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Wow Rob, how many Americans have you actually met in person and talked to? Are you really so incredibly prejudiced that you don't like any Americans at all simply because of their nationality?

Most of the Canadians I've met have been good guys, and I've liked them, but based on this thread, I've gotta say I don't think I'd like you very much.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Wow Rob, how many Americans have you actually met in person and talked to? Are you really so incredibly prejudiced that you don't like any Americans at all simply because of their nationality?

Most of the Canadians I've met have been good guys, and I've liked them, but based on this thread, I've gotta say I don't think I'd like you very much.

Based on what Rob writes, Bush should nuke Canada biggrin.gif


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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Wow Rob, how many Americans have you actually met in person and talked to? Are you really so incredibly prejudiced that you don't like any Americans at all simply because of their nationality?

Most of the Canadians I've met have been good guys, and I've liked them, but based on this thread, I've gotta say I don't think I'd like you very much.

I ve talked to to many and they says suff(not knowing I am Canadian). On there thing I whent campaing in the U.S a about 12 times, the Americas walled throught me site 5 or 6 times a day!If that isn't rude I don't know what is.

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Thank God for Poland, or NOBODY would have Enigma.

25% of German kills in BOB-Polish pilots

Monte Cassino Captured (Not offending ANY other group-it was one hell of a fight!Just proud)


1st Pol. Amd. -Falaise Pocket

Warsaw Uprising...

Thanks to all countries who fought. They equally helped in the ultimate victory. I also am respectful of those German soldiers who fought for their nation.

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I ve talked to to many and they says suff(not knowing I am Canadian). On there thing I whent campaing in the U.S a about 12 times, the Americas walled throught me site 5 or 6 times a day!If that isn't rude I don't know what is.

That'll serve you right for setting up a tent in a shopping mall!!

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I've never met an American worth his or her salt that thinks the US single handedly won WW2. Anybody who genuinely believes this (ie not worth their salt) usually doesnt know their ass from a hole in the ground about anything. Their usually very opinionated, but derive their opinions from absolute rubbish.

I think that some people from other countries don't like the US because it likes to promote itself as the most powerful nation in the world. Personally, I believe that is at least ONE of the most powerful. But what the US fails to see is that this is because of the circumstances of WW2. The US was lucky enough to have 2 oceans between it and the conflict. Britain was fighting the war in the air above her own soil! The US is just lucky that there was no actual ground and air conflict (other than Pearl Harbor) IN the States. Otherwise, the US would have had to spent MAJOR time rebuilding the nation, economy, etc, and would be no where near as powerful as it is today.

By the way, I think it's funny how the world calls the US "America". The Americas are continents. Anyone in the the Americas is American. I've heard that South and central Americans get pissed when we call ourselves "Americans"

So what are we to call ourselves, United Statesians? wink.gif

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Oh and by the way...do France, UK, Canada, etc. have a major motion picture industry like hollywood? I ask because I truly don't know if they do. If they do then I'll take what I'm about to say back.

If they did, you'd probably see French, UK, and Canadian, etc movies about how these respective countries were the "main" force in WWII

Unfortunatly hollywood in the US is used for more than entertainment. Movies often contain thinly veild propaganda. I personally believe much of the Anti-Soviet setiment felt during the cold war would have been largely absent if it weren't for the movie industry.

So quite often those in the US who do believe that "us Americans bailed you Brits out" get there WWII education from movies and not much else. It's sad but true. And it does a major diservice to every educated US citizen who knows better.

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Some points of order.

While we are oh so proud of his feats of mental reasoning, dear, dear Rob/1 does not speak for the rest of us snowbirds.

And isn't it ironic that he changed his name to Sherman? Not Brock, not Prevost, not Crerar, not McNaughton... Sherman? Could he PICK a bigger yank? biggrin.gif

I'd urge my southern friends not to take his rantings too seriously (if you can decipher them, that is). He confuses the good-natured way we like to rib our neighbours with animosity or somefink.

Now, all that said, Canada made one contribution to the war effort that's hard to top -- large quantities of Uranium wink.gif


When it's my turn to march up to Glory,

I'm gonna have one HELL of a story...

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Originally posted by British Tommy:

It's Hollywood churning out all those war films distorting the facts that makes my blood boil! ( like the enigma machine! )

You do know that was a MOVIE, for entertainment and not a documentary.

You would should also know that at the end of the movie it listed the REAL Enigma captures, starting with the two British ones.

I always wonder how folks can operate a computer but can't tell a movie from a documentary....

I bet you guys are pissed because <u>X-Men</u> showed the Statue of Liberty.... jesus...

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Guest KwazyDog

Ouch, this one sure got nasty fast. Im going to lock it up guys because this conversation only head in one direction fast.

One thought to consider though. Have a think about what a different place the world could be if Britain had signed a treaty with Germany at the beginning of the war like Hitler wanted.

Now isn't the superbowl on or something guys! wink.gif


[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 01-28-2001).]

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