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New Scenario Available: ITS TOO DAMN SERIOUS

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After a one-month hiatus from scenario design (I've been in trial), I am pleased to get back in to the CM arena with my newest scenario..its small but fun (I hope), and anyone can have it if you post here. If any of you webmasters want to host it..let me know.

The scenario is primarily designed to be played solitaire s American. Its purely historical with no thought given to "balance". Here's the American briefing:

Private Zellin, one of the battalion messengers, arrived midway in the afternoon with a stranger whom he introduced as Fred Bankers, a war correspondent with the Associated Press. Mr. Benkers was writing a feature story on life inside the Siegfried Line. He took the names and addresses of most of the company headquarters men and Sergeant Castro's mortar squad and asked questions about the life we were living.

"Well, if you're from Boston", he said to Butare, the 2nd Platoon runner, "I suppose what you'd like best about now is a dish of good old Boston Baked beans, right?"

"Thats right," Butare smiled, "Nothing better."

The correspondent then turned to Private Croteau. "And how about you?" he asked. "What would you like best from the States about now?"

Croteau was sullen and seemed to object to the correspondent's questions. "I've got nothing to say", he said morosely.

The other men looked up with a sudden interest in what was being said. The correspondent seemed to miss the tenseness which his question and the answer had developed. "Oh come now," he said. "Surely there's something we could say you're missing for the folks back home."

"I've got nothing to say," Croteau said with an inflection in his voice.

I looked at his eyes. There was a curious flame kindling there that caused his eyes to sparkle in the flickering candlelight of the pillbox. The correspondent started to speak again.

"OK," Croteau interrupted. "I've got something to say. Tell them it's too damned serious over here to be talking about hot dogs and baked beans and things we're missing. Tell them it's hell, and tell them there're men getting killed and wounded every minute, and they're miserable and they're suffering. Tell them it's a matter more serious than they'll ever be able to understand. Spread it on thick...and leave off the sweet syrup that all the others write about"...there was a choking sob in his voice..."tell them its rough as hell. Tell 'em its rough, serious business. That's all. That's all."

That night, Croteau became the thirteenth man to be evacuated from our pillbox positions. My company strength was now only 123. Only eight men to defend the actual forward firing positions. Eighty men to defend a five-hundred yard front with a two-hundred gap in the right flank.

I climbed into my bunk. It seemed like I had been asleep for hours when I awoke suddenly with a start. Sparky's voice came to me from somewhere in the distance. "I'm trying to get artillery! I'm trying to get artillery!" Blackburn's voice was somewhere there beside it. "Get me Captain Anderson! Get me Captain Anderson!"

I jumped from my bunk. My feet stung from the rought contact with the concrete floor. There was artillery and mortars exploding in my head. I couldn't think. I shook my head sharply to clear the sleep from my brain. The Germans had come again.

There was a wild look in Sparky's eyes.

"They've hit all three platoons Cap'n." "Head on. They're pounding the hell out of 'em."

-- Captain Charles MacDonald


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Send it to The Last Defense! I haven't had an update in almost a week.



Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Free hosting for your CM pictures!

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Download It's Too Damn Serious at The Last Defense now!


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Free hosting for your CM pictures!

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