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A Must Read For Newbies: PBEM FILE NAMING

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I've been using the following file-naming system for a while and it works pretty well except for the fact that I always lose.

I like to describe what it is that I'm doing during the turn, so I can go back later and look at points of interest. If it's a movie, I like to describe, in text, the highlights of the movie. CM allows something like 256 charcters in a filename so there's no point to being concise and minimal.

A typical exchange would go something like....

Sneaking_platoon_through_west_forests_hoping for_surprise

To which my opponent would reply with something like...


And then i watch the movie and name the file...


and so on.


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tss, thank you for trying to offer an answer as to why one should number the turns. However, I have about 10 gigs left on my hard drive so space isn't a problem and if it was the last thing I would want is to clog things up even more my keeping mulitple files in my PBEM file so that the one out of 500 times a file is corrupt I don't have to download the email again. Taking your point even further..if you are limited for drive space keep the "safety" back up file on your email's server will save you even more space.

Can someone else try to give me a good reason to name files besides writing an AAR.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Can someone else try to give me a good reason to name files besides writing an AAR.

Some opponents do not rename the turns, and mistakenly send the wrong file (my old one, or their old one, I've had both). File numbering helps to jog old memories, or at least start over where you left off. It also helps to prove to some recalcitrants that the really, really are on the wrong turn.

Sometimes long lags due to RL occur during a game. You can replay old files to get caught up.

Sometimes a Thing happens and when the war is over you want to go back and see how it came about.

And reason #1 to save and sequentially number old files...

...to save them all into one big long movie so you can play the whole battle back. God, I love that.


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