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AKoTM v2.0 contd. - post your painful updates and glorious AARs here!

Guest PondScum

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Texas...no problem.

Attention everyone: Due to Real Life issues the Due Date has been reassigned to 31AUG01.

I will send another email to Stixx so that he may update the AKoTM web page just incase something happens here.

Please attempt to post updates for me and do not miss the new due date.


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Before we slide into the Ether...

Does anyone have anything to report? Bitches/gripes/complaints?

How about you tell me where you are going to put your trophy when you win it? :D TBlaster has his prominently displayed atop his computer...how about you?

That is all...

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Guest PondScum

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Duke:

Does anyone have anything to report? Bitches/gripes/complaints?


I'd like to complain about the lack of targets that mPisi is presenting to me smile.gif. So far (turn 8) we've just exchanged a few spotting rounds and a single arty salvo each. No apparent casualties, other than to some innocent trees. I'm wondering whether I shouldn't start shelling the single building on the map, just to relieve the boredom.

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Guest PondScum

Bump. mPisi and I have now finished turn 11. He sent an Ami infantry platoon down each of my flanks, where they were met by a hail of 20mm and 37mm fire. On the left, the sole survivor of his scouting half-squad is running for the map edge, while the rest of the platoon has pulled back into the trees just outside his setup zone. On the right, I just found out that flak trucks aren't very good at target acquisition (hey, it's the first time that I've bought the damn things, I'm still learning as I go along) with the result that my dozy 20mm flak gun was left without support and got completely overrun. Three survivors of the crew got into a little hand-to-hand combat and then surrendered, the cowards.

As to what's going on in the middle around the victory flag, who knows... there's been no further contact. Be vewwy vewwy quiet, we're hunting waaaabbits :D

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Guest PondScum

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Duke:

"Throw me a bone here people..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Turn 15: my cowardly 20mm crew are now dead, thanks to a lovely bit of artillery fire from my FO. I was actually aiming at the platoon that had captured them, but I guess I'll take the "gamey" award for killing my own POWs smile.gif

Nearby, a Hellcat popped around the corner, buttoned up after a sniper shot, then foolishly (bravely?) unbuttoned again. Result: one dead tank commander.

No other contact to report - I think I'm safe in predicting a mad firefight in the last five turns...

What's up with labappel vs Texas Toast - is it going to be yet another delayed game? i.e., just how big of a point advantage will I be starting the final with? :D

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I'm still awaiting word from my vacationing opponent, he was supposed to be back yesterday. In the last week I have been able to analyze every possible move and counter-move to the nth degree. According to my extensive calculations, I am going to win 75-25! (margin of error +/- 50)

I believe we are on turn 3. I can't really remember the current situation, or what forces I have for that matter.


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Guest PondScum

Bump. mPisi and I have just finished turn 17 in our big game of "let's play hide-and-seek in these amazingly flat woods without actually bumping into each other". Sadly, Hellcats don't seek very well without their commanders, especially when they're going up against a flak truck. Losses so far: my 20mm flak gun and crew vs his Hellcat and half a platoon of infantry. That leaves each of us with well over 1800 points of unknown assets to get rid of in the last three turns - can you say "flag rush"? I'm doing my bit by using up my artillery and HMG ammo on long-range potshots at scurrying infantry. I trust mPisi will shortly start doing the same - or maybe he just bought lots of Jabos and they never showed up? :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That leaves each of us with well over 1800 points of unknown assets to get rid of in the last three turns - can you say "flag rush"?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow...that's amazing, and dull. :( At least the last 3 min will be fun eh?

Toast...how goes it with you?

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You guys suck! :D

I'm bored! Bored, bored, BORED!

But seriously...any news? A scrap of information? How about you tell me what you did last night? :D


Texas...move that game along, by force if you must, but make sure you get your opponent to move out.

That is all...

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Guest PondScum

I just finished watching the turn movie 19 from mPisi - this game is going down to the wire. Here's a quick recap of the last sixty seconds, which probably reveals a little bit more than I should :D

On the left, an American platoon advanced through scattered trees under sporadic flak fire and killed my sharpshooter. The flak truck that I reversed out of cover to harass the infantry was knocked out after about five shots from a hidden gun - so much for their "unkillable" reputation :eek:. And sweeping in from mPisi's lines came two Hellcats, going flat out at 50mph over the open landscape:


However, these Hellcats have several problems: they've got two tank destroyers ahead of them, a heroic PaK on their flanks that has survived repeated infantry fire, another Panzer in scattered trees nearby, and they're within 225m of "my" woods. I think we're about to test the "Hellcats can fire really well on the move" theory :D. The burning wreck in the background of the picture above is a Sherman that was advancing along the main axis of mPisi's infantry rush towards the flag. It nosed out of some scattered trees and got the following (terminal) surprise:


Further to the right, my flak truck acting as point guard for that Panzer detachment got the hell out of there just in time, as another American platoon came rushing fowards through the woods to close-assault it. Here we see it pulling out under fire, covered by an MG.


