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Stalingrad Operation for CM2

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Please please please???

Wouldn't it be cool to have a huge map, totally covered in a city with burning ruins, buildings, craters, and everything and use it for an operation.

Maybe the far eastern border could be the river Vistula and the germans victory is to reach it, while playing as the Russians, the western edge could be the suburban outskirts. And RIGHT in the middle we could have (remember this?) the Dzherizinsky Tractor Works. Man that would be a cool operation. Oops, I forgot about not mentioning that OTHER wargame. Anyhow, I would love to see this as a massive operation.

I would REALLY love to see it as a campaign. You can't tell me that most of those soldiers didn't fight in a majority of the battles for Stalingrad. It seems that in these types of circumstances, the argument against campaign games doesn't hold up too well.

Just my two pfennigs

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Good Lord, I hope you mean the Volga...

That other wargame mentioned in the Designer's notes that the real Tractor Works was a massive complex that had to be assaulted by 200 tanks....ye gods!

I am sure the BTS might possibly have considered this but in the unlikely event they have not, I am sure there are a few people just itching to take the map from Red Barricades and do an ASL conversion. I must confess to looking forward to that myself.

[This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 03-19-2001).]

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Originally posted by Croda:

So who thinks that come May, everyone will be begging for CM in the Pacific to recreate the attack on Pearl?

Pearl? mmm, no.

Pacific Theatre? Been there, done that.

Official answer? "We haven't ruled out the possibility"

Good enough for me.


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Originally posted by Kingfish:

That's one hell of a big map to have the Vistula on the far eastern border! Just think, on one screen you could be playing scenarios from 3 different theaters at the same time.

Now that would be a cool game!

Could I play as three different nationalities at the same time as well?



Think you've got me?

Watch out for the sting in my tail!

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Yes Croda, and I am hopeful that Big Time will think to include the random "Romance" factor to the unit strength.

Believe it or not, the reason I would like to have a Stalingrad operation is not because of the eye candy I watched this weekend (well, maybe partially) but due to the fairly unique battle that the seige of Stalingrad produced.

It was door to door fighting at its most bloodiest. Where a single line of fire down a deserted street might mean the difference between victory and defeat. Where cheap molotov cocktails destroyed the most expensive tanks on earth.

Yes Croda I believe Stalingrad would be a good battle to portray. As far as Pearl Harbor goes. What was it other than a standard surprise bombing raid? Better suited for Combat Flight Simulator, no?

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Guest Rommel22

There are some good maps of stalingrad if anyone needs them on this site!


I made a city map with units to fight with, you can download it on my site. The city map is part of the Achen map but i added more to it. If you wanna take a look tell me what you think.

If someone would create a Stalingrad scnerio it would be nice. I have some really nice pictures at home. I can post them maybe tomorow or something.


Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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