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==The Free Endgame Randomizer for CM!! Finally. No more flag rushes!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Is this, or will this end game randomizer be secure enough to be used in the proposed CAL tourney being set up by Treeburst 155? And again it means MAC users can't use the end game randomizer in the tourney. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, the secure mode WILL most definately be able to be used in tournament game. It will feature passwording and encryption. You create a BER game file, enter in a password, and send it off to your opponent to do the same. Once the BER file is created in that way, it will from them on require file swapping with passwords to access each turn's results....like CM does with its PBEM games. We should all be familar with that convention ;)

As far as MACs go, I unfortunately don't see us porting it over to that system I'm sorry to say. We MIGHT consider allowing someone at BTS or a Mac coding guru to attempt a port over, but we'd have to see. If someone out there is interested, send me an email. The Web based approach is a cool idea too. I like it. We might look at that sort of implementation in the future. The only problem with that is access. There are some issues with a web based approach versus a program on your desktop (their are benefits too though I agree).

Question: Will WinDoze or a PC emulator work with the BER?

As a sidenote, bradleyh and are contemplating designing a very cool and FREE utility for managing CM Mega Campaigns that will allow a "Game Master" to assign generals to both sides, track force compositions, generate QBs using those compositions, do random events (breakdowns, strafing attacks, partisans, sabotage, etc), weather and time of day calcs, handle supply issues, have large maps big enough to break up into CM sized battlefields as required, etc, etc, etc.

In other words, you would gather up say a group of players who wanted to play a string of battles or operations, assign them to one side or the other and give them troops. The program would accept move orders from the "players" for their armies and then calculate and manage the data for you. Conflict/battle parameters would be provided by the program based on the troops present, surprise, weather, terrain, supply, morale, fatigue, location, objective and so on. It would then assist the GM in knowing what type of QB to create, how much and where to put the troops, and so on. The GM creates that QB file and notifies the combatants of the encounter. After the players fight it out, the results are entered back into the manager program and play resumes with whatever ragtag and battered bunch you have left (unless of course you get replacements and reinforcements).

This would be a cool and easy way of engaging and managing multiple players in a dynamic CM roleplaying environment.

I don't know. This would take some doing but we are up to it. Question though: What is the interest level? Anyone interested in this idea? Perhaps we should take a pass and spend the time with our families if only a few people are into the idea.

BTW, BER v1.5 (with secure mode) might be out by this weekend. Ill let you all know.



[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: TeAcH ]

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