Finally, in the middle of the map my tripwire platoon placed in a small patch of woods just in front of the flag has performed valiantly, holding its ground in a confused firefight at ranges of 40m and less. Having advanced one platoon to the edge of the trees last turn, mPisi rushed another around to the side. Unfortunately for him, it had to do so under some intense artillery fire falling on pre-prepared coordinates (I love it when a TRP works out :D):


As a result, that reinforcing platoon is now down to half-strength and looking a little sorry for itself. Can they keep going and push on to the flag? Will his two Hellcats survive their baptism of fire? Dare the three platoons of American infantry on my flanks risk a charge over open ground to help their comrades in the middle? And I still haven't seen all of his points yet - where the hell are the Jabos? Just one more turn to go, and everything to play for... we should know by Monday who's going to be in the final!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PondScum:

I just finished watching the turn movie 19 from mPisi - this game is going down to the wire[...]we should know by Monday who's going to be in the final!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Keep them coming, I'm rooting for you!

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Pondscum wins, Axis tactical, 50-something to 20-something. It was a good game, Pondscum definitely out-picked, out-thought, and out-fought me... I was able to contest the flag at the end, my company of veteran infantry stood up well against his veteran Sotrmgruppe, but I had no vehicles left.

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Guest PondScum

It ended up 56-26: mPisi had more men left, thanks to his two companies vs my one, but lost three Hellcats and a Sherman to my single flak truck KO'd.

And to answer the speculation in my last post: yes, two of his platoons did overrun my tripwire platoon and push on to contest the flag. But my artillery had chopped their numbers in half - as his had done to my reserve platoon, who went from hiding quietly in the woods to running around like headless chickens amongst the shattered treestumps. His Hellcats did a lovely high-speed ballet, swinging around to take a Hetzer from two sides, but both fell within seconds of each other, one to an incredible "first round, 500 meters, through the woods, against a crossing target at 50mph, nothing but net" shot from my Pak. His flanking platoons started a charge, but against tanks this was always going to end in tears and dying-a-alot. And his unseen assets were a Jumbo (luckily for me the ugly monster had immobilised in scattered trees near his start lines) and two 76mm guns that had lovely ambushes on ground that I never went near smile.gif

I'd be interested to hear how Texas Toast and labappel do on the same map, but things aren't sounding good - maybe it'll be TT by default?

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Congratulations murderous Pondscum, you have prevailed over the valient mPisi and move on to the Championship match.

Please see updated bracket for details.








Texas Toast


Texas, I am sending labappel an email for an answer to this. I will cc you in it.

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Guest PondScum

*Bump* from page four... What's the news from the battle of Texas Toast vs labappel? I wanna get moving on kicking some ass in the final! And I'm sure the rest of the board wants Duke to start planning the next AKOTM tourny :D

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The news is that labappel did contact me back regarding the email I sent. He ran into some real life issues but is talking with the Toast about a TCP/IP match this weekend.

So as far as we know, the match is still on and should be able to finish if they do get a tcp/ip match in.

This weekend I am going to work on the Championship match/map...I want to find a way to test all that you've learned without it being a pure infantry fest. (As you know I like Armor)

As far as the next AKoTM goes...lol...I'm not even thinking about that right now! My work-load at work just doubled (again) and will remain so through Christmas. (In fact, it will probably double at least twice more :eek: ) Oh well...such is the game industry. :cool:


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OK, we are finished.

My ridiculous force consisted of two companies of green rifle/VG supported by two crack King Tigers, four flak trucks, two StuH42, and two 120mm FOs. Labappel fielded a much smarter force composed of primarily veteran British airborne with one Firefly and a couple of Daimlers and Wasps.

My KTs ruled the field, but Labappel was wiping the floor with my green infantry. I managed to catch a significant portion of his forces in a nice barrage, and unloaded countless HE rounds trying to supress the plentiful infantry. I knew I could probably contest the lone VL with my armor at the end, but I was losing the infantry battle very painfully.

In one of the most surprising finishes I have seen, it ended in a 50-36 Axis minor victory. My final infantry flag rush was repulsed quite easily, but the KTs shrugged off the final few PIAT rounds to claim their share of the flag. His infantry losses were only slightly higher (169-158 I believe), but I guess since his were veteran airborne they counted more than my green riflemen.

So, by some miracle (or perhaps curse), it looks like I will be in the finals again...


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