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Are you my wife maddog?

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Ive been playing CM for so long I forgot the name of my wife. My son is still waiting for me to pick him up at school and my daughter now knows that a Panther is one bad ass tank. My son can now lay out a criss crossing field of fire (who needs algebra?) And my daughter knows that when daddy hits the moniter and says bad things to those %$#^#$%# germans in that #@$@%^# pillbox, hes just being "happy". And when mommy yells at daddy to "turn that damn game off or your not going to get dinner" Sarah knows mommy is just being silly, because daddy is being a hero and saving the world from the Nazi guys, who do bad things. Anyway, i forgot the name of my wife and i think i just lost a sherman to a #$@#$ tiger. Oh well will i ever get lucky one day? :cool:

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