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About the Eurowarrior Jerk Of the Month award...

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As Maximus' theme music starts to play in the arena, the almighty Maximus is seen casually strolling towards the ring. He sees all of his FAQ buddies sitting ringside for this new spectacle.

"Watch this boys, I'm gonna make minced meat outta him!"

Maximus climbs into the ring and starts chuckling to himself, "You got to be kidding me right?"

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by eurowarrior:


I could buy and sell all of your sorry asses... tongue.gif


Oh yes, you father knows all about computers, makes a lot of money, blah, blah, blah. I see they even deleted all your posts from the very thread the whole Eurowarrior Jerk of the Month Award originated from. Seems like even Chraolic discovered what a jerk you were.

Next thing you know, you'll be a regular here spouting off everything you know about the 88mm penetration values or the relative armor thickness of a Schurzen and then telling us that nobody else could dispute you. :rolleyes:

[ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

As Maximus's theme music starts to play in the arena, the almighty Maximus is seen casually strolling towards the ring. He sees all of his FAQ buddies sitting ringside for this new spectacle.

Oh yes, you father knows all about computers, makes a lot of money, blah, blah, blah. I see they even deleted all your posts from the very thread the whole Eurowarrior Jerk of the Month Award originated from. Seems like even Chraolic discovered what a jerk you were.

Next thing you know, you'll be a regular here spouting off everything you know about the 88mm penetration values or the relative armor thickness of a Schurzen and then telling us that nobody else could dispute you.


Yeah...My Dad Does earn alot of money...

BTW : I don't know much about alot of things, just alot about select subjects...

:rolleyes: I just don't understand why you are such a wan.ker...


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**running in panting with a ice cold 6-pack of Stella Artois in one hand and a large plate of steaming spicy wings balanced on the other**

**skids to a halt**

**sits self down**

**opens beer with flourish. Begins to eat wings**

This is starting off nicely. And I only missed the first salvo.

Anyone want a cold Stella (not to be confused with my ex) or some wings???

[ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: Terence ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by eurowarrior:

Chraolic deleted my posts because AnimaLMotheR told him to...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And I wonder why that was? :rolleyes:

Let me clue you in on one thing. Just 'cause your daddy makes a lot of money, et al. Doesn't mean that you know jack **** about anything. You see you sound like one of those teenagers that always goes spouting off saying "You don't know me." Well, the truth is, is we do know you. Alot can be determined on how one communicates with others and how one acts.

I was interested in the Cossacks game after I d/l'ed the demo v1.02, then I go to the CDV Message board and I discover jerks like you. Now that the turth has come out about the game and the apprent CD-drive read problems, I postponed my purchase of the game until said problem is addressed. And judging by the way CDV or GSC has addressed the problem in the six months the game has been out, I doubt very seriously that I will buy the game. Besides, Empire Earth looks to be a much better RTS anyway. And I don't even like RTS games per say.

[ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

I really shouldn't take time to do this, I was going to shave my privates with a cheesegrater, but this seems almost as entertaining.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OMG! You guys are killing me. EW isn't even remotely funny, but the rest of you...

Any pizza left?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

OMG! You guys are killing me. EW isn't even remotely funny, but the rest of you...

Any pizza left?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

After those two have been at it? even a virtual pizza doesn't stand a chance.

Have some wings and spit the bones at EW.

I think I've got some pickled okra around here somewhere. it sure goes nice with the beer.

[ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: Terence ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence:

I think I've got some pickled okra around here somewhere. it sure goes nice with the beer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How sad. What a waste of perfectly good okra.

You're supposed to FRY it, m'boy; FRY it!

Who taught you to order food anyway?


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Well you know something is wrong when you advertise a Message Board that is a Flaming Board in your signature.

Anyway, EW, you see this board in particular is a very well educated and informed group of historian-type of people. Well with the exception of a few, which ironically, sound a lot like you. We tend to actually know what were are talking about. Just look at the number of posts on this board. We have just shy of 247,000 posts on this board. There are more posts in our Tech Forum than most boards have in their Main Discussion Forum.

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I could buy and sell all of your sorry asses...


Well let's be honest here, cause this is that type of forum but I believe it is your "Daddy" who could buy and sell us all. You have to wait until your snotty little ass turns 18 before you can get your soft chubby hands into that trust fund.

Then you can buy a BMW and become the rich idiot, fate has in store for us. You know the type who run over the Butler, "but that's ok cause so did my Grandfather and we own the law firm".

But lucky us! We get to read all about your early years here in our little corner of the world.

May I suggest that you go back top whatever board your "super 2000 Ghz 21 inch Flatscreen Pentium 8, but I still threw a hissy fit cause it was the wrong color" computer use to take you to and leave us poor bumbkins back in the outer darkness we used to call home before being blinded by your colourful personality.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

How sad. What a waste of perfectly good okra.

You're supposed to FRY it, m'boy; FRY it!

Who taught you to order food anyway?


Order? Who said anything about ORDERING. I pickled that okra with my own hands.

And how am I supposed to maintain my boyish figure eating fried food. Ain't the beer and wings enough???

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Running (pant, pant)....'damn traffic' he mutters. Sees opening in line, cuts in front of a group of nuns. 'Where's the damn ticket?' he states under his breath. Finally inside arena. Get to seat. Pay $20 to kid next to me to get moi a cold one. Somebody taps my shoulder and asks

Need a program?

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* runs in with beer and jumps on the sofa, narrowly missing Mr Spkr's tongue hanging out*

Have I missed anything?? Is it over yet?

Since the action is a little weak here at the moment, anybody remember JOCHEN PEIPER AND HIS ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME RANTS AND EXTREMISM IN DEFENSE OF THE NEW REICH?

Maybe he's come back.....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Enoch:

Why not direct this guy over to the cesspool. Or would he defile it?!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Better flamers than this have tried. But they leave out of boredom because cesspudlians ignore them.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:


Since the action is a little weak here at the moment, anybody remember JOCHEN PEIPER AND HIS ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME RANTS AND EXTREMISM IN DEFENSE OF THE NEW REICH?

Maybe he's come back.....[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yea I remember him!! Man what a weekend that was :D Can someone pass the beer...

SS Peiper

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