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Plane targets in CMBB

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I very highly doubt you will have more control over air support than you would in CMBO. The opponents on the Russian front historically had less coordination between ground and air units than the Western Allies. Therefore, having air attacks be more random than CMBO would probably be more accurate than giving more control over air support to the player.

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I think that we should be able to see some russian aircraft in CCBB. Historically the russians used flimsy biplanes with machine guns to strafe at infantary at tree hight.

If we saw these biplanes, and npot a shadow it would be great!!!!!, plus also it should be noted that these low flying aircraft were usually fired at by Russians as well cause they never could ponder how something could fly! (Lack of education evident smile.gif )

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The graphics engine in CMBO & CMBB - for what little I actually know of it - is probably incapable of modelling a flying aircraft on the screen. You will have to be happy with just shadows representing the attacking aircraft.

Actually the most common aircraft on the Eastern Front would probably be the Russian Sturmovik - which was a metal monoplane. It was a dedicated close air support plane that was made in greater numbers than any aircraft of the war (including any American aircraft).

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As opposed to how often Allied or German planes were fired on by their own AA, I suppose. Truth of the matter is, when you see an airplane coming towards you in a combat situation, either you shoot at it or you hide; and people remember being shot at much more than they remember not seeing something, for some curious reason.

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