or assault halftrack. Try to use tanks in ambush positions to surprise enemy armor with flank shots. Fire a couple shots, pull back, move along parallel to the enemy's route of advance, and do the same thing again. Although your frontal armor is thick, it is not impenetrable, especially with the increased use of tungsten in 1.1. Don't count on being able to sit on a hill and watch shots bounce off, it doesn't always work and it's an invitation to get flanked by the speedy Allied tanks.

For infantry, you get the luxury of picking the right type for your situation. Fallschirmjaeger have excellent firepower at all ranges, at a price of course. SS rifles have decent mid and close range firepower, and nothing beats SMG squads close in. However, many of the squads have only 8 or 9 men, so if you lose a few, you're at half strength.

I find that slow supporting weapons are quite a disadvantage. Your panzershrecks will be hard pressed to keep up with a fast moving infantry assault, though this is less of a weakness on the defense. And of course, you'd better have a kubelwagen or something for the MG42s and mortars unless you want them to stay 400 yards behind the front for most of the game.


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Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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I think the game has turned out to be very evenly balanced.

As for smg squads, the trick is to simply not get into a fire-fight closer than 60m with them. Withdraw if you have to, but don't sit around and duke it out at close range unless you have plently of support weapons to tip the balance. Buy a number of mortars and max points of artillery. M8 HMCs are also handy for close in HE support fire. And as mentioned, you don't have to get many kills before they become ineffective. 3-4 loses and they are no match for an american 45 squad.

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IMHO CM is pretty balanced.

Many guys here were shocked when they first played CM. Their prized Tigers and Panthers beeing knocked out by Shermans all day long... :)

There is something like a myth about the big german cats being invulnerable and themselves firing like an M1A1...

Due to the (normally) short engagement ranges in CM (500-1000m) the heavy german tanks do not have that much advantage over their enemies.

The infantry is also pretty much balanced, although the axis fields the powerful SMG squads for close combat (and ONLY for that...).

The germans got a wide array of supporting weapons like inf guns, flak guns and that stuff that helps a lot on defense but is of lesser value on attack/meeting engagements.

The main advantage of the allies is (IMHO) in cheap and fast artillery. They also get more rounds/FO.

I think it depends a lot on your style of play, if you prefer axis or allies.

One can wine and loose with both.


Klotzen, nicht kleckern!

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