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Bergman needs a bit of Sherman beta... dress warmly

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Marco has decided to answer the cry for snow covered Shermans as an add-on to his upcoming Sherman Mega-mod. (Yeah, yeah... I know, longer gestation than an elephant smile.gif )

Anyway he has sent me a partial beta mod that covers the M4 and M4A3, including the 76 gunned version, that looks thus:


We need a few good CMers to road-test these beauties for a bit and let Marco know what needs to be tweaked, changed or scrapped. MAJOR CAVEAT! Because this is an incomplete set, your other Shermans are NOT gonna be a pretty sight when these babies are loaded - mismatched snowy turrets on bare hulls are guaranteed.

With that warning, do we have any takers? Anyone who wants to try them out, please E-MAIL me (no posted requests please) and I'll send 'em right off to you. In return, all Marco asks is a little unvarnished, straight-shootin' feedback.

- Old Dog

Old Dog's CM Central The CM Photo Gallery!

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Well, the mismatching hulls and turrets don't look bad either, long as its these new snowed turrets with the summer hulls smile.gif

These look great on the battle field. Got it down perfect.

Beta huh? I can't see a thing wrong with them. First thing I said when I saw it was "You looook marvelous."

What a joy that BIG SHERMAN mod is going to be. The jumbo, the HVSS Shermans, and snow too!!! I'm beside myself with excitement.

I love them. I'm in the waiting room pacing for the news of the elephant! I've got cigars waiting!

[This message has been edited by kump (edited 02-07-2001).]

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Berrrrrrrrr, makes me want to run and put on me long johns. Beautiful work as always (I think we're getting spoiled). smile.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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Originally posted by Hoopenfaust2:

Can I sign up for your course?

What I want to know is. How come your screenshots look so good. My closeups don't look that good in the game.

...and how hi-res are these bmps?

Hoop, the most important trick is that I'm shooting Marco's exceptional work biggrin.gif I run at 1024x768 with all the latest terrain mods (that's DD's Winter stuff in the background and that new great winter overcast sky from the set at CMHQ). See my website for some further general suggestions about shooting in-game screen shots.

Marco works generally at double the default dimensions of the BMPs, so the BMP area is 4 times as large.

- Old Dog

